If an account is closed on my credit report do i still have to pay it

Question: My credit card account was closed 6 years ago. I paid a reduced payment at the request of the credit card company, but never missed a payment. Unbeknownst to me, they closed my other account. I can no longer make purchases, but I technically still have an account with them. When I went to have it opened back up, they said there was nothing that could be done once it was closed. I have a small balance left but will have it paid off very soon. Is it hurting my credit more now?

Creditors can close a credit card account without the user’s permission for many reasons and without warning. Generally, this happens if there’s prolonged inactivity, overspending, or a history of missed or late payments. They are also likely to close the accounts of users participating in hardship programs or payment plans, which seems to be your case. Once your credit card is closed, you can no longer use that credit card, but you are still responsible for paying any balance you still owe to the creditor. In most situations, creditors will not reopen closed accounts.  

Closed accounts and your credit reports 

Closing a credit card can hurt your credit score because it affects your utilization ratio, which is the second most important factor determining your score after your payment history. Your utilization ratio is how much you owe on your credit card accounts compared to how much credit you have available. The negative effect of a closed account on your credit report depends on the circumstances leading up to the closure and the health of your current credit report. If your account was closed six years ago, the worst of it is already behind you. The effect of negative accounts lessens with time, so your closed account is no different. However, the remaining balance is still affecting your utilization ratio. So, it’s a good idea to pay the remaining balance and move forward with a plan to rebuild your credit.  

Tips for rebuilding your credit 

The path to rebuilding your credit will be as unique as your credit report. The general advice to boost your credit report consists of paying on time and keeping your credit utilization low. Then, you can work on maintaining a healthy mix of credit cards and loans while opening new credit sparingly. Ultimately the right strategy for you will depend on your current circumstances. For instance, do you have any other credit cards besides the one that was closed? If so, you can focus on using those credit cards strategically. If you don’t, you will need to open a new credit line. For example, you can open a starter credit card or a secured account to help you establish a positive credit history until you can get a regular credit card. 
Start your rebuilding strategy by reviewing your credit reports. You can get a free copy of each of your credit reports, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, through AnnualCreditReport.com. Checking your credit history can help you discover any areas that require attention. If you want to see your score, you will have to purchase it directly from each credit bureau. Sometimes, making sense of it all and creating a plan to improve your credit can be daunting, but you are not alone. The NFCC has a vast library and resources, including certified financial counselors to help you along the way. You can reach counselors online or by calling 1-800-388-2227.

/ Tuesday May 10, 2022

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Seeing closed accounts on your credit reports might make you worry that something is wrong. But before you jump to the worst-case scenario, keep in mind that creditors close accounts for multiple reasons, and they’re not all bad.

A creditor may close an account because you requested the closure, paid the account off or replaced it with a loan, or refinanced an existing loan. Your account may also be closed because of inactivity, late payments or because the credit bureau made a mistake.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to make sure the information that’s being reported is accurate because incorrect information can negatively affect your credit.

Read on to learn more about why an account might be closed, what it means and what you might be able to do about it.

  • Why closed accounts may be on your credit report
  • How a closed account might affect your credit
  • What to do if you find a closed account on your credit report
  • Next steps: How to recover after your account is closed

Why closed accounts may be on your credit report

There are several reasons an account might be reported as closed. Some may need your attention, while the rest aren’t cause for alarm.

  • You requested it. If you wrote to your creditor, canceled your account and got acknowledgement that the account was closed, it should come as no surprise that it shows up as “closed” on your credit reports. Closed accounts in good standing will typically remain on your report for 10 years.
  • You paid off or refinanced a loan. Paying off a loan usually closes the account. Since you’ve finished paying off your debt, you’ve fulfilled your obligation and the loan no longer needs to remain active. On the other hand, refinancing involves paying off your current loan with a new one, so you might see that your old loan is closed (and a new one is added).
  • Your creditor closed it because of inactivity. If you don’t use your card for a long time, your credit card issuer may close your account. To prevent this from happening, you could try keeping one small monthly payment on accounts you want to keep active.
  • Your creditor canceled your account because of delinquencies. If you fall behind on your payments, your lender may close your account. Keep in mind that negative payment history for these accounts may remain on your report for seven years.
  • The credit bureau made a mistake. If this is the case and you have proof that the account should be listed as open, file a dispute to fix the error.

How a closed account might affect your credit

The effect of account closure on your credit depends on multiple factors, including the amount of available credit you’re using, the length of your credit history, the status of the closed account and the accounts that are still open.

Here are a few things to watch out for when an account is closed.

Your credit utilization may increase

Your credit utilization rate is the portion of revolving credit you’re using compared to how much you have available — generally expressed as a percentage. If you close a revolving account, such as a credit card, the total amount available decreases.

When that happens, your credit utilization could increase, which may lower your credit scores. In general, most experts recommend keeping your rate below 30%.

Closed accounts may stay on your credit reports for up to 10 years

One of the factors used to calculate your credit scores is length of credit history — the longer the better. Old accounts in good standing remain on your credit reports for up to 10 years, which may increase the average age of your accounts and improve your scores.

But when the account falls off after 10 years, the length of your credit history may decrease, which could cause a temporary drop in your scores.

On the flip side, if you have a closed account with a negative history, such as delinquencies, the derogatory information in many cases will remain on your reports for seven years. While it’s there, it will negatively affect your credit history, but the impact on your scores can diminish over time.

Your credit mix may change

Using a mix of different types of credit may have a positive effect on your credit scores. If an installment account, such as a car loan, falls off your credit report, leaving only revolving accounts, or vice versa, your credit scores might drop.

What to do if you find a closed account on your credit report

If you have a closed account on your credit report, what you need to do next depends on whether you know why it was closed and if the information is correct.

  • No action required. If you asked the creditor to close the account or you paid off a loan, there’s nothing necessary for you to do.
  • Contact your lender. If you don’t know why the account shows as closed, the creditor might be able to tell you. If your creditor closed it, you can ask if it’ll reopen the account, but it’s not required to. Either way, you know it wasn’t a credit bureau error.
  • File a dispute. If the lender didn’t close the account or you don’t agree with what it’s reporting, you can file a dispute with the credit bureaus. You’ll need to explain in writing what’s wrong, provide documentation that shows why you believe the information is inaccurate, and mail it to the credit bureau or bureaus. The Federal Trade Commission has detailed instructions on how to file a dispute.

Next steps: How to recover if your account is closed

If you’re worried about your credit scores dropping after an account is closed, you may want to consider these ideas.

  • Getting a credit-builder loan — If your account was charged off or closed because of delinquent payments, a credit-builder loan may help you establish a positive payment history and build credit.
  • Rounding out your credit mix — Getting a new loan just to improve your credit mix probably doesn’t make sense. But if you don’t have any open revolving accounts, you may want to consider getting a credit card. If you use it sparingly and pay the balance in full each month, you won’t accrue interest on your purchases. And it’ll improve your credit mix, possibly helping to bring your scores up.
  • Decreasing your revolving account balances — If a revolving account was closed, reducing the balances on your remaining revolving accounts will help decrease your credit utilization rate, which may improve your credit scores.
  • Have your rent payments reported to the credit bureaus — Rent payments aren’t automatically reported to the credit bureaus. But you might be able to get them added by signing up for a rent payment service that reports your payment history. On-time rent payments might help lift your scores. But keep in mind that not all credit-scoring algorithms use them.

The solution that’s right for you depends on your personal financial situation. Before taking on new debt, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. And apply for new credit sparingly because doing so generates hard credit inquiries, which could ding your scores.

No matter what you decide, it’s important to monitor your credit history to make sure all the information is accurate. If it’s not, it could affect your ability to qualify for a new loan or credit card. You can get a free copy of your Equifax, Experian and TransUnion credit reports once every 12 months at annualcreditreport.com.

About the author: Jennifer Brozic is a freelance financial services writer with a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in communication management from Towson University. She’s committed… Read more.

Do you still have to pay closed credit accounts?

What happens to your balance after you close a credit card? When you close a credit card that has a balance, that balance doesn't just go away — you still have to pay it off. Keep in mind that interest will keep accruing, so it's a good idea to pay more than the minimum each billing period.

Should I pay off closed accounts on credit report?

If the account defaulted, it could be transferred to a collection agency. Paying off closed accounts like these should improve your credit score, but you might not see an increase right away.

What happens when an account is closed on your credit report?

Closed accounts, whether they were closed by you or closed due to payoff or transfer to another lender, are not automatically removed from the credit report. The status of the account will be updated to show that it is no longer open, but the payment history of the account will remain on your report.

Do I have to pay closed collections?

A collection agency is a third-party vendor that will try to contact you in an attempt to collect your debt. Some people don't know what to do about unpaid collection accounts on their reports. It's important to note that you're still legally obligated to pay this debt.


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