Information security awareness quiz questions and answers

Information security awareness quiz questions and answers

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Security Awareness Quiz Questions

Category Question Answer



1. Why is backing up data files important? Backups ensure that the information you need is there when you need it

If the information is damaged it can be recovered

The business continues to operate



2. What can you do if you fall victim to identity theft? Contact the fraud department of each three credit bureaus and request a fraud alert be

put on your file

Contact the creditors for any accounts that have been tampered with

File a report with your local police or the police in the community where the theft took


Be cautious – ask questions – secure your personal belongings



3. Name three general security rules you should practice for

your building or office

1. Don’t let anyone in if they can’t get in themselves

2. Insist on seeing ID from people you don’t know

3. Don’t let strangers “mess” with anything even if they do have ID

4. If access into your area requires a badge, always keep the door closed

5. Employees required to wear badges should have them visible at all times

6. Escort visitors to departments. Don’t let them wander around

7. Revoke access immediately when an employee or contractor is terminated or leaves for

any reason

8. Follow your defined process for informing all necessary areas when an employee leaves

9. Don’t leave data at printers, fax and other



4. What should you do if you see a stranger walking in the

halls of your building?

Always escort visitors. Have them wait in lobby for you and escort them back when

your business is completed.

Politely ask any stranger, “May I help you?

Encourage “sign in and out” and retturn of visitor badge

Notify visitors of applicable security information (emergency exits etc.)tc.)



5. What is a Social Engineer? Social Engineer is a con artist – a person that will talk people into revealing passwords

or information that will compromise the company security

You will find additional resources on the Information Security Awareness web page.


October Cyber Security Awareness Month Quiz

September Ransomware Security Quiz

August Social Media Safety Quiz

July Travel Security Quiz

June Phishing Quiz

May Cyber Security Superhero Quiz

April Spring Cleaning Quiz

March Fraud Prevention Quiz

February Cyber Security Love Quiz

January Cyber Security Resolutions Quiz


December Gift Card Scam Quiz

November Online Shopping Security Quiz

October Cyber Security Awareness Month Quiz

September ABCs of Cyber Security Quiz

August Safe Surfing Quiz

July Password Security Quiz

June Phishing Quiz

February 'Love Security' Quiz

January Resolutions Quiz


‘Phishing’ Quiz


Summer social media

Back to Basics Quiz

Connect with Care Quiz

Cyber Safety at Home

Working Remotely

Protecting Mobile Devices

Love Information Security



Shopping Safety

Humans of Security Quiz

Fake News Quiz

Back to School

Security While Travelling

Summer Phishing

Smart Cities

Security by the Numbers

Spotting a Fake

Who Are You?





Online Shopping

Cybersecurity by the Numbers. 

Social Media Mania!

Be WiFi Aware

Security While You Travel

Internet Of Things


Digital Spring Cleaning

March Fraud Prevention

February Love Your Online Life

January Security New Year Quiz


December Online Shopping Safety Quiz

What are the seven 7 main components of security awareness?

The components of a successful security awareness program.
Make it compliant with laws and regulations. ... .
Secure managerial buy-in for your program. ... .
Help from other departments. ... .
Cover the basics. ... .
Include a training procedure. ... .
Diversify the content and methods. ... .
Make it intriguing and at least a bit entertaining..

Which of the following three is the strongest password?

Q1: Which of the following three is the strongest password? A: The correct answer is 3. This is a random password and thus the most secure one of the 3. starwars is not random and a commonly used password.

What is information security Mcq?

Explanation: Information Security (abbreviated as InfoSec) is a process or set of processes used for protecting valuable information for alteration, destruction, deletion or disclosure by unauthorised users.

What is information security and its awareness?

Information security awareness is an evolving part of information security that focuses on raising consciousness regarding potential risks of the rapidly evolving forms of information and the rapidly evolving threats to that information which target human behavior.