One direction preferences he makes you feel unwanted

Liam loved taking care of his body and working out was something regular for him to do. And lately he was trying to get you into it as well. You had never really been like a sporty girl and it was absolutely not something you liked to do. Although you loved the fact that Liam wanted to have a good body and shape and live healthy, it made you insecure once in a while. When you were watching TV at night, you normally always took a snack together with him. But lately he only grabbed for fruit when that happened. And it made you feel very bad about eating that jar of ice cream. It became a little too much when you came home one day and you noticed Liam left you a little present behind.

I thought this was maybe something good for you to start! – Liam

The note was lying next to a fitness DVD for women. And you instantly felt a wave of insecurity hit you hard. It was very obvious he wanted you to tone it down and start exercising. Although you always hated it. You changed yourself in some more comfortable sport clothes and put on the DVD. You felt the tears sting in your eyes, while looking at the very good shaped woman in front of you, telling you which stupid exercises you had to do. And you did what she said, not able to hold in the couple of tears that were rolling down your cheek. You hated this. You really did. And the thing you probably hated even more was the fact that Liam wanted you to do this and that he apparently didn’t like your body how it was. When you were halfway through the exercises, Liam came home from work. A smile instantly appeared on his face. ‘I bet this makes you feel good, doesn’t it?’ He grinned from ear to ear. And you nodded softly, making short eye contact, before looking back to the screen, trying your hardest to not cry again. ‘I’m happy you want to try it babe… I really am. I’m going to cook us something healthy today as a reward!’ He said while making his way over to the kitchen. And as soon as he left the room, you dropped yourself to the ground in the middle of your exercise. You had no clue how you were going to keep this up.

The meal Liam had cooked was nice, but you didn’t ate everything on your plate. It was the first time Liam gave you a strange look. ‘Aren’t you finishing it?’ His eyes meeting yours, looking surprised. You had a big appetite most of the time, so you guessed he would kind of find it strange for you not to eat everything. ‘No, I’m not very hungry today.’ You muttered while grabbing your plate and taking it to the kitchen. You were still hungry. You were always hungry. But it was not a good idea for you to eat everything you wanted anymore.

You also didn’t grab a late night snack. Even when Liam reached for his fruit, you refused his offer to get you something as well. ‘Are you okay?’ He asked concerned, coming back from the kitchen and sitting himself next to you again. ‘I’m fine!’ You tried to sound as fine as you could, but you never really were a good actor. ‘Just a little tired…’ You added to make it look somewhat more believable. You never met his eyes though. He would know it straight away if you did. Now he just nodded at your words and you felt him staring a couple of seconds longer before he looked back to the TV himself.

‘You are hungry.’ Liam suddenly stated when you were both lying in bed. You had turned your back on him from the moment you laid down, but he didn’t question it. Your stomach gave your hungry feeling away and of course Liam noticed it immediately. You felt his hands turn you over, so you laid with your back on the matrass and he peered over you. ‘Why don’t you eat? You are hungry as hell… Why didn’t you eat your plate?’ His voice was stern now. ‘And no more excuses. Just tell me what’s wrong.’ He knew you too well on that matter. If it wasn’t so unlikely for you not to eat much, he probably wouldn’t even care. But then again, he probably wouldn’t want you to exercise if you didn’t eat much. You hadn’t even responded yet before his eyes changed from worried, to utter shock. ‘Please, don’t tell me it’s because of the DVD. Right?’ You could still hear the hope in his voice for it not to be true, but when you didn’t respond, his jaw dropped. ‘No-’ He breathed out, flickering on the light to take a better look at you. ‘Don’t…’ He started, thinking about every word he wanted to say. ‘Don’t ever think that I’m not completely mesmerized with how you look.’ You felt the tears sting again, when he said the words. ‘No. Baby. Stop. Don’t think like that please.’ He begged you, kissing your lips softly. ‘I wouldn’t want you any other way-… I just thought that it could make you feel good or feel better.’ He explained softly. ‘It was never my intention to make you insecure. You don’t have anything to be insecure about.’ He blurted out. You gave him a little smile, but that was not enough for him. He jumped out of bed, going downstairs, leaving a confused you behind. And just when you wanted to go after him, he already entered the bedroom again. ‘What did you do?’ You asked him, while he crawled into bed again, grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you close to his chest. ‘I ordered pizza.’ He said like it was completely normal to do that at this time. ‘But it’s twelve in the evening?’ You exclaimed, not impressing him by it. ‘Don’t care. You’re hungry, so we’re going to eat pizza. And I’m dying to eat one myself, actually.’ That made you smile and tighten your grip on him. It stayed silent for a while, before he started to speak again. And when you heard his voice, you immediately noticed the still lingering guilt in it. ‘You’re absolutely stunning. And there is no way for you to lose weight.’ He said softly but full of meaning. ‘So don’t ever cut your food down like that again. Okay? Just… don’t.’ His voice sounded firm but also caring and loving in a way, while you felt his hand slowly caressing your back. ‘Okay.’ You assured him. And you suddenly felt stupid for thinking Liam would ever want you to starve yourself in order to lose weight. Liam was always the one complimenting you for how you looked. You did forget that for a second. But you never would again. And Liam would make sure to remind you even more from now.

NOTE: Just want to point out here that you NEVER EVER should starve yourself because a boy told you to do it :-) If someone says that to you, please know that the person is not good for you by any means. Starving yourself is NEVER a solution to anything :-) Just wanted to remind that to the people who might need it. Because I know, it’s something girls do in order to lose weight. But it’s not the way to do it. Never.

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