Never take anything for granted god will take it from you

Starring: Stephen Lang, Brendan Sexton III, Madelyn Grace, Adam Young, Bobby Schofield, Rocci Williams, Steffan Rhodri, Stephanie Arcila, Diaana Babnicova, Christian Zagia



Horror thriller sequel directed by Rodo Sayagues. Set eight years later, Don’t Breathe 2 (2021), follows Norman Nordstrom (Stephen Lang), now hiding in an isolated cabin and raising a young girl, Phoenix (Madelyn Grace), orphaned from a house fire, as part of a twisted family he’s recreated. Their quiet existence is shattered when a group of kidnappers show up and take the Phoenix, forcing Nordstrom to leave his safe haven to save her.

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Our Favorite Quote:

War changes us all. No soul returns holy from it.' - Hernandez (Don't Breathe 2) Click To Tweet

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Norman Nordstrom: [as he grabs her from behind and takes her gun] You failed.
Phoenix: I didn’t.
Norman Nordstrom: The gun is in my hand.
Phoenix: I thought I had it. Sorry, Father. I’ll make it next time.

Norman Nordstrom: Never take anything for granted. God will take it from you.
Phoenix: Is God bad?
Norman Nordstrom: God is fair.

Phoenix: Did I get my white hair from you, or from mom?
Norman Nordstrom: From your mother.
Phoenix: I can’t believe we don’t have any pictures of her.
Norman Nordstrom: Everything was destroyed in the fire. You know that. I could only save you.
Phoenix: Was she beautiful?
Norman Nordstrom: She was smart. Like you.

Phoenix: So I get to go to town today, right?
Norman Nordstrom: You failed survival.
Phoenix: It’s been three months. Plus, I just gave you a killer haircut. Trust me.
Norman Nordstrom: You need to pass all your tests first.

Hernandez: Am I taking Phoenix today?
Norman Nordstrom: Not today.
Hernandez: It’s been a while.
Norman Nordstrom: I said, no.
Hernandez: You know, you either loosen up that leash, or sooner or later, she’s going to bite it off.

Raylan: What’s your name, gorgeous? Mine’s Raylan.
Phoenix: I don’t care. I need to go. My father’s waiting for me.

Phoenix: [referring to the dog, Shadow] I snap my fingers and he’ll bite your testicles off.
Raylan: Wow. Okay. Well, I’m sorry if I scared you.
Phoenix: Who said you did?
Raylan: I’ll see you around.

Phoenix: [referring to Raylan] Just a weirdo.
Hernandez: Yeah. No shortage of those around here.

Hernandez: [referring to Phoenix] We had a lot of fun today. I could take her again next week if you’re okay with that.
Norman Nordstrom: No. Today was enough.

Hernandez: Look, it’s none of my business, but…
Norman Nordstrom: You’re right. It’s not.
Hernandez: You’re a bad man. A man who’s done terrible things. At least, I know you think that. Just like sometimes I do about myself. War changes us all. No soul returns holy from it. Don’t make her pay for that.

Hernandez: You served?
Raylan: Yeah. We all did too.
Hernandez: Iraq?
Raylan: Yeah. Dishonorably discharged from a dishonorable war. I’d say that makes us honorable somehow. Wouldn’t you?
Hernandez: No.

Phoenix: I want to go to school next year.
Norman Nordstrom: This is school.
Phoenix: A real school, with other kids like me.
Norman Nordstrom: Homeschool is safer.
Phoenix: I don’t want to be safe. I want to be normal. I want to have friends. I want to live…
Norman Nordstrom: Enough! Enough.

Norman Nordstrom: I already lost a daughter once. I’m not losing you.
Phoenix: But I’m lonely.
Norman Nordstrom: You have no idea what it is to be alone. You have me.
Phoenix: You’re not enough.

Jim-Bob: [referring to Nordstrom] The guy’s a Navy SEAL.
Jared: F***ing dead SEAL, bro.

Jim-Bob: [to Duke] He’s down there with you! Blind f*** is down there!

Duke: [to Nordstrom] Clever f***. No guns, huh? No problem.

Duke: You’re tough. But you’re done.
[Nordstrom then creates an explosion that kills Duke]

Raylan: [referring to Jared’s injuries] The old blind man did this?
Jared: Uh-huh.

Phoenix: What’s happening? Who are they?
Norman Nordstrom: I don’t know.

Raylan: You don’t need to be afraid, little girl. This has all just been one big misunderstanding. It’s not me you need to be scared of, but the man standing next to you. Now, I don’t know who he is. But I know who he’s not. Should I tell her, or you?

Raylan: [to Phoenix] Years ago, there was a fire in our house. Cops blamed me. I spent eight years in prison, wondering if I’d ever see you again. Hell, I didn’t even know if you were dead or alive. This creep here must have found you, and kept you for himself.

Raylan: [to Phoenix] You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for this moment.

Raylan: Did he hurt you? But he did steal you away from me, and now he must die, you understand? Kill him.
Phoenix: No.
Raylan: [as Jim-Bob goes to shoot Nordstrom] F*** are you doing? Not in front of my kid. Do it outside.

Raylan: [as Nordstrom gets away] Take her to the truck while I hunt this m**herf***er.

Jared: [to Phoenix] I don’t care who you are. I’m going to teach you some f***ing manners, yoh. You ungrateful, little b**ch.

Jim-Bob: [referring to Nordstrom] He’s back in the house.
Raylan: I know. He wants us to follow him. Enough of these silly games.

Phoenix: What’s my real name?
Norman Nordstrom: Get over here now!
Phoenix: When’s my birthday? My real one?
Norman Nordstrom: Stop it!
Phoenix: No, you stop it!


What God says about taking things for granted?

Hebrews 13:16 ESV 16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 16 Make sure you don't take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others.

Where in the Bible does it say God gives and takes away?

This is shown through Job 1:21 “Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord” (2).

What does the Bible say about not taking God for granted?

Psalm 103 is a helpful don't take God for granted bible verse. “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases…”

Why does God let us make our own decisions?

God gives us the free choice and free will to live our lives the way we desire. That gift of freedom is the greatest gift that he can give. God wants us to choose, because we love him and want to obey him, to make our decisions within the overall blueprint of his will.


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