List of testing accommodations for students with disabilities

Common Accommodations

Extended Time

Students with disabilities may require additional time for taking tests and completing work in class. A student's extended time accommodation is based on the documentation submitted to DS. Unless efficiency or speed is the essential skill that is being assessed, students with this accommodation should be provided additional time for timed tests, quizzes, and in-class writing assignments and labs.  The extended time accommodation does not apply to take-home exams.  Extended time ensures that a student’s performance is reflective of their mastery of the material rather than the speed at which a student performs.

  • Online Testing Accommodations: Extending Time in Canvas

Lower Distraction Environment

Students with disabilities may be approved for and request a separate “reduced distraction” testing space. This space may be a conference room, unused classroom, instructor’s office or DS Testing Center. This accommodation is a quiet space where students have few distractions and are thus better able to maintain focus.

Screen Readers for Exams

Some students with disabilities may require having exam questions read to them rather than reading the information on the screen. DS employs a variety of computer software programs that utilize text-to-speech capability and can “read” the exam aloud to a student. Disability Services discourages the use of other individuals for the purpose of reading text.

Use of a Calculator for Exams

This accommodation allows students to use a calculator as long as the calculator is unable to perform the functions that are being tested. This accommodation typically allows for the use of four-function calculator so that students who understand the concepts will not be penalized for errors in basic calculations. Instructors will approve the type of calculator to be used by the student.

Use of a Computer for Testing

Some students with disabilities will be approved for a computer to complete exams.   Using a computer allows these students the opportunity to avoid physical fatigue and/or to provide legible, better-organized answers to essays.  Students may use a computer in the DS testing center or a personal computer that is pre-approved by the instructor. Computers in the DS testing center allow for word processing and assistive technology programs without Internet access unless otherwise indicated..

Write on Test

Some students have difficulty completing a scantron sheet due to their disability. In these instances, the student will have "Write on Test" as an accommodation, meaning they can mark their answers directly on the test.

Research-Based Practice


List Price: $69.95

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Pages: 313

Item #: 4317348

ISBN: 978-1-4338-1797-7

Copyright: 2015

Format: Hardcover

Availability: In Stock

  • Overview
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Bios
  • Reviews and Awards


Deciding whether to grant test accommodations for a student with disabilities is challenging and controversial. Current accommodations practice is seldom research based, and professionals charged with such decisions often reach different conclusions. The result can be either unnecessary accommodations that compromise test validity or the denial of accommodations to a student who needs them.

In this book, Benjamin Lovett and Lawrence Lewandowski draw on research to offer clear, specific guidelines for deciding when accommodations are appropriate for a student with disabilities — depending on the test being taken, the accommodations being considered, and the student’s functional skills.

Case studies apply the guidelines to specific scenarios.

The book also explains how laws and practices differ for K–12 accommodations versus postsecondary education and workplace accommodations, as well as how universal test design might lessen the need for test accommodations.

Table of Contents

Series Foreword


  1. Introduction
  2. Legal, Procedural, and Ethical Foundations
  3. Psychometric Foundations
  4. Disability Conditions and Functional Limitations
  5. Timing and Scheduling Accommodations
  6. Response Format Accommodations
  7. Setting and Presentation Accommodations
  8. Accommodations and Interventions
  9. Issues in the Transition to Postsecondary Settings
  10. Universal Design for Assessment
  11. Conclusions

Appendix A: Documentation Review in Postsecondary Settings

Appendix B: Professional Development Applications

Resources for Further Reading



About the Authors

Author Bios

Benjamin J. Lovett, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychology at the State University of New York College at Cortland, where his research focuses on conceptual and applied issues in psychoeducational assessment and psychiatric diagnosis.

Dr. Lovett has more than 50 publications that have appeared in peer-reviewed journals and edited books. He also serves as a consultant to a variety of educational institutions and testing agencies on the topics of disability diagnosis and testing accommodations.

Lawrence J. Lewandowski, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Syracuse University, holding distinction as a Laura J. and Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence.

Dr. Lewandowski has approximately 100 publications, most of which deal with the study of learning disabilities, attention disorders, and other pediatric neurological conditions. His recent research involves such topics as processing and reading speed in individuals with and without disabilities, extended-time accommodations for students with disabilities, assessment of clinical impairment in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities, and the effects of concussion on children and adults.

Reviews and Awards

Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities deserves a wide audience. It is both an accurate presentation of the state of testing accommodations as well as a vision for the future. Lovett and Lewandowski do a superb job of identifying the static and dynamic dots that, when connected, produce a picture of where we are and what could be. If you read only one book on educational or school psychology this year, you would be well served by choosing this one.

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What are the most common accommodations for students?

Common accommodations.
Listen to audio recordings instead of reading text..
Learn content from audiobooks, movies, videos, and digital media instead of reading print versions..
Work with fewer items per page or line..
Work with text in a larger print size..

What type of accommodations are most popular in an IEP?

Common examples of accommodations include extended time to complete assignments, provision of notes or outlines, untimed tests, and reduced number of test questions.

What are the four general types of accommodations?

Accommodations are typically grouped into four categories: presentation, response, setting, and timing and scheduling.

What is a Type 1 accommodation?

Type 1 Accommodations: This type of accommodation is available for students who have a specific need and who routinely, independently, and effectively use the accommodation during classroom instruction and testing. It is not necessary to submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA.


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