Neighbors car leaking oil in front of my house

Some people who have oil leaks in their vehicles may choose to ignore the problem and continue to the drive car anyway. Not only does the presence of an oil leak cause problems for your vehicle in the long run, but the leaks for cars parked at your own home may pose dangers.

Whether the leak occurs in the driveway or in a garage, there are multiple dangers present and a few reasons you should consider getting the oil leak repaired quickly. Read through the problems to get a better understanding of the extended problems an oil leak may cause.

1. Driveway Oil Leaks

For many cars parked on a driveway, owners may easily ignore the leak and allow the oil to pile up on the concrete or asphalt. As the oil penetrates the driveway below the car, one of the more noticeable problems is a stain, but the oil does a lot more than just create visual problems.

The oil may cause the driveway to soften and deteriorate. When this occurs, cold weather may mix with the soft driveway elements and could cause the driveway to have potholes or cracks. The condition of the driveway not only presents hazards for any vehicles, but could create safety problems if children play in the driveway as well.

Once a chunk of the driveway gets pulled away, the problem could spread to other parts of the driveway and create bigger issues. If the car that leaks oil gets parked in different spots of the driveway, you could face multiple pot holes formed all over the driveway as well.

2. Garage Floor Oil Leaks

When a car gets parked in a garage, more leaks may occur and could cause damage. While outdoor temperatures may not impact the garage floor as much as the driveway, there could be other dangers present.

As oil leaks in an enclosed areas, the fumes of the liquid could cause hazards. Just the warning labels on motor oil label alone include possible reactions like irritation of the nose or throat. The problems increase in smaller children who get exposed to the fumes and have more sensitive throats and lungs.

When a vehicle first parks in a garage, the oil that leaks may be hot and the fumes could be stronger. When leaving your car, you may be more prone to inhaling fumes.

As the oil leak continues, the fumes and presence in the garage will continue to grow and present dangers for you and your family. Repair the leak to prevent the fumes and park outside as often as possible while the leak takes place.

3. Water Runoff Issues

When oil leaks on your driveway Mother Nature does her part to ensure the oil does not just stay in one location. Rain, wind, and other elements may cause the oil to seep into the ground and go into a drainage area like a sewer.

Oil pollutants go directly into drinking water sources, creating health issues and putting more work on water treatment plants to properly clean the water for safe drinking and everyday use.

The driveway itself does not offer enough protection to prevent the oil from getting into water sources. Cracks in the pavement easily allow the water to get through and the oil does not evaporate or disappear.

Without proper cleanup, the oil will remain until rain or another source causes the oil runoff. Along with drinking water, oil runoff presents dangers to animals and plants if the oil gets into sources like rivers, lakes, or ponds.

Schedule an oil leak fix with our professionals today at Auto Import Service. We will diagnose and repair the problem to prevent oil leak dangers on your property.

Comments (14)

Posted by sally
a resident of Danville
on Sep 4, 2009 at 2:16 pm


Posted by Julia
a resident of Alamo
on Sep 7, 2009 at 7:39 am

Hello Sally, It's great that you are so quick to respond. It appears you know just what to now why don't be more helpful and give the contact numbers of the code enforcement department (I'm assuming in Danville)so we uninformed folks can be more informed. In the future if you want to help...then really help.

Posted by Gary
a resident of Danville
on Sep 7, 2009 at 11:31 am

I agree, if you are going to post an answer, make it an answer not just another question.

Three Clicks on the computer produced the following complete answer.

Code Enforcement is responsible for maintaining community preservation by eliminating nuisance/health/safety violations, protecting property values, enforcing residential and commercial zoning laws as well as specific building code violations. This is done through public education and enforcement of the Town’s ordinances.

Code Enforcement works with other branches of the town government as well as county departments, special districts and neighboring city code enforcement personnel. These include Law Enforcement, Public Services, Public Works, Finance, Building, Planning, County Health Department, San Ramon Valley Fire Protections District and Mosquito/Vector Control District.

You can report a suspected violation or ask for an investigation in four ways:

In person at the Town Offices,
Call the Code Enforcement Officer directly at (925) 314-3335,
Via the Town website through a complaint form, or
Mail a letter to the Town Offices at 510 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526.
If you are unsure of whether the activity is a violation, call the Town office charged with the enforcement of the suspected illegal activity to receive current Municipal Code information. Some suspected violations are actually permitted activities

This is from: Web Link

Posted by sally
a resident of Danville
on Sep 7, 2009 at 11:44 am


Posted by sally
a resident of Danville
on Sep 7, 2009 at 11:58 am


Posted by Greening
a resident of Danville
on Sep 8, 2009 at 10:25 am

We did contact the Code Enforcement. The Code Enforcement officer says that the Town of Danville does not have an ordinance that would regulate a vehicle with an oil leak.

Posted by Gomez
a resident of Danville
on Sep 9, 2009 at 10:09 am

Easy everyone - Why does everyone always want to pick a fight on the message boards? Sally was trying to be helpful and make a suggestion. For you to attack her is ridiculous. She brought you the groceries, but you have to cook the dinner yourself...

Posted by wow
a resident of another community
on Sep 9, 2009 at 5:05 pm

Gee - Shoot down the poster offering some direction for "not being helpful". Now - THAT'S HELPFUL.

Julia -take a chill pill.

Gary - Tks for the detailed response, but no need to jump on Sally.

Sally - don't go thinking two posters make up the entire Danville population.

Posted by AO
a resident of Danville
on Sep 10, 2009 at 5:11 pm

So, what is the solution if the Town of Danville does not have an ordinance that would regulate a vehicle with an oil leak.
Who's responsible for cleaning the many huge ugly oil stains on the street. This is very unsightly in the residential street.

Posted by Louise
a resident of Danville
on Sep 10, 2009 at 8:06 pm

If a neighbor leaks oil, why don't you leave a note letting them know that it is unsightly and hurts property values. Maybe they think they live on a farm or out in the country and are clueless. You'll at least find out what kind of people they are. We all have neighbors who live like they are the only people on the planet and have no regard for others. It's too bad, but they do exist more and more. P. S. Drive by a older section of Camino Tassajara and you'll see several cars parked in driveways and on lawns that are being worked on. These residents are repairing cars and probably running a repair business in a residential area. So much for code enforcement!

Posted by PB
a resident of Blackhawk
on Sep 11, 2009 at 8:30 am

I live in the neighborhood of ShadowCreek and border on a neighbor who lives within the gates of Blackhawk. The neigboring Blackhawk family's house is on a mogul about 25 feet above our house which makes sounds from their yard echo louder. This family is very loud with their music and yelling not only on weekends but many times on the weekdays too. We are aware of the 10pm curfew of reducing the noise but still the music is so overwhelming that it vibrates our windows at times and we can't escape it even with our windows and doors closed. We have explained this problem to our noisy neighbor but still they carry on; at one time our request over the fence resulted in a nasty verbal exchange . We have called the Danville police over the years with this complaint many times to curtail the noise however it seems fruitless. The police told us that there really isn't much we can do since they have experienced people suing and much hasn't really resolved. We considered buying a megaphone to use over their loud music and hollaring but we wonder if that would even help since we have sharply whistled and yelled over the fence to turn it down and only sometimes they would respond for about 15 minutes before they turn up the volume again; the same goes when the police/sheriff visits their home. I must add that I am not complaining about an occasional party that a family might enjoy. This behavior is prominent during the warm weather months when they are using their pool. Other neighbors nearby with pools have never been a problem and we have lived here for 20 years. Are there suggestions from anybody on how to handle this inconsiderate neighbor?

Posted by Ana
a resident of Danville
on Sep 11, 2009 at 9:33 am

The lady with the neighbors who are loud in their backyard. Now, this is a drastic measure and will cost some money, but if it were me, I would buy loudspeakers and put them at the property line and everytime these rude part people become loud I'd turn up the volume on the loudspeakers. Make sure it's rap music or something that has a loud annoying base noise that vibrates their windows. They should get the message.

Posted by AO
a resident of Danville
on Sep 11, 2009 at 9:59 am


Did you talk to your HOA? What did they say?

Posted by Greening
a resident of Danville
on Sep 11, 2009 at 1:22 pm

We left the note to the neighbor oil leaks but the tenant won't care. And the landlord won't care either because it is not very easy to find a renter now. Hope this inconsiderate neighbor will be moving out soon.

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What happens when a car leaks oil in the driveway?

In addition to their environmental impacts, oil leaks can lead to major damage to your vehicle's engine, as well as to its radiator and HVAC system. Accumulated oil can degrade the rubber hoses and seals used in these components and cause them to wear out prematurely. Oil leaks are also a fire and safety hazard.

Is an oil leak a fire hazard?

Will Oil Spilled On My Engine Catch Fire? Straight to the point, the answer is yes. Even though motor oil isn't flammable, it is combustible. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), it isn't a flammable liquid.

What happens when car oil leaks into the ground?

A: If you see a puddle of greasy-looking liquid on the ground after your vehicle has been parked for a while, then that means you have an oil pan leak, which usually indicates holes in your car's oil pan or gaskets. Take your vehicle to a shop straight away.

Do cars leak oil when parked?

What does it mean when your car is leaking oil when parked? Oil leaks manifest in many different ways, but if your car is leaking oil when parked, the vast majority of leaks are due to degraded engine gaskets, oil pan leaks, or bad oil seals and connections. Your car's oil pan is attached to the bottom of your engine.


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