Molly two days in a row

1) Rolling two days in a row is REALLY bad for you and also will be very disappointing on the second day. Take both on the same day or wait the month to roll again.

2) Yes, rolling can affect your memory. 

3) I doubt he would see something and immediately jump to the MDMA conclusion. My dentist recently noticed that I’ve been grinding my teeth (from rolling) and assumed I did so in my sleep. 

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  1. So last night I did about 400mg of MDMA over a span of 8 hours (IV). I was going to get some sleep after last night, but it's been almost 7 hours since my last dose and I still can't fall asleep. This leads me to believe that there was some Meth in my Molly powder, although I think it was mostly MDMA. I'm still a little buzzed and jittery, which is probably from the Meth.

    I was planning on taking another 200mg of MDMA tonight. This will push my total to 600mg of MDMA in two days. I was wondering if this would be pushing it? I'm a somewhat experienced MDMA user, I've probably done it about 10 times in the last year, so I have a bit of a tolerance. I just really don't want to get Serotonin Syndrome again, which I got from my last MDMA binge.

    This is only my second MDMA binge, and my first one was A LOT worse than this one (so far). I did about 1g of MDMA in a span of 12 hours last time. My ROA was snorting last time but still, that was only like my second or third time doing MDMA. I didn't get any sleep for over 2 days, and my brain was fried for quite a while after that. I think it took me a few months to 100% recover from it. The first week after was horrible.

    If anyone else has done an MDMA binge that was similar to what I might be doing, please let me know how it went below! Thanks.

    WeedDxm added 10 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

    If you have any knowledge about anti-depressants, please check out my other thread aswell if you have time. It's related to this thread.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015

  2. It may not be that there was meth in it, good mdma can keep you up over 24 hrs easy. I wouldnt recommend having more, especially if youve had serotonin syndrome in the past. You should let your body recover and try again another day rather than binge. Dont mean to be negative, but just think it would be better to be safe than sorry. I find just having some drinks the next day can bring back the buzz pretty well anyways. Although I have never tried it iv only orally. Be safe and have fun
    Molly two days in a row

  3. Well I'm not 21 so I can't buy alcohol
    Molly two days in a row
    but I decided to not do it for a second day. SS sucks too bad.

  4. Molly two days in a row

    ianzombie Platinum Member & Advisor

    Reputation Points: 13,045Joined:Jun 12, 2007 from Ireland

    Test your drugs, there is no point guessing what they are.
    How do you know you had Serotonin Syndrome, did a doctor tell you or did you guess that too?

    You need to have a think about life and if you want to keep living it.
    Taking high doses of untested drugs is one sure way to fuck things up badly.
    Get multiple reagents kits and start testing.
    Take responsible doses.
    Do not take MDMA more than once every 2 months.

  5. Molly two days in a row

    Lex_Talioniz Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 178Joined:Mar 21, 2010 from U.K.

    Me and my friends used to do pills and MDMA for up to four days straight with only micro-sleep to get us though. We'd drink and maybe take a bit of cocaine and possibly even some mushrooms or LSD along the way (very unhealthY/ risky) and the pills would lose their effectiveness quite rapidly but we could keep our spirits high and carry on alright. The comedowns never seemed to bad either (maybe cause we partied through most of it).

    Nowadays if I use on consecutive days I force myself to get a few hours sleep as it seems to rest and reset the brain allowing more serotonin to be released and offering a good roll almost as if it was the first time. Needless to say the neuro-toxicity from this sort of behaviour is a serious thing to consider and nobody would recommend it. We were just stupid and almost took pride in that fact.

    Be safe and considerate with all you do to your brain and take care of yourself whilst living life to the fullest.

    I must say, all this was about a decade ago and for an intelligent person I really do have shit for brains now, so, if you value that organ that does your thinking, be highly cautious please.

  6. Molly two days in a row

    shinx Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 65Joined:Nov 11, 2014 from norway

    In my excperiense, this isn't true.
    The only time I've been kept up, is if my MDMA wasnt pure, but also contained amp or meth (personally I love the combo, but it's more toxic so not recommended). It's not common to be kept awake for long after pure MDMA. And btw MDMA is MDMA.

  7. My friend, MDMA is NOT a good binge drug. Serotonin syndrome can develop pretty easily at higher doses like what you're taking, tolerance increases rapidly, and feeling suicidal after multi-day use is common. This is not a joke. MDMA can be safe if tested and if taken in smaller quantities (up to 200 or 250mg in a night) and in smaller frequencies (once a month or less often), but quite harmful if done how you seem to be doing it.

    As someone who has been doing it for seven years now, I really, really have to recommend against "bingeing" on it and against doing it two nights in a row unless it's extremely rare and in smaller doses than what you're taking. I'm supportive of drug use, but responsible drug use. This, to me, seems dangerous and I really want to advise against it, man!! After 400mg of M, you need a break, not more M!!

  8. Sorry, but we'll have to agree to disagree but everyone is different I guess
    Molly two days in a row

    TroubledTimes added 78 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

    As im certain that I am correct, and yes mdma is mdma that is obvious. Apples are also apples. But there is such thing as good and bad mdma as people cut it with other substances. Mayby in your experience you have had weak cut batches of mdma so you were able to sleep or mayby your just somebody who can get sleep while on it, some people may be like me and it keeps them awake.

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015

  9. Molly two days in a row

    zenchicken Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 236Joined:Oct 2, 2009 from earth

    "But there is such thing as good and bad mdma as people cut it with other substances."

    So it's not a case of "bad MDMA", it's a case of getting a substance that is a mix of MDMA + something else.

    MDMA is chemical. When you mix it with something else, it doesn't turn into "bad MDMA", it turns into MDMA+something. When referring by name to MDMA it is fair to assume one is considering uncut product.

  10. Molly two days in a row

    Lex_Talioniz Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 178Joined:Mar 21, 2010 from U.K.

    When first pills were rife wherever you went, the seasoned speculation as to what went in to those magic beans was beyond comical. The streets were full of experts where the most praised quality was talking shit and the extensive equipment, or tools of the trade, were known as paraphernalia.

  11. Molly two days in a row

    Szandbwoy Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 160Joined:Sep 22, 2013 from U.K.

    Personally I've always found that good quality MDMA can keep you awake for hours by itself, without any other additives in it. I've spent many weekends going 36 hours upwards without feeling the need for any sleep at all. Let's not forget that MDMA is an amphetamine, and amphetamines are widely known for causing sleep deprivation.

    I'd also comment on the fact that when taking MDMA two days in a row, it will not be as effective on the 2nd day due to the depletion of serotonin resulting from the MDMA use of the previous day.

    Having said that, nobody here can accurately tell you whether you'd be overdoing it by taking a certain amount more MDMA in addition to the amount you've already taken. Everyone reacts in different ways to different situations. Just because it might be considered safe for one user to take a certain amount more, doesn't guarantee that it would be safe for another user to consume the same amount more.

    Stay safe

  12. Molly two days in a row

    shinx Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 65Joined:Nov 11, 2014 from norway

    It's not a case of agreeing to disagree. Most people can sleep right or pretty soon after pure MDMA, I'm not a special case. It's also perfectly normal to stay awake for some hours after, but it's not normal not being able to sleep for over 24 hours after MDMA. To be kept up for "over 24 hrs easy.", is an abnormal reaction from pure MDMA. Either you've gone completely overboard with dosing, you're sensitive, or you doesn't have pure MDMA.

  13. Well I ended up taking it two days in a row like I initially planned to do. It's now been two days, and really I'm doing alright. I've been taking 5-HTP for the last two days, which has helped. I'm also experiencing slight opiate withdrawals from my heroin use, which probably isn't helping the MDMA comedown. I have a drug test on Thursday so I have to stay clean till then -.-

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