Immigration letter of support for a family member sample

In the age of computers and the internet, letter writing is considered old school. Why write letters when you can send an email or chat with somebody online using the computer or a mobile device? Letters have tons of uses, and we must admit that despite being old school, it is still a useful document that may never go out of service. Letters also serve as supporting documents like a character reference letter or a recommendation letter. If you need to help a family or friend with their immigration visa application, then a letter of support for immigration purposes or a letter of support for immigration is the letter you need to write.

What Is a Letter of Support for Immigration?

A letter of support for immigration is a type of recommendation letter that is written on behalf of an individual to support their application for immigration. The letter gives light to the positive characteristics of the immigrant to help convince the immigration officer to approve the sample application. Some of the good characteristics that may be mentioned in the letter of support include work ethics, trustworthiness, morality, etc. There are other reasons why a letter of support for immigration is needed, and it includes naturalization, confirmation of employment, proof of marriage or spousal relationship, proof of residency, etc. A letter of support for an immigration case or a letter of support for immigration court is used for deportation or to confirm an asylum for immigrants escaping persecution.

So, if you have a family member or a friend who needs help with their immigration application, then the best way to help them is by writing a letter of support for immigration. What do you need to write an effective letter of support? That would be knowledge of what the letter should include and persuasion skills.

What Should Be Included in a Letter of Support for Immigration

The ideal immigration letter is written using a formal immigration format as it is intended for a formal audience. However, it should also be made personal and captivating so as not to sound like you are presenting a list of claims. In other words, the letter of support you should be writing must be an interesting formal letter. One that doesn’t sound and feel robotic or generic.

So what should you include in your letter of support? You would want to tell a story here. Write about the history of how you are related to the immigrant professionally and personally. You’ll also need to include the positive qualities that the immigrant possess and the contributions they are expected to make in society in the future.

Writing a support letter for the first time can be tough, especially if you’re really not into writing formal letters or other types of letters. What you can do is check out samples to become familiar with how the letter is written and a lot of practice. You will also need help from people who tried writing a letter of support before or someone excellent at writing formal letters.

8+ Letter of Support for Immigration Samples

1. Affidavit of Support Letter For Immigration Template


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  • PDF


2. Sample Immigration Letter of Support Template


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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


3.  Support of Immigration Visas Letter


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  • PDF

Size: 228.3 KB


4. Basic Immigration Reform Support Letter Template


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Size: 318.4 KB


5. Immigration Support Letter Outline Template


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Size: 90.5 KB


How To Write a Letter of Support for Immigration

These easy step-by-step instructions will guide you through the process of writing a letter of support for immigration for your friend or family member.

1. Use a Formal Letter Format

You’ll be writing to a formal audience, so the most appropriate type of letter format to use is a formal letter format. It’s important to get the format right because this is what your audience will immediately see before they actually start reading the contents of your letter. If you look online, you can find several letters using the formal letter format, and you can use them as your references.

2. Make an Appropriate Introduction

The introduction part plays an essential role in the sample letter because this is how you will greet and address your audience. If you know the name of the recipient of the letter then, you can use their last name in the greeting. If not, you may use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN”. It should be capitalized and with a colon, instead of a comma. You should also say something about yourself and how you came to know the immigrant.

3. Tell a Story About the Immigrant

After writing something about yourself, proceed to tell a story about the immigrant. Although this is a formal letter, you shouldn’t sound overly respectful and rigid. Your story should be a captivating personal declaration statement that will help in persuading the immigration officer to approve the immigrant’s application. Tell of the positive qualities that the applicant has and how they’ll contribute to society. Remember always to be polite and don’t exaggerate.

4. Revise and Proofread

It’s important to review system your finished letter and check for spelling and grammar errors. If you need to make revisions, do so as many times as you want until you are satisfied with what you have written. Your letter should make sense, and it should be presented in the right way.

5. Finalize Your Letter of Support

When you are satisfied with your draft, finalize your letter by transferring it to a clean sample sheet of paper. Take note of the margin, font style, font size, and indentions appropriate for the letter. Send the letter when you’re done finalizing it.

6. Immigration Support Services Letter Template


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  • PDF

Size: 5.8 KB


7. Immigration Support Letter Example


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Size: 89.0 KB


8. School Immigrant Letter of Support Template


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 652.9 KB


9. Support of Immigration Template


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 100.7 KB


It’s easy to write any type of letter if you have reference list materials to use. So why not use the samples provided above? You can even download them for free! Check them out now!

How do I write a letter of support for a family member immigration?

Tips for Writing a Support Letter for Bond Address the letter with “Honorable Immigration Judge.” Explain what type of person they are, including positive traits that have contributed to the community, your family, or in a professional capacity. Indicate whether you think they are a danger to society.

What should be included in a letter of support for immigration?

Introduce yourself and provide your own citizenship/immigration status. Establish your relationship with the applicant. Describe the applicant's personality traits with supporting examples. Write in a narrative format to support the purpose of the letter.

How do I write a letter of recommendation for a family member?

How do I write a personal recommendation letter?.
Always start with the date..
State who you are recommending and what you are recommending them for..
Describe how long you know the person and in what capacity..
State their best qualities..
Give details about the person's character, morals, and values..

How do I write a character reference letter for immigration?

State the basics, like your name, your profession, citizenship status, and your relationship with the applicant. You can also mention how long you've known the one who requested the letter. Then provide referencing locations, dates, and such if possible.


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