My teeth are rotting and i have no money reddit

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Posted by2 years ago



I stay in bed all day and never build the motivation to brush my teeth. Yesterday a big chunk of my back molars chipped off. I simply took it out and tossed it. My other molar have a huge decay cavity in it. I'm too ashamed to tell anyone and go to the dentist to get shamed by a dentist about it.

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level 1

You may not want to hear this, but by not taking care of your teeth you are slowly killing yourself. If you're lucky, the infection hasn't spread to your jaw but if it has then say hello to a huge surgery. The longer you wait, the worse it will get. If you explain to the dentist before they look into your mouth that you have a mental illness I doubt they will "shame" you. They just want to do their job and fix your mouth.

level 2

You just gave me a wake up call. I rarely brush my teeth I think you have given me the motivation to start doing it more often. 👍

level 2

Comment removed by moderator · 2 yr. ago

level 1

I have very severe depression also couldn’t gather the energy to brush my teeth throughout my life and now I have severe gum disease and bone loss It was one of the biggest mistakes in my life and I’ve made a lot of mistakes if you can possibly reach down deep and find a tiny bit of energy to make it to the dentist

level 2

What have you done about it? I’m asking because I’m kinda in the exact same boat.

level 1

Try to muster up the courage to visit the Dentist. I know its hard, terrifying even. But if you don't, your suffering is just going to keep growing.

You've got a choice. Long term suffering, or short term suffering. I know it might come off as cold, but you really should get your teeth looked at asap.

You might even be proud of yourself for mustering up the courage and doing something you were afraid of.

level 1

The dentist won’t care. They have seen the worst, and you definitely aren’t the worst. Please try to brush as often as you can. Try to set a certain time. Like before bed. Or when you wake up. Just try it once and see how smooth and nice your teeth are in the morning.

level 1

Damn, im not alone i guess? I never thought I'd live past 21 so yeah I planned accordingly and treated myself like the trash i am. It really does suck as a self infected scar.

level 2

I broke a back molar and left it for awhile and my god did regret it it became an abcyss tooth and the agony was unbearable at that stage being shamed by the dentist didn't matter I needed it out so I rang for an emergency appointment I was worried the dentist would grill me but he didn't he looked in my mouth spotted it and got to work straight away in and out 20 mins and the relief was amazing he never said a word to me just asked was I OK and sent me on my way. I am not sure what extent your tooth is broken but do not leave it like I did to that point the agony kept me awake for 3 days overcome the anxiety to get it fixed I shat myself at the thought of it too but it will be the pain in the end that will drive to him.

level 1

I’ve got some dental shame too. I ended out getting work done (some for free even!) at a dental collage by a very sweet dental student. Put me at ease, and many of the other clients were in similar situations- but, unlike my local low-income dental place, the university clinic was clean and welcoming.

It might help to take small steps towards this gl goal- start by just brushing once a day, next search for a dentist you feel okay about. I know it’s tough, but it’s so worth it! I used to worry about ppl seeing my teeth, but my troubles were fixed after just a few appointments, and now they’re easier to maintain :)

level 1

I am a dentist and we see this every day, we won’t bat an eyelid! Avoid the pain and go!

level 1

Honestly people don’t know about the fact that hygiene become a hard thing to keep up when you struggle with mental disorders. People don’t know about that because hygiene is such a moral thing but it’s honestly hard to keep up when you suffer from mental disorders.

Hope it gets better soon I’ve also had a hard time with keeping up my hygiene.

level 1

After you go to the denist Maybe improvise and keep the toothbrush by your bed if you gotta. Spit into an empty bottle.

Yeah its strange but when your brain is sick and you cant get out of bed you gotta improvise.

Which reminds me that I should go back to flossing in bed, i stopped doing it because I thought it was gross to do in bed and "I should be flossing in the bathroom like a normal person" but its better than not flossing at all.

level 1

I have the same issue...I was eating a soft food and a huge chunk of my teeth chipped..and I’ve been trying to brush them and pieces of plaque have been slowly chipping off. 2 of teeth are very broken and need to be removed. I understand the shame.

level 1

I was in the same boat as you a few years ago. I lost all my teeth at 30. It's by far my biggest regret and if I could change one thing in my life that would be it. It's a nightmare having to live with denatures at 30. I know it's embarrassing but not as much as not having any teeth at all.

level 1

Your dentist deals with a lot worse than a chipped tooth. I was do depressed I stopped brushing my teeth twice a day and only did it in the mornings...infor cavities. I was embarrassed but the pain made me go in they didn't even ask. They just took care of my teeth.

If they are professional, then they'll do thier job and.male small talk. Good luck OP!

level 1

Forgive your past self, tell your past self you understand. Try to better for your future self. Like "future self I'm flossing and brushing now, look I'm giving you a gift, you can save a bunch of money at the dentist, feel a nice clean mouth, and be glad I forced myself" Punishment/guilt doesn't solve problems, tell the dentist you are not helped by guilt stuff. If guilt and self punishment worked for any thing I think I would not be depressed ?!

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What can you do if you have bad teeth and no money?

Call 1-888-Ask-HRSA to find out about federally-funded community health centers across the country that provide free or reduced-cost health services, including dental care. Community clinics can be a great way to get dental care affordably.

What to do if all teeth are decayed?

Treatment options include:.
Fluoride treatments. If your cavity just started, a fluoride treatment may help restore your tooth's enamel and can sometimes reverse a cavity in the very early stages. ... .
Fillings. ... .
Crowns. ... .
Root canals. ... .
Tooth extractions..

How much does it cost to fix a rotting tooth?

On average, the cost for a dental filling without insurance could run from $200 to $600. This is just an average estimate, and the price could be as low as $100 or as high as $4,000. The cost of a dental filling procedure varies based on several factors, including: Cavity size.

What happens if rotten teeth are left unattended?

Poisoning in the bloodstream Although not an immediate consequence, dentists strongly advise that letting rotten teeth go unattended can lead to blood poisoning. This happens because the rot from the teeth keeps getting deposited into the mouth, and in most cases, it's swallowed along with saliva.


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