Its alright jack stauber lyrics

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Its alright jack stauber lyrics

When I first heard this song I was caught off guard and almost turned away by the screeching sounds in the chorus. After many listens, though, I’ve come to appreciate them and infer that they symbolize somebody crying or screaming while Jack tries to calm them, saying It’s Alright. It’s such a powerful song.

Its alright jack stauber lyrics

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Oddly enough, I think it’s one of my favorites. The screeching seems offputting at first, but it almost seems like the world being destroyed around someone and then being content with it. I think it’s beautiful

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I feel like a few of his songs feel off putting at first. Like for another example, I used to think I Love You Verne Troyer was a really odd song but now that it's grown on me I absolutely love it

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Honestly I never felt off-put in the first place... guess I’m weird but I love to listen to that part with headphones and just release my tension because it changes the atmosphere of the song as it decreases in tone.

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The screeching makes it for me. It prevents it from being a calming song like something like Windrag, but it also turns it into a great track to have a breakdown to

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Honestly, that's the only song by Jack Stauber that I don't enjoy listening to. I do appreciate the meaning of it all but the screeching is just really annoying and off putting.

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I didn't like it either, but after listening to the hilo cd evertime I drive I eventually quit skipping it and found I liked it.

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It would be better if instead of screeching it was synthesizer sounds

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i dig the song but without the screeching it would be so much better

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I actually like the screeching noise, for some odd reason.

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Its alright jack stauber lyrics

The official (unofficial) subreddit of singer-songwriter Jack Stauber! -- Banner by u/MyPlea

  1. Chemi

    This song has a warm, comforting feeling. I personally don't mind the screeches. To me, this song is like a long, comforting hug, and the screeches are the frustrating world outside of it. Music helps me cope with arguments or stressful things, and HiLo is one of my go-to's, especially this track.

  2. Its alright jack stauber lyrics

    mayo EEE

    it's sad boy hours

  3. A Definitely Dead Meme

    The only therapist I’ve had thats helped me. Jack.

  4. Kane frekin Thomas

    Oh I
    No tears, don't
    It's alright
    Feels weird but calm
    Oh I, I'm calm
    It's alright
    I'm here
    Everything's alright
    Feels weird but calm
    I wanna hear It's alright
    Oh I
    I'll think of something
    It's alright
    I'm here
    Everything's alright
    It's alright
    I'm here
    Everything's alright
    Feels weird but calm
    I wanna hear it's alright
    I wanna hear it's alright

  5. Four is 4444 44

    Você é incrível!

  6. MarineVolt

    i listened to this song getting over a breakup of a relationship that i was super clingy in but this song brought me a lot of comfort during that time!!! i still like this song, it's super pretty in a sad way. we stan jack stauber

  7. Grapple Granfletopps

    Spongebob thinking how the song should go:

  8. Cabbage Guy

    An artist isn't an artist until they disturb the comfortable, and comfort the disturbed

  9. mayo EEE

    I love the screeching sounds in the chorus

  10. Pigeon Salad

    it's alright screeeeeeech

  11. Gangsta Luigi

    The screech makes it disturbing, Jesus.

    mayo EEE

    It's a nice screech, Gangsta Luigi

  12. NovanoDelta

    i could hear the screeching noise for hours

  13. Artistically Photographed

    Jack Stauber: it's alright
    Me: : )
    Jack Stauber: *screeches into my ears*
    Me: oH-

  14. Axolotl 9

    3:48 the start of today today starts playing faintly

  15. Tovicio

    It's all (not) alright

  16. Elijah Mena

    It’s a master class in feelings

  17. vincent

    thank you

  18. TV By the Docks

    You're in space free-floating with limited oxygen as your ship explodes behind you and the AI in your suit tries to calm you.

  19. Mxxnlight

    For a while I was felling amazing about myself after being depressed for quite a while. But all of a sudden, one day I felt just how I felt before, I thought it was just for that day but it became weeks. I’m still feeling sad and this song has been playing as I’m crying for all of the past weeks, thanks Jack once again, you have helped me in hard times.

    Lexie DaMoose

    I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope you get better.


    Lexie DaMoose Thanks I hope I get better to. :)

  20. Rhiannon Straz

    a few months ago i was at summer camp. during a hike a fellow camper fell off of a cliff and sadly passed away. we were sent home from camp immediately, and 7 hours later i finally arrived home. i hadn't had access to technology for about 2 weeks, but immediately picked up my phone and played this song and everything felt better. i still play this song whenever i'm reminded of the incident and i honestly don't know how i would've been able to cope otherwise. thank you, jack.


    Was this in pennsylvania?

  21. BeanMarioCow

    The screech makes it sound so good because it represents our emotions, it hits so hard out of nowhere and it hurts you, but hearing him saying it’s alright just makes it feel so good... it’s like it makes you just feel happy with the pain. This is honestly so beautiful

  22. Thathemmer

    First time I heard this song I was trying to fall asleep and that dumb ass screech scared me half to death

  23. Riverside

    i had the whole album in the background while I was working and suddenly had to pull myself away to pay more attention to this song halfway through

  24. Megan Silver

    1:00 that moment you finally kill the boss

  25. I'm Hetias

    I think the screeching sound represents the crying of a person if someone was telling me what Jack sings,I would probably start to cry and that's why it's something irritating but beautiful at the same time. Someone's confidence supporting you sometimes makes you emotional

    i just luv this song

  26. godly jawline

    I really hated the scratching at first and couldn’t stand to listen to the song, but now after giving the song another try, I enjoy the scratching a lot and wouldn’t want to hear the song without it.

  27. ThomasTheSpecter

    I’ve always loved when a song does that. It sounds so pure and sweet and it hits me in the feels, then the distorted sound hints at the fact that things may not actually be “alright”
    I might actually be loosing it a little.
    Beautiful song.

  28. Vampire Killjoy

    I’m in probably the most stressful place in my life I’ve ever been. I just had an anxiety attack so bad I could hardly breathe from hyperventilating.
    And this is the most calming thing. His voice is so soft, it genuinely feels like there’s someone who cares.
    When his voice is shaking and he says “I’ll think of something, it’s alright” it’s literally the most heartwarming thing. I love jack’s music so much.

  29. Gluddy

    thanks jack

  30. Trakwold

    I listen to that song when I am kind in a sad mood. I imagine that I am watching some fireworks

  31. KingNigelOfTheKookaburraCreek

    Me: looks at enderman
    Enderman: 2:40

  32. CEO of Space and Time

    This song hit different

  33. Kristin Lee Chee-Thomas

    Is it "I wanna hear everything's alright" or "I am here, everything's alright" (like someone being comforted)?

    Fire Friend uwu

    Well the first one, at 1:02, says "I'm here", but then the second one at 1:15 says "I wanna hear" :3

    Kristin Lee Chee-Thomas

    @Fire Friend uwu Ahh. Thanks.

  34. butlerkitties

    i don't think i've ever heard a song more powerful

  35. Prince Darwin

    Issa real noice sonj, 10/10

  36. Zero Dord

    I have the HiLo disc in my car every day. I always skip this song when im driving during the day, but during the night after a big day of great significance, theres no more bittersweet feeling than this song playing softly during the night drive theough the nocturnal world.

  37. Thathemmer

    I was trying to go to sleep to this motherfucking album but god fucking damnit what the hell is that screech

  38. AlmondNoJoy

    The screeching isn’t there to cause tension or to give you a feeling of uneasiness, it’s there to give you something to compare his situation to, it’s there to show you how it isn’t alright. He’s just faking it for everyone else.

  39. Rainbow Freckles

    The screech is so loud
    Yet so addicting

    I love it

    I need more

  40. Croix

    Is it me, or i don't hear any sreeching at all?

  41. Awooga

    Anyone else doing that jack stauber song bracket thing and cant chose between john and nancy and its alright

  42. M.E Kyle

    I've been a fan of Mr. Stauber's music since March of 2018, and while I've listened to all of his albums and most of his short songs, this is the only piece of his that resonates with my soul. The lyrics and melody come together to create a wonderful bittersweetness that feels like an amalgamation of my truest, purest feelings.

  43. Logan Chesney

    When everything falls apart, and it's alright to stay together

  44. Jordan Guy

    “I’ll think of something, it’s alright” that phrase in particular made me cry because idk how many times I’ve had to tell someone that in hard times.

  45. Clown Clown Clown Clown Clown

    never thought I would cry to screeching sounds... but here I am

  46. Trash Trash

    107,570 views and only 17 dislikes... I swear only jack can do this.

  47. Six0606Unknown PS: I do YouTube and stuff.

    I’m doing a earrape challenge what is really loud this is a 96/100

  48. Mr. Whap?

    this song makes me feel so warm yet so sad. Its like a mixture of tears of happiness and sadness. Its so reassuring and that's what makes me so sad.

  49. nuclear inquisition

    great song, just the right amount of rythm with no out their transitions, or over use of electronical sounds crammed in

  50. Weza Jeza

    i miss josh

  51. vesacksi

    its like weezer on dmt
    just fuckin perfect

  52. Lee SourNewt

    the perfect slow dance song

  53. worm spunk

    I actually came here specifically expecting the comment section to read how it does and its oddly comforting. We're not alone.

  54. Gabriel Smough

    I just lost my job and this is the perfect song

  55. khalimari

    idk bout y'all but the screeching really pulls the whole vibe together. the screeching feels like,, I dunno, things you can't say out loud. a cry. things you can't describe with words. the screeching, to me, isn't a noise. it's a feeling.

    and i really feel it right about now.

  56. Colby Anderson

    This song is like my depression because I bottle everything up inside and at some point I break and I can't help it

  57. StumpyTheFrivolous

    I burst into tears when I hear this song. Mostly tears that make me feel like if someone actually cares about me...

  58. Ceaesr

    The screeching isn't even that bad, why don't people like it

  59. roodi tooti

    yeah yeah, the screech is cool, but the ending is SOOOO FUCKING GONER like??? can no one else hear that?????????/

  60. Richand Darksbane

    I want to just, lay my head down

  61. Chip

    That screeching sound brings up emotions and memories that I have tucked away to forget about and they all come flooding out with every screeching sound burst. Like it when you have a breakdown and finally let it out. Each wave rushes over you further dragging you down until you collect yourself. I don't know about you guys but most of the times I have a break down, I feel better afterwards due to the build up

  62. Coconut

    Cant stop listening to it ugh
    Im hypnotized

  63. GoldenHawk X

    Sometimes it's nice to hear someone tell you it's gonna be alright.

  64. BenJamin

    This song makes me want to cry.

  65. Brandon’s Garage

    The beat drop made my ears bleed😂

  66. Slimy Boy

    That feeling when your sitting in a car, by a window, on the porch, on the side of a cliff, etc. and you realize the world is constantly moving and changing around you, and you can’t do anything about it. You’re too tired to care though. You just got off school/work and you’ve gotten to old for crying, or getting too emotional. You’ve lost friends and drifted away. You think about them, you wonder what they are doing or if they’re alright, and you just think to yourself.
    *Its Alright*


    the feels ♡

  67. Alien Skunk

    This song reminds me of crying to my boyfriend on the phone at 3am on a nice June night

  68. Owen Wilson

    This song makes me want to drive off of a cliff at sunset


    please dont

  69. blorg army

    I'm juat impressed that anyone would actually use that sound. Although, Stuber would be the one to do so! In a good way of course!!!

  70. wii3willRule

    that screech is so cathartic

  71. Swift_cheese animations

    I listen to this song when I'm sad..that's all the times

  72. cheyenne jones

    God I love that screech-- it's a sound that can only be heard to be explained, but we all know what it means!

  73. Jillian Ostrem

    this would be so great for anxiety attack oh my god i'm cured.

  74. puddle

    i wanted to write a really long and heartfelt comment about this song but moral of the story is this song is so good and I'm gonna listen to it a couple more times goodbye


    I can't show this to my friends but I want them to listen to it and like it.

    CringeFire9 the Memerette

    Why tho

  76. Bowen Miller

    This song is art, plain and simple. The words "It's Alright", just like his other albums "I Understand", invoke such a deep festering feeling of turmoil and strife umong your emotions. This song personifies that feeling as a monotone, and almost melecholic saying of the words "It's Alright", before being followed my harrowing, horrified shrieks. It's, plain and simple, a song that captures a feeling one cant describe.

  77. SkeleMan!

    Oh gee all the goosebumps

  78. Vape Hut

    This is easily the most underrated song on his channel.

  79. Amiogo

    I can imagine this song playing in the end of an bojack horseman Season...


    I cant unhear that now so true

  80. dusty bm

    Lovely, makes me really emotional yet more comforted with everything going on at the moment. Couldn't have found this at a better time.

  81. CR4W

    From 1:57 to 2:25 it makes me feel home. But not here i mean like my child hood.

  82. Clown Friend

    Every time I hear this I get so close to crying, I’ve become emotionally attached to it. I listen to it when I want someone to tell me it’s alright. This song has helped me so much, the lyrics, the loud parts, the feelings it gives, everything. It’s amazing. It makes you sad, but it helps you realize that sadness is important.

    💚 Sorry for the rant 💚

  83. Chase B

    I never had a chance, did I? You were just being kind. Why would I ever think you’d be with me?

  84. Caroline Phelps

    The more depressed you are the better the screeching sounds and the more you feel it.


    Caroline Phelps It sets my Tourette’s off lol


    Caroline Phelps is that jojo refernce I’m sorry

    yee haw bird

    im Albanian do I still hear the screeching sounds

    rebbekah cannons

    The stronger you connect to them

  85. Edgy PØtato

    I feel like I'm being lied to, but it's still reassuring

  86. angelica daniela camacho saavedra

    Tu música es hermosa ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  87. GranTV

    That screeching is

    You expected it to say alright

  88. Cheezy Potatoez

    Right after 3:31 you can hear someone say something. To me it sounds like "Jack" in a female voice.

    Ya Yeet Krogen

    yea thats cool

  89. midnight døød

    Man this song hits hard. Beautiful song Jack.

  90. Kota Fortine

    the screeching reminds me of a certain type of firework

  91. Crab Lord

    i feel a destroying, twisting, painful sorrow but at the same time an intense feeling of eerie calmness

    Crab Lord

    i think i've got it.
    the guitar is the calm, his voice is the sadness, and the screeching is an incredible kind of panic and desire to have things be alright - the screeching is the sadness too. it's all that torment and fear. the screeching amplifies the sorrow

    andreas boesen

    hence the lyric: feels wierd but calm. i think the screech is trying to portray this. it feels wierd but theres just something about it thats so calming.

  92. Bug

    Is there a version without satanic screaming ??


    Joëlle Martin that will take what the original song wanted to be away

  93. metaljaweddevil

    Beautiful. Good job dude.

  94. Neighbour Joe

    Me, sitting in bed, all my emotions swirling in my head, crying, and listening to this song.

  95. Leetle Mahn

    Usually I'm laid back and a calm person, but the past week I've had breakdown after breakdown. After a particularly bad day where my anxiety suddenly hit me so hard my jaw was clamped shut half the day resulting in nerve pain throughout my face and neck I came home after 12 hours, laid in bed, plugged in my headphones and found this song. I have no words other than that I finally fell asleep after one of the worst days of my life. Thanks Jack.


    How's everything going now, buddy?


    im happy for you :)

    a7 jah

    much love sir

    Head Hunter

    Leetle Mahn I would really love to know how ur doing

    T M T 9

    How is it now?

  96. Fishy Fishy

    my ballocks itch dude

  97. Elliot McIdiot

    Holy shit that scratching noise gives me mega anxiety. Sounds like something out of Silent Hill I swear-