Juice in the raw 5 day cleanse

4.0 out of 5 stars Pretty Great Juice Cleanse
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2019

If I could give this 4.5 stars, I would.This is my first juice cleanse and I am a mid 20's male with an athletic build, around 160lbs. I recently decided to do this due to a stretch of poor eating and wanted to cleanse before jump-starting a healthier meal regimen. I started off slow and the 3 day cleanse seemed pretty perfect for this. My goal wasn't really to lose weight, and still lightly workout, while preparing for my change in regimen.I see other reviews mentioning flavor, watered down, and the amount of sugar/carbs. So I'll touch on those.1. Flavor 4/5 - not amazing, but to be expected of from a healthy juice. Wanting excellent flavor from a juice cleanse like this is counter-intuitive. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The green ones were the most satisfying and tasted the best, while the red ones, (I am not a fan of beets) were a little tougher to get down, so I was glad to end the night on a green one. Overall, better than what I had expected. If I could, next time I would spend the extra $10 or whatever to get the coconut flavor.2. Watered down? 4/5 - I posted the pictures revealing the juice when it has separated and when it has been shook. Different flavors seemed to have different amounts of "vegetable and fruit sediment" before shaking. While it may look extremely watered down during separation, the nutrition label reveals the actual amounts of product you are receiving. Putting too much of any vegetable can produce negative results, such as too much potassium or vitamin A in one go. Regarding sugar and carbs, these are usually naturally in vegetables and fruits. ( The naked drinks are a good example with around 60 g of sugars for 1 drink :'/ ) These juices do a nice job of spreading out the nutrition over the day. However, since this is my first cleanse, I am not sure what the competition is offering for the $$$. Only reason for the 4 stars.3. Presentation 5/5 - Juices came 90-95% completely frozen in a special container that was cooled in Southern Cali on a 100+ degree day. If they somehow get delivered with less than each bottle less than 50% frozen juice, I'd question the length of time its been thawed. However, I don't see that happening with the extensive measures that are taken. Also comes with a little card telling you what to do pre-cleanse, during the cleanse, and post cleanse which is helpful.I would recommend these to someone else participating in a cleanse.Thanks for reading.

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Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2021

I have done one other cleanse, but it was a beginner cleanse where I was permitted to have a small salad at the end of it. Unfortunately for me, I didn't learn that I could have a small salad until day two, and I can definitely tell you that I felt weak. I was so weak, that I went and read the instructions, and it was then that I realized I needed to have a small salad at the end of the day because the juices weren't enough to sustain me on their own.

This is the reason I tried this juice cleanse. It is all juice, and is enough to sustain you all day without having to make a salad or anything. I read all the comments, and so I went ahead and bought the cleanse with the coconut juice option. I am so glad I did. I love raw coconut in general, but the juice was really a nice change from all the others because it almost has like a creamy rich taste, and is less sweet than the others. I will say that if you don't like coconut, don't go for this option because it has coconut pieces, a little coconut oil, and the natural coconut flavors in it. For those who don't know, natural coconut tastes different than the artificial stuff they usually put in Pina Coladas, so be mindful of that.
For this cleanse, I loved all of the juices more so than the first cleanse I did. The only one that sort of got to me was the Kale one, but it was just the initial smell of the kale in the drink that bothered me, not the taste. Beets are something I actually like, so I didn't mind that drink as so many commented on here. My favorite drinks were the coconut, citrus, and Glow Green ones. The most filling was the coconut and beets drinks. I think for three of the days I did the hot lemon water before the ginger shot. The other days, I just did water before enjoying the kick I got from the ginger shot to wake me up.

That being said, this cleanse was easier than the first one I did because I knew I had the mental fortitude to do it. That's not to say you don't have to be mentally tough and disciplined to finish a cleanse each time; you do, but it is important to keep in mind that "You Can Do It!" That's what I kept telling myself in addition to thinking of how rewarding it would be at the end when I saw results, and I was able to say that I did it! Today (day 5) I weighed in at around five and 1/2 pounds lighter than I was when I started my cleanse. So, there's that.

That's not to say I didn't struggle at times with this cleanse. I did. But all in all, I would do this cleanse again. If it is your first time doing a cleanse, be prepared to learn a lot about your relationship with food. I recommend starting a cleanse during a workweek when it is easier to be disciplined about your daily routine, including diet.

Below is a play-by-play of my feelings and emotions about the juices:

Day 1 wasn't too bad I think because my body hadn't really had the chance to miss solid food yet. I downed the drinks with relative ease following the directions. I did get tired after the first drink, however. I think it was the sugar rush because the first drink is the pineapple one, which is the most calory dense, and it is loaded with sugar. I had lost a few pounds before this cleanse because I avoided a lot of fruits, carbs, and sugars, so I think it shocked my system to have so much sugar at once. The "cleansing" aspect was fierce this day, and as previously commented, each drink is just enough to get you to the next drink two hours later.

Day 2 was probably the hardest day. My body was wondering why I hadn't "fed" it solid food yet, and mentally, I just felt like I had so far to go, and couldn't really see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had a slight headache, and the "Cleansing" aspect was ever-present, but more number 1 than number 2 on this day and going forward. I stuck to my guns and pushed forward even though each night, I had the unpleasant task of watching my husband eat nice savory meals in front of me. I think the hardest part of the cleanse for me was being at home and having to smell my husband's dinner and see the snacks he left lying around. I missed savory meals so much on this cleanse, and I wish there were juice cleanses with at least one savory option, perhaps as the second to last drink of the day.

Day 3, things were easier, I felt energized and even thought about doing some light exercise. However, I decided against that because I worried it would be too much on my body. I had things down with the timing of the drinks. I started my first drink at around 9:30, and I spaced things out a little longer for the last two drinks because I'm kind of a night owl, and I didn't want to be up before bed wondering what to do with myself whilst contemplating the Cheezits in the pantry. That night, I had a dream about eating cheesy chicken fettucini - lol. But other than going number 1 repeatedly this day, I didn't really have a "cleansing" experience in the restroom for a change.

On day 4, I became restless and antsy because I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was so ready to be done with the cleanse, and even thought about having a salad. I was fed up with drinking to sustain myself, but I knew I only had one more day. I felt a little "loopy" at work, and spent entirely too much time on Youtube watching chefs prepare meals, and daydreaming about what I was going to have after I completed the cleanse. I really was getting fed up with not having food on this day, but I did have a "cleansing" experience and went number 1 alot.

Day 5- Today all I can think about is polishing off the rest of these juices so that I can move on with my life. I weighed myself this morning, and I'm 5 pounds lighter. I do feel good like I got out some of the impurities that come with eating the crap that is out there today. I am glad I could give my digestive system this five-day break, and jump-start the rest of my COVID weight loss diet.

So, I am considering allowing myself to have a nice savory celebratory salad at midnight tonight so that I can ease back into eating other foods and not re-gain. My husband even wants to join in with eating a salad to celebrate the end of my cleanse and hangry attitude at home :-). At 6'4, he's naturally skinny and never has to worry about what or when he eats; at least not nearly as much as his 5'0 wife.- lol

I hope you find this review helpful.

Reviewed in the United States on November 12, 2019

Where to start with my review.....

Well here it is:
1) This is NOT for everyone. End of Story.
2) Don't just jump into a juice fast because you heard it will remove the toxins from your body. You should prepare for something of this nature.
3) This should be a multi faceted challenge for you with multiple reasons as to WHY you are doing this (explained below). It will make this challenge much more enjoyable for you.

Before you begin your cleanse, here are my recommendations:

1) If you currently eat a whole food plant based diet, jump right in! Your stomach is ready for this.
2) If you currently eat a primarily plant based diet, take 1-2 days beforehand and eat everything raw for that time, then jump in.
3) If you eat like 99% of Americans do (meat/cheese/dairy/processed foods), your body isn't ready for anything more than 3 days MAX. If this is you, you should really consider eating a whole food plant based diet for at least a month before you go on this journey. Odds are even someone who does a 3 day cleanse after eating a standard american diet their whole life will find this disgusting and difficult.

Now onto the Fast/Cleanse (whichever you prefer to call it)

If you are overweight, this will most certainly help you lose weight, but if you want to keep the weight off after your fast, your best bet will be to move towards a whole foods plant based diet. If you are doing this to transition off of meat and dairy, give your body at least a week or two beforehand of that way of eating. If you are going to go back to eating the standard american diet of processed garbage, don't waste your money doing something like this. You won't enjoy it or get any benefits from it. For everyone else who has stumbled upon this review and believe that your body is ready for this, GO FOR IT.

I am currently on day 10 of a 16 day juice fast (14 days with raw fountain juice, 2 days water fast) and I must admit, this has really been a breeze. I had a small issue with some of my juice been thawed upon arrival, but Raw Fountain remedied the situation INSTANTLY. The juices all taste absolutely incredible and fresh, never have I felt any hunger issues, and most importantly, I find myself ONLY craving juice all day (I randomly was craving a bell pepper on day 7).

My experience so far: Well, before I delve into my experience, I can say that I am a 98% raw plant based eater, and I only drink water. My gut was prepared for this, and being that I have done this before, it was not something I was worried about. 16 days is my longest up to the point of this review, with my previous longest being 7 days. With this juice, you will begin to change your taste buds even more than you expected. Everything, including the ginger shot, taste incredible. The juice is refreshing, filling, and satisfying. I find myself daily debating which one I like the most. On the first few days, I found myself having bowel movements twice a day roughly, and on day 7 I began to see some mucoid plaque come out of me. This was the one and only goal I had during this fast. Now, it has been relatively consistent for me everyday with 1 bowel movement of mucoid plaque coming out of me. I have lost a total of 7.8 pounds so far, but the weight loss part is irrelevant to me personally. For others, this may be the most attractive part of doing the cleanse.

I make sure to drink 3 liters of water per day MINIMUM on this fast, and while I do have to pee a lot, it is worth it. I don't drink any coffee or tea while doing this fast, but I suppose if you felt inclined to, you could do so.

Some side notes:
1) You will NOT feel hungry during this fast. As a matter of fact, you may feel more energetic than you typically do.
2) Don't listen to what others say. YOU WILL NOT DIE. YOU ARE NOT STARVING YOURSELF. Odds are anyone who tells you that is eating a less nutrient rich diet than you would be during your fast.
3) Make this something you do once every 6 months at minimum. I recommend that you do 3 days for your first, 5 days for your second, 7 days for your third, and 14 days for your 4th (with every subsequent juice fast being 14 days).
4) Don't eat ANYTHING. I have seen a few people stating that they ate some small bits of foods during the fast...that defeats the purpose of this fast. Your goal should be to shut down your digestive system so your body can focus on healing other parts of your body (and not use energy to digest food).
5) Forget any other company on here. Raw Fountain is the best tasting, freshest juice you will get on amazon, and they deliver FAST (typically overnight).

Lastly, if you are planning on going down this road, have more reasons than just weight loss. Do it for your gut biome. Do it to help transition off of meat, dairy, cheese, and processed foods. Do it to lose some extra weight you have been struggling to lose, but have a plan in place afterwards to keep the weight off. Do it to boost your immune system. Do it to challenge yourself. The only way we ever grow is by stepping out of our comfort zone and challenging ourselves. Do it to improve your overall health. Do it for your family. Do it for YOU.

Great job by Raw Fountain providing a fantastic product for those who are interested in juice. I look forward to using your juice for the rest of my life. If you think you're ready, stop shopping around. You have found the best product available.

Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2022

Glad I bought this!

First off the flavors:
Rise and shine: enjoyed this one honestly just tasted like lemonade but healthier
Glow green: shocked I like this one bc I don’t usually like green juices but it’s actually good!
Beet-tox: FAVORITE one! Ok this really shocked me because I saw beets and I was like ew but seriously this one is good I would honestly drink it everyday and it’s a little sour
Citrus kick: This ones not bad, you can taste the carrot and ginger so it’s like more vegetable tasting if that makes sense? But not horrible, didn’t mind drinking it
Liver cleanse: not my favorite compared to the others. I just don’t like vegetable tasting ones as much as the fruity ones. It feels healthy to drink though
Green Day: least favorite. I don’t like kale though especially in smoothies so I figured I wouldn’t love this one

Overall I would buy this again and again and again. Even though I didn’t love all the flavors I feel really healthy after the 3 days. It also kept me full all day and I barely ate anything. (A banana and almonds & peanuts) Side note: I am bad at fasting so this surprised me. I also drank a ton of water & water with lemon.

I feel healthier and more energetic. I don’t know if I lost weight because I don’t weigh myself and that wasn’t my goal I just wanted to kickstart healthy eating habits because I was slacking for a few weeks and this really did it for me.

5.0 out of 5 stars So glad I bought this
By Amazon Customer on October 12, 2022

Glad I bought this!

First off the flavors:
Rise and shine: enjoyed this one honestly just tasted like lemonade but healthier
Glow green: shocked I like this one bc I don’t usually like green juices but it’s actually good!
Beet-tox: FAVORITE one! Ok this really shocked me because I saw beets and I was like ew but seriously this one is good I would honestly drink it everyday and it’s a little sour
Citrus kick: This ones not bad, you can taste the carrot and ginger so it’s like more vegetable tasting if that makes sense? But not horrible, didn’t mind drinking it
Liver cleanse: not my favorite compared to the others. I just don’t like vegetable tasting ones as much as the fruity ones. It feels healthy to drink though
Green Day: least favorite. I don’t like kale though especially in smoothies so I figured I wouldn’t love this one

Overall I would buy this again and again and again. Even though I didn’t love all the flavors I feel really healthy after the 3 days. It also kept me full all day and I barely ate anything. (A banana and almonds & peanuts) Side note: I am bad at fasting so this surprised me. I also drank a ton of water & water with lemon.

I feel healthier and more energetic. I don’t know if I lost weight because I don’t weigh myself and that wasn’t my goal I just wanted to kickstart healthy eating habits because I was slacking for a few weeks and this really did it for me.

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What does a 5 day juice cleanse do?

A juice cleanse is a nutrition plan where you consume nothing but fresh juices full of fruits and vegetables for a certain number of days. The purpose of a juice cleanse is to absorb as many quality nutrients while giving your digestive system a break.

How do you prepare for a 5 day juice cleanse?

To prepare your body for the 5-day liquid diet, do the following:.
Take a lot of water;.
Reduce your caffeine intake;.
Include more whole fruits and vegetables to your diet;.
Opt for a plant-based diet;.
Stay away from refined and processed foods..

What does raw juice do to your body?

They say juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, remove toxins from your body, aid digestion and help you lose weight. However, there's no scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself.

Can you drink coffee on raw juice cleanse?

One question we get often: can I drink coffee during my juice cleanse? The short answer is no—your relationship with coffee needs a break. Not only is it recommended to nix the coffee during a juice cleanse but it's advised to taper your caffeine consumptions before and after a cleanse.


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