Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Number one New York Times best-selling author Joyce Meyer shares powerful, practical ways to experience a new level of joy and excitement about life every day.

The traffic is backed up, the kids are screaming, and the car is making a funny noise again. Any one of these challenges can test our temperament and rob us of joy. Our impulse is to write today off and hope for a better tomorrow. However, this creates a hard pattern to break. One terrible day easily turns into many-and soon we're living a life far from what God has in mind for us. A new, transforming sense of excitement, happiness, and contentment in our lives is possible when we pursue God's goodness each day. In 20 Ways to Make Everyday Better, Joyce Meyer shares biblical illustrations, actionable advice, uplifting stories, and the encouragement we need to start enjoying the life God created for us.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

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Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

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Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Let me start off by saying, that if you have read any of my other reviews of Joyce Meyer's work, you will know that while I love her writing, I can't stand the translation of the Bible that she uses in her work.

While she may have used that version in this work, it wasn't as obvious. Maybe passages were chosen that didn't have all of the distracting parenthesis and brackets that I so loathe, or she used a different translation. Whichever is the case, it worked for me. My prior complaints will not

Let me start off by saying, that if you have read any of my other reviews of Joyce Meyer's work, you will know that while I love her writing, I can't stand the translation of the Bible that she uses in her work.

While she may have used that version in this work, it wasn't as obvious. Maybe passages were chosen that didn't have all of the distracting parenthesis and brackets that I so loathe, or she used a different translation. Whichever is the case, it worked for me. My prior complaints will not be cropping up in this review. So I am free to focus on the work itself.

Which was, classic amazing and insightful Joyce Meyer. She really has a gift and I love that she shares it with as many people as she can. She is so down-to-earth and yet full of seriousness for The Word. She seems like someone I could sit and have a cup of tea with, a good listener and an insightful conversationalist with Biblical knowledge.

As I was reading this, I realized that while I may not need this book right now, I have a friend who really could use this book at this time. I will be gifting it to her soon. I can see where this book is incredibly helpful to those living in a dark cloud of doom and gloom. It doesn't replace therapy or medical attention if it is warranted, but for those every day blues, this book would be a big help for those looking for help.

Please note, that if you are suffering from a mental disorder, please seek help. It isn't weak to get the help you need, it's strength to realize you have an issue and brave to face it and deal with it. I think this book could probably be a good tool to help, but getting professional attention is necessary for some issues and there is nothing wrong with that.

This has hit home with me recently in the past few months, as two of the employees in my company have committed suicide, one of them did it at work and was found by other coworkers. We get training on recognizing suicidal thoughts and behaviors every year, and yet it still happens with a stunning and depressing regularity. I'm begging you, if you have thoughts that you plan to or want to hurt yourself, GET HELP.

Sorry, didn't mean to make this a PSA for mental health, but the topic of the book leads to it I think. If you have "normal" (for want of a better word) every day blues or negativity, this book can be a big help. If you have something more severe, this book might be good to add alongside professional treatment.

5, we only get one life, we should be happy (state of mind, not things happening to you) and try to enjoy as much of it as we can, remember, God loves us ALL, stars.

My thanks to NetGalley and FaithWords / Center Street for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

This is the 5th book by this author that I've read. I like her encouragement to lead a better life. Her messages are positive and they are great reminders to not get so caught up in life that we forget our purpose. Even though the information wasn't new (it was mostly common sense but I get that there is a shortage of that with some people) I especially enjoyed the biblical scriptures she puts in for support.

I found some of her personal stories repetitive, but I still liked this.

This is the 5th book by this author that I've read. I like her encouragement to lead a better life. Her messages are positive and they are great reminders to not get so caught up in life that we forget our purpose. Even though the information wasn't new (it was mostly common sense but I get that there is a shortage of that with some people) I especially enjoyed the biblical scriptures she puts in for support.

I found some of her personal stories repetitive, but I still liked this.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I had heard of this author but had never read any of her books. That is going to change! I love her style. She is unpretentious and down to earth, easy to read without oversimplifying or talking down to the reader. She makes principles so easy to understand and explains how to practice them in everyday life. Her attitude is amazing; I don't think I've ever encountered such a positive thinking author, even the original positive thinker himself, Norman Vincent Peale! It made me feel good just read I had heard of this author but had never read any of her books. That is going to change! I love her style. She is unpretentious and down to earth, easy to read without oversimplifying or talking down to the reader. She makes principles so easy to understand and explains how to practice them in everyday life. Her attitude is amazing; I don't think I've ever encountered such a positive thinking author, even the original positive thinker himself, Norman Vincent Peale! It made me feel good just reading and considering her suggestions, knowing they were genuine and within the realm of possibility to implement. I'll definitely be reading more of her books. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I love Joyce Meyer’s teaching. She is so down to earth, gets to the heart of things. Really if we just got the stuff she teaches the other things in our lives would fall into place.
She hit on so much that sucks the joy out of our days. One chapter in particular hit me so hard I was in tears. It was the chapter on dread. I live with a lot of it. I think because I struggle with the unknown, new situations that I have no idea what to expect. So therefore I dread a lot of things. I read it at a tim
I love Joyce Meyer’s teaching. She is so down to earth, gets to the heart of things. Really if we just got the stuff she teaches the other things in our lives would fall into place.
She hit on so much that sucks the joy out of our days. One chapter in particular hit me so hard I was in tears. It was the chapter on dread. I live with a lot of it. I think because I struggle with the unknown, new situations that I have no idea what to expect. So therefore I dread a lot of things. I read it at a time that I needed it desperately. I wrote down all the scripture references to keep in the forefront of my mind.
Speaking of scripture, that is another thing about Joyce, everything she says is backed up by scripture. Her books are always rich in scripture references.
Each chapter is very short, so it won’t take you long to read one a day and then put them into practice. These are very simple things but things we need to be doing to have better days which in turn will make us kinder and happier people to be around.

A copy of this book was given to me through All opinions are my own.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

"I'm just having a bad day."

Have you ever said that to yourself or perhaps a friend or family member in a way to excuse your behavior or attitude for the moment? Traffic is backed up, you spill your coffee before you even get a sip, the kids are driving you crazy, the kitchen faucet is dripping, your boss is in a mood, and the car is making that funny noise again. I'm just have a bad day!

While there aren't many days when all those things happen at once (thankfully), you and I both know that any

"I'm just having a bad day."

Have you ever said that to yourself or perhaps a friend or family member in a way to excuse your behavior or attitude for the moment? Traffic is backed up, you spill your coffee before you even get a sip, the kids are driving you crazy, the kitchen faucet is dripping, your boss is in a mood, and the car is making that funny noise again. I'm just have a bad day!

While there aren't many days when all those things happen at once (thankfully), you and I both know that any one of those challenges can test our temperament, pollute our perspective, or hijack our joy. Far too often we write it off as a "bad day" and give up until tomorrow. Tomorrow will be better, we hope, while subconsciously waving the white flag of surrender on today.

But the problem with bad days is they tend to pile up - have you noticed that? A bad day becomes a bad week. A bad week becomes a bad month. And before you know it, a bad month becomes a bad year. Many of us spend the last week of every December saying the exact same thing: "I can't wait until this year is over!"

If you can relate to that, if you've ever given up on today, waiting on tomorrow, pick up Joyce Meyer's latest book. 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better! The book is divided into four equally important sections: "When You Awake," "New Steps to Take," " Patterns to Break," and "Before It's Too Late." These sections are meant to systematically take you through your day and show you what God's Word teaches about making that day and every day count. You can open any chapter at any time and apply the principle in that chapter to make your day immediately better. This book is full of biblical instruction, practical applications, stories to inspire, and helpful suggestions.

I received 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better by Joyce Meyer compliments of Faith Words, a division of Hachette Book Groups. What I love most about Joyce's books is that they drive home the point in a way that is both humorous and biblical. She just gives it to you straight like you need to hear things without candy-coating anything. As I was going through my own rough patch medically, this book enabled me to not chalk everything up to a "bad moment" in my life. That there were things I good glean from this time of suffering and trial and grow both spiritually and mentally in the process and most of all, make me a better person to be around. There is also the 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better Study Guide which helps you through each stage of the book. I would recommend you getting them both so you can work through the points of the book in conjunction with your own personal struggle. This would also be perfect for a great small group Bible study. After all, who doesn't have a bad day from time to time? I give both of these resources a 5 out of 5 stars.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

It's funny, I wasn't thinking about the title, but the word practical was on my mind. Her title really fits her book- simple, easy to understand, useful advice for improving your outer and inner life.I had kind of lost interest in Joyce Meyer. I think her mega popularity and some of the venues she uses turned me off. However, I find her voice in this book to be authentic and down to earth. Maybe all our beliefs don't align, but I think she has accessible wisdom and I'm glad she shared her though It's funny, I wasn't thinking about the title, but the word practical was on my mind. Her title really fits her book- simple, easy to understand, useful advice for improving your outer and inner life.I had kind of lost interest in Joyce Meyer. I think her mega popularity and some of the venues she uses turned me off. However, I find her voice in this book to be authentic and down to earth. Maybe all our beliefs don't align, but I think she has accessible wisdom and I'm glad she shared her thoughts here. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Refreshing View,

Joyce Meyer offered new refreshing ways to build spiritual strength. I found the layout and topics helpful because it put me in a position to be mindful to always invite God into every area of my life.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

All of Joyce Meyer's books use common sense to point out how the reader can improve their life, and this one is no different - and that's a good thing! She manages to walk the fine line between works theology and freedom in Jesus. No, by being better people, it doesn't assure us a place in Heaven. And no, freedom in Jesus doesn't allow us to sin purposely. However, in response to the love of Jesus, we can become better people. Joyce shows us how. All of Joyce Meyer's books use common sense to point out how the reader can improve their life, and this one is no different - and that's a good thing! She manages to walk the fine line between works theology and freedom in Jesus. No, by being better people, it doesn't assure us a place in Heaven. And no, freedom in Jesus doesn't allow us to sin purposely. However, in response to the love of Jesus, we can become better people. Joyce shows us how. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

did not finish

May resonate well with other readers; I didn't like the early message of the book that if you want something bad enough, and dream hard enough for it, that you will somehow get it.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

did not finish

May resonate well with other readers; I didn't like the early message of the book that if you want something bad enough, and dream hard enough for it, that you will somehow get it.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Good reminder

I pretty much just skimmed this book instead of reading every line. It was good to realign and remind myself of things I've mostly purposes to do before. Joyce Meyer is practical and I like that.

Good reminder

I pretty much just skimmed this book instead of reading every line. It was good to realign and remind myself of things I've mostly purposes to do before. Joyce Meyer is practical and I like that.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Sound principles, simple to follow. Given to me by a friend and it is always appropriate.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

20 Ways to Make Every Day Better Study Guide Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results by Joyce Meyer will be published by FaithWords / Center Street on April 4th and it is a Christian self-help book of great help because it will pass through God's Word.

Joyce Meyer starts to ask to the reader if she/he speaks to God in a daily base and if she/he reads the Bible, because of great help. I can tell you I love to speak with God, I love to be angry with God, I love to Thank God in a daily base.

We a

20 Ways to Make Every Day Better Study Guide Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results by Joyce Meyer will be published by FaithWords / Center Street on April 4th and it is a Christian self-help book of great help because it will pass through God's Word.

Joyce Meyer starts to ask to the reader if she/he speaks to God in a daily base and if she/he reads the Bible, because of great help. I can tell you I love to speak with God, I love to be angry with God, I love to Thank God in a daily base.

We are all stressed, all taken by our responsibilities but we must focus on Him for making the world a better place where to stay and the day even better. Starting from the others but also from ourselves and our necessities.
What would we want to do for ourselves that make us happy?
It mustn't be a big dream but also a little, realized dream that maybe we can't realize because there are other priorities.

Meyer focus also on the power of resentment and the importance of forgiveness for create a new fresh start.

No comparisons with other people and their lives. We are here because God wanted to donate us this Life and our History is unique.

Just, let's open the door of our soul to God everyday for bringing more Light, more Happiness and Joy in our existence!

Beautiful book for sure, plenty of lessons, reflections you will keep a journal and you will focus in your priorities and life for bettering everyday.

I thank NetGalley and FaithWords for this book.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Other than a few videos, this book is my first exposure to Joyce Meyers. Why did I wait so long?

From the introduction when she challenges you to think differently about saying, "I'm having a bad day," through the end of the book, Ms. Meyers asks you to look at your daily life differently. It's easy to find yourself underlining sentences and stuffing notes in the margins of this book.

Each chapter comes with an end page, suggestions for putting that chapter into practice. This includes practical

Other than a few videos, this book is my first exposure to Joyce Meyers. Why did I wait so long?

From the introduction when she challenges you to think differently about saying, "I'm having a bad day," through the end of the book, Ms. Meyers asks you to look at your daily life differently. It's easy to find yourself underlining sentences and stuffing notes in the margins of this book.

Each chapter comes with an end page, suggestions for putting that chapter into practice. This includes practical advice--which is something I liked about this whole book. It is full of practical approaches for incorporating/keeping God in your life on a daily basis. It could be helpful to pull those out and scatter them around my office as a daily reminder!

In the chapter, "Invest in Yourself," number 6 is: We're trying to do it alone." This is so true for many of us--when we have to tell ourselves again and again: God is right here with us, all we ever have to do is turn to Him.

We hear a lot about gratitude these days, but the chapter "Be grateful," helps you look at this attitude and practice in new ways. I love the quote, "There is no downside to gratitude."

Anyone looking to change their daily world in manageable ways should read this book.

I received this book for free from FaithWords in exchange for an honest review. The opinion expressed is my own and reflects my true feelings in reading this book.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I received this book in a goodreads giveaway. When I first picked this book up and looked at the table of contents I was a little disappointed because I thought most of it looked like common sense advice. I was concerned that there would be nothing new or insightful in the book but once I started reading I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of insight in the chapters. I did find the author made very helpful points and gave practical advice. There were some things that were simple changes and I received this book in a goodreads giveaway. When I first picked this book up and looked at the table of contents I was a little disappointed because I thought most of it looked like common sense advice. I was concerned that there would be nothing new or insightful in the book but once I started reading I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of insight in the chapters. I did find the author made very helpful points and gave practical advice. There were some things that were simple changes and common sense advice but I did find a new perspective on a couple of points she made especially on the expectations chapter. I also found that in some areas where I knew the concepts the author was writing about I was not always living them out so the reminder was very good for me. Overall I would recommend this book. I found it to be helpful. I do think I will go back over it and take the chapters at a slower pace. That will give me time to absorb concepts one at a time rather than speeding through the book. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I used this book as a daily devotional, along with Bible reading. Each day, I would read either a chapter or part of a chapter in the book, and then study the Scriptures that were in that day's reading. It's amazing how many right-on-time messages, 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better, offered this way.
For instance, one morning I was beating myself up for not being more organized and getting more things done. When I read that day's reading, Chapter 15, "Be Patient with Yourself," which offered the a
I used this book as a daily devotional, along with Bible reading. Each day, I would read either a chapter or part of a chapter in the book, and then study the Scriptures that were in that day's reading. It's amazing how many right-on-time messages, 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better, offered this way.
For instance, one morning I was beating myself up for not being more organized and getting more things done. When I read that day's reading, Chapter 15, "Be Patient with Yourself," which offered the advice that enabled me to slow down and embrace who I was that very day.
So many folks are looking for an unrealistic self-help book that will fix them, but this title offers a step-by-step way to improve each day. I have gleaned so much from Joyce Meyer's books and teachings over the past two decades, and this one is no exception. Great read, along with offering powerful but practical advice!

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I really learned a lot from this book. The author, Joyce Meyer, is truly a woman of God. My favorite lesson is from chapter 5: Don't give in to dread. I am going to incorporate that into my life. Instead of saying "I dread going to physical therapy because I have never been and I don't know what will happen", I say "I look forward to going to physical therapy because I know it will help me deal with the pain from the arthritis in my knees"

I found all of the suggestions to be both simple and prac

I really learned a lot from this book. The author, Joyce Meyer, is truly a woman of God. My favorite lesson is from chapter 5: Don't give in to dread. I am going to incorporate that into my life. Instead of saying "I dread going to physical therapy because I have never been and I don't know what will happen", I say "I look forward to going to physical therapy because I know it will help me deal with the pain from the arthritis in my knees"

I found all of the suggestions to be both simple and practical and will be using most, if not all of them.

Thank you goodreads for this excellent giveaway.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Oct 11, 2020 Kireja rated it really liked it

I was motivated to read this book after watching Joyce's show, Enjoying Everyday Life. Essentially the book is just like her show but in written format; it includes all of the great teachings and inspirational messages that Joyce shares with her viewers on a daily basis. That being said, some chapters were stronger than others, but I still took notes because the book provided a lot of guidance on how to live a life of faith. I can surely say that while this is my first Joyce Meyer book, it defin I was motivated to read this book after watching Joyce's show, Enjoying Everyday Life. Essentially the book is just like her show but in written format; it includes all of the great teachings and inspirational messages that Joyce shares with her viewers on a daily basis. That being said, some chapters were stronger than others, but I still took notes because the book provided a lot of guidance on how to live a life of faith. I can surely say that while this is my first Joyce Meyer book, it definitely won't be my last. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Bite size bits of good advice. Each of the 20 chapters could probably be a whole book, but having the main point as just one chapter suits my lack of attention span just fine... however the bite size summary nature means each topic is a general principle - not a nuanced discussion. Some of the statements are generally true, but not in every situation; there isn't really space to go into the "not always" exceptions, although they are mentioned sometimes. Bite size bits of good advice. Each of the 20 chapters could probably be a whole book, but having the main point as just one chapter suits my lack of attention span just fine... however the bite size summary nature means each topic is a general principle - not a nuanced discussion. Some of the statements are generally true, but not in every situation; there isn't really space to go into the "not always" exceptions, although they are mentioned sometimes. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

This was my first book of hers. I like her straight-forward style. I think a lot of these things are somewhat "common sense" but the tales she interweaves with them, the scriptures she adds and the break-down of the chapters into sections including examples of how to implement what was just discussed I found helpful. Even though some of these things were "common sense" type suggestions I never felt like she was talking down or demeaning. I will be checking out the webpage and other books. This was my first book of hers. I like her straight-forward style. I think a lot of these things are somewhat "common sense" but the tales she interweaves with them, the scriptures she adds and the break-down of the chapters into sections including examples of how to implement what was just discussed I found helpful. Even though some of these things were "common sense" type suggestions I never felt like she was talking down or demeaning. I will be checking out the webpage and other books. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Beautiful just amazing i have read all look many of Joyce books

All of Joyce books are amazing i love all her books and inspire me in my life in sooo many ways that I just want to continue reading them all and I have my life to the Lord and it has been amazing seeing him work in me

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I rented the audiobook from the library, and I may have to put this book on my list of books to buy. You know I have a pretty high opinion of a book if I'm prepared to buy the book after reading it once. I rented the audiobook from the library, and I may have to put this book on my list of books to buy. You know I have a pretty high opinion of a book if I'm prepared to buy the book after reading it once. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

This woman speaks to me. She doesn't sugarcoat; she doesn't mollycoddle. She shoots straight. I love the modern-day lessons she draws from obscure Bible stories that don't get much attention. This book has simple solutions. This woman speaks to me. She doesn't sugarcoat; she doesn't mollycoddle. She shoots straight. I love the modern-day lessons she draws from obscure Bible stories that don't get much attention. This book has simple solutions. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

A friend recommended this book. It's short chapters each feature a specific thing a person can do and/or focus on that will improve their daily life. I'd recommend this for someone in depression who feels both hopeless and directionless. A friend recommended this book. It's short chapters each feature a specific thing a person can do and/or focus on that will improve their daily life. I'd recommend this for someone in depression who feels both hopeless and directionless. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I had no idea that reading this book would literally change my life by the time I finish reading it. That's what I like about Joyce Meyer's books, very simple practical life things one can manage to change, by the grace of God. I had no idea that reading this book would literally change my life by the time I finish reading it. That's what I like about Joyce Meyer's books, very simple practical life things one can manage to change, by the grace of God. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I really liked this book. Joyce makes great points that will be useful in the future to reference back to. I especially like at the end of the chapters the recaps and things to do to put into action for that chapter.

Highly recommend!

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

An encouraging book,with ideas ,and daily "how to's" on living a positive life. I read the book quickly,but the practical ideas will help me for a lifetime. An encouraging book,with ideas ,and daily "how to's" on living a positive life. I read the book quickly,but the practical ideas will help me for a lifetime. ...more

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

So many great ideas! It should be easy to find at least one to implement each day.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

This is another classic from Joyce Meyer. I could not put the book down.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

Love this for its practicality. Joyce Meyer is so uplifting and also to the point. Way to get real and out of a rut. Worth a second read or a third. Could be done in a book study I think.

Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

I was very surprised at how much I liked this book.

Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, Joyce’s books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, Joyce teaches on a number of topics with a particular focus on how the Word of God applies to our everyday lives. Her candid communication style allows her to share openl Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, Joyce’s books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, Joyce teaches on a number of topics with a particular focus on how the Word of God applies to our everyday lives. Her candid communication style allows her to share openly and practically about her experiences so others can apply what she has learned to their lives.

Joyce’s programs, Enjoying Everyday Life and Everyday Answers with Joyce Meyer, can be seen around the world through television, radio, and the Internet. Joyce has authored more than 100 books, which have been translated into more than 100 languages and over 65 million of her books have been distributed worldwide. She teaches in cities across America as well as internationally. Joyce Meyer Ministries has offices in nine countries.

Joyce’s passion to help hurting people is foundational to the vision of Hand of Hope, the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Hand of Hope provides worldwide humanitarian outreaches such as feeding programs, medical care, orphanages, disaster response, human trafficking intervention and rehabilitation, and much more – always sharing the love and Gospel of Christ.

Her latest book, LIVING A LIFE YOU LOVE, releases Spring 2018.

Hachette Book Group has sold over 30 million copies of Joyce Meyer's books.


Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better

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Joyce meyer 20 ways to make every day better