Is it okay to wear fake eyelashes everyday

5 reasons why you should wear eyelashes everyday

Do you still think falsies are only for special occasions? Think again! At Silly George, we believe you should feel fabulous every day, that’s why we are here to tell you why false eyelashes should become a staple in your makeup routine.

Wearing eyelashes every day has become a rapidly growing trend in beauty, and it's not hard to see why. Not only are they a great way to enhance your natural appearance, but they're also an easy way to give your makeup a boost. Read on to find out how and why you should wear fake eyelashes every day, along with some tips on how to get the most out of your favourite set!

1 They are easy and quick

If you are still on the fence about adding lashes to your everyday look because you think it will take ages, we get it. But we promise that it’s super quick and easy. Our lashes are so quick and easy to apply that it only takes two seconds. We recommend using an eyeliner like our LinerBond system to make applying your lashes easier than ever. You don’t need glue, magnetics or anything messy and complicated - just use the precision tip to draw a line that will hold your lashes in place for 12 hours. Couldn’t be easier!

2 They are great for any occasion

Supermarket runs? Check! Busy day at work followed by a gym session? No worries! The right occasion to wear fake lashes is whenever you want. It’s your face, your choice. The good thing about the Silly George lashes is that you can wear them pretty much anytime, anywhere and make every day special. They are comfortable, light and come in handy case with mirror so you can apply (or take them off) whenever you need.

3 You can pair them with any look

Bold or natural? Whatever look you are going for, you can find the perfect lash to match your style. For example, Girl Next Door lash is perfect for an ‘almost’ natural look whereas the Girl on Fire set will complement a bold look with their fabulous cat-eye style. Either you are going all out or looking for something more natural to wear to the office, we got it.

4 They last longer than you think

One of the most common concerns when it comes to eyelashes is either or not they’ll hold throughout the day. And the good news is that they will. At Silly George we are proud to make eyelashes that work for you, no matter what your day (or night) look like. Wind resistant, rain-proof, whatever the day brings your eyelashes will always stay in place through it all.

5 You can reuse them, day after day

What if we told you that your lashes can last for up to 30+ wears? That’s right, no more tossing them after one use. Falsies are an affordable and sustainable way of enhancing your everyday makeup look. If you clean and keep them in tip-top condition they’ll give you more wears. And on top of that, reusing them makes the application process even easier and quicker since they’ll hold the perfect fit so there’s no need to trim or bend them to your shape again.

Just wash your hands before gently pull off your eyelashes, clean them with our Lid & Lash Cleanser and pop them in their case - ready for next time!

What are you waiting for?

Start elevating your everyday look with the perfect Silly George lash set. Find the ones for you, here.

False eyelashes are a great way to enhance your look and give your eyes a little extra “pop.” But how long can you wear false eyelashes? If you’d like to know how long you can wear fake lashes for, and if wearing them for long periods of time will harm your natural lashes, keep on reading…

Wearing false eyelashes is a great way to add drama and glamour to your look. However, many women are unsure about how long they can wear false eyelashes before they need to be replaced.

Generally speaking, you can get away with wearing false eyelashes for up to five days. After that, the lashes will start to lose their shape and may become detached from your natural lashes.

To extend the life of your false lashes, avoid using oily makeup removers or cleansers, and be gentle when brushing them clean. With proper care and maintenance, you should be able to wear your false eyelashes without issues.

How long can you wear individual lashes?

How long you can wear your individual lashes will depend on how well you take care of them. To get the most out of your lashes, it is important to use a good quality lash adhesive and apply it sparingly.

You should also avoid using oil-based products near your lashes, as this can break down the adhesive. When it is time to remove your lashes, be sure to use a gentle cleanser and avoid tugging or pulling at them.

With proper care, your individual lashes can last for several weeks. However, if you notice that they are beginning to loosen or fall out, it is best to remove them and start fresh.

Is it unhealthy to wear false lashes every single day?

There is some debate about whether wearing false eyelashes every single day is healthy or unhealthy. On the one hand, false lashes can help to protect your natural lashes from damage caused by makeup and other products.

On the other hand, some experts believe that wearing false lashes every day can actually weaken your natural lashes over time. If you decide to wear false eyelashes every day, it is important to take good care of your lashes and give them a break every once in a while.

Can you sleep in false eyelashes?

Even though you may feel like you look great with your false eyelashes on, it’s not a good idea to sleep in them. The lash adhesive glue that is used to attach the falsies can weaken your natural lashes if it’s worn for long periods of time.

The falsies themselves could come loose and end up sticking to your pillow. Not to mention, it would be pretty uncomfortable to sleep with something poking your eye all night long! So, while wearing false eyelashes may give you a boost of confidence during the day, it’s best to remove them before you go to bed.

Does lash glue harm your natural lashes?

If you are concerned about the safety of lash glue, don’t be. The ingredients in lash glue are safe and non-toxic. However, if you are allergic to latex, you may want to avoid using lash glue altogether. It is important to use a good quality lash adhesive and apply it sparingly. If you use too much glue, it can cause your lashes to become brittle and may even lead to them falling out.

Does wearing false eyelashes every day ruin your natural eyelashes?

Wearing false eyelashes can be a beauty routine that does wonders for your look. Unfortunately, if not done properly, it can also ruin your natural lashes. When applied and removed correctly, false lashes shouldn’t do any damage to your real ones.

However, if you’re not careful, you can end up tearing or ripping out your natural lashes, causing them to become thinner and weaker over time. If you wear false eyelashes that are heavy or poorly made, they can put unnecessary strain on your natural lashes, causing them to fall out prematurely.

So, if you want to wear false eyelashes without damaging your natural ones, be sure to handle them with care and choose high-quality lashes that will be gentle on your delicate lash line.

How often should you give your natural lashes a break from fake eyelashes?

It is generally recommended that you give your natural lashes a break from false eyelashes every few weeks. This will give them a chance to recover and grow back if they’ve been damaged. It’s important to take care of your lashes in between wearings by using lash serums or oils to keep them healthy.

How do you get false eyelashes to stay on?

There are a few things you can do to help your false eyelashes stay on for as long as possible. First, make sure your eyelashes are clean and free of any oils or makeup.

Next, apply a thin layer of lash adhesive to the strip lashes, and wait for it to become tacky. Once the adhesive is tacky, adhere the strip of lashes to your lash line, starting at the outer corner and working your way in.

Gently press down on the lashes to secure them in place. Finally, apply a coat of mascara to help blend your natural lashes with the false strip lashes.

Can you sleep in fake eyelashes?

Fake strip lashes are meant to be temporary, and sleeping in them can cause all sorts of problems. For one thing, your lashes are more likely to fall out if you sleep in them.

Sleeping in fake lashes can irritate your eyes and even lead to an infection. So if you want to keep your lashes looking their best, it’s best to avoid sleeping in them.

Can you reuse individual lashes?

If you take care of them, you can reuse individual lashes multiple times. Simply remove the lashes from your lash line and place them back in their tray.

Be sure to clean the lashes of harmful bacteria,  and the tray before storing them away. It’s important to replace the adhesive every time you use the lashes to ensure they stay on properly.

Do false individual eyelashes damage your real ones?

False eyelashes can damage your natural lashes if not used properly. The key is to be gentle when removing the falsies and to avoid using too much eyelash glue.

Try to choose high-quality false lashes that are less likely to cause damage. If you take these precautions, you can wear false eyelashes without damaging your natural lashes. False eyelashes are a lot less harmful than eyelash extensions.

How to keep false eyelashes on for days?

Applying fake eyelashes is a great way to enhance your eyes and create a dramatic look. However, getting them to stay put can be a challenge, depending on the type of lashes you’re wanting to wear.

If you use the right products and take care when applying them, you can keep your lashes looking gorgeous for days. Here are a few tips:

Before applying the lashes, make sure your natural lash hair follicles are clean and free of oil, as part of your eye care routine. This will help the false lashes adhere better.

Use a good quality lash adhesive, and apply it sparingly to the lash band. Wait a few seconds for the adhesive to become tacky before applying the lashes to your lash line. Use tweezers to gently press the lash band into place.

To prevent the lashes from coming loose, avoid rubbing your eyes or using oily makeup products around the lash line. If you need to remove the lashes, do so gently with tweezers.

Gently peel off the lash band, starting at the outer corner of the eye. Avoid pulling on the natural lashes, as this could cause them to fall out. With proper care, your false eyelashes will stay put for days.


How long can you keep glued eyelashes on? False eyelashes are a great way to enhance your eyes, but it’s important to take care when applying and removing them. It’s best to give your natural lashes a break from falsies every few weeks. When used properly, false eyelashes will not damage your natural lashes and can be worn for days at a time.

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Hi, my name is Gemma, and I’m the owner of I’m a true beauty obsessive, and love writing about anything to do with beauty. In addition to Makeup Muddle, I also own, and love sharing my thoughts and feelings about the greatest (and not so great) beauty products!

Do false eyelashes ruin your eyelashes?

But can fake lashes ruin your real ones? The good news is that false lashes, when used properly, won't damage your eyelashes at all! It's only when you over-apply glue or pull the lashes off aggressively, that some lashes may get caught and pulled out. Never pull your lashes off when it's time to remove them.

How often should you wear false eyelashes?

False eyelashes made out of synthetic material can be reused up to five times. On the flip side, if you're working with mink or silk eyelashes, those are a bit more durable and can be reused up to 20 times.

What happens if you always wear fake eyelashes?

Damage to Your Natural Lashes Unfortunately, fake eyelashes may also cause temporary or permanent loss of your real eyelashes. Taking the fake lashes off can break your natural lashes, and even damage the hair follicle. When this happens, your own lashes can fail to grow back.

How many days can you wear false eyelashes?

Generally speaking, you can get away with wearing false eyelashes for up to five days. After that, the lashes will start to lose their shape and may become detached from your natural lashes. To extend the life of your false lashes, avoid using oily makeup removers or cleansers, and be gentle when brushing them clean.


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