Peets coffee organic alma de la tierra

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– Hey welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee, your place for average Joe coffee reviews. Today’s coffee comes straight from the soul of the earth.

– So today we are reviewing Peet’s Alma de la Tierra, I hope I pronounced that right.

– I’m sure you didn’t.

– It’s a dark roast, it’s supposed to be sweet, citrus, smooth, and chocolate. It is organic, USDA certified organic.

– Certifiable.

– They say the beans come from Guatemala to Columbia, so all different kinds of regions in Latin–

– Traveling beans.

– Latin America, yeah.

– Or, just from those areas, I got it.

– High altitude also, high altitude, so.

– Very good.

– We love Peet’s, or I love Peet’s. Jay’s a fan, but I would say–

– Yeah, some of them a little darker I think.

– I would say I’m a stronger fan

– Than I go for.

– Yeah they tend to be a bit more bitter. You know, like darker kind of, but I like the flavor generally speaking.

– Now this one, I don’t remember, we bought it at Target. Right?

– Yeah.

– It was on sale for $7.99 I think, a bag?

– Yeah, mhmm, yeah.

– And generally they’re about nine something.

– Well I think that one was actually a dollar off so that would have been $8.99 a bag.

– Right.

– So, there ya go.

– I was just gonna drink.

– You’re not supposed to drink yet.

– It’s a, what’s the thing, like my, my instincts.

– Muscle memory.

– My instincts are to just automatically drink the Peet’s that’s in front of me.

– Well now we can because we’ve talked about the price so let’s go forward and see what we find from the coffee that comes from the soul of the earth.

– I really like, I don’t know, has there been a Peet’s that I don’t like?

– I can’t remember one.

– I think there have been Peet’s that we don’t enjoy as much. Like maybe the Italian roast, or the French roast, there was one. I dunno.

– Can’t remember for sure. You have to check out an old review to see what it is.

– Yeah check out the Coffee Table.

– We have to check ourselves. We have to go back and say “What was that?”

– Yeah.

– All the time I’m in the grocery store and I’m lookin’ at the list and I was like “Okay did we buy that? Have we reviewed it? Did we ever drink it before?”

– Well at this point we’ve done over 100 different reviews so.

– Yeah it’s hard to remember.

– Okay so I really like this coffee. Do you enjoy it?

– Yes, I’m tryin’ to taste the chocolate.

– I kinda get a chocolate, chocolatey-ness, I do.

– Yeah?

– Like a cocoa. Like if I think of it more of like a cocoa flavor than a chocolate flavor.

– Not like a Hershey’s bar.

– Mhmm, right.

– Trademark Hershey’s.

– Yeah it is definitely like roast-y and… It is a dark roast which is my favorite kind of profile.

– It’s enjoyable.

– Mhmm, I find it to be very easy to drink. Actually easier than some other Peet’s to drink, ya know? Some Peet’s is like woooo!

– Yeah, I agree.

– It’s a bit bitter but it’s an enjoyable bitterness. But this is like a smoother, and I think it did say smooth, right? On the bag?

– Smooth.

– Smooth.

– And citrus-y.

– Hey look at that.

– Now citrus-y, I don’t know if I’m tasting anything citrus-y in there or not. Maybe a little bit of a tang that makes it citrus, kind of, esque?

– Yeah.

– But it is smooth though too.

– Yeah I think the citrus-y thing is always hard for me to taste. Like sometimes it says it on the bag and I just usually can’t, I dunno maybe my palate is just blunted. I dunno.

– ‘Cause I mean it’s not sharp.

– Right, yeah.

– Oh.

– That’s what I mean.

– Right, I mean I know that blunt means not sharp. I just meant, is that what she’s referring to with her palate.

– Yeah.

– So what would you say donut wise? I really don’t have a–

– I have five, I’m just kidding.

– I don’t think it’s five.

– Four and a half.

– Yeah, if we’re able to get it on sale. Or you would pay.

– It’s Peet’s so.

– You would pay either way.

– Darn the cost.

– Right? Okay so we’ll say four and a half on there.

– Mhmm.

– Up there with Mahogany by Caribou.

– Yeah.

– Yeah, yeah.

– Yeah we just had some Caribou and I’m thinkin’ Peet’s knocks it off the pedestal for me. But I mean, yeah four and a half I’d say for sure.

– Yeah we just sold our house and so we decided to, and it was a stressful time you know, so we decided to treat ourselves with some coffee that we knew we liked. Because of all the coffees that we have to drink otherwise, in order to do the reviews, we don’t buy ones that we already know we like. So, but yeah, so four and a half donuts out of five?

– Mhmm, easily.

– Alright. Well if you’ve had this Peet’s blend before, I noticed when we were buying these, I had never seen the green bags which I guess are the organic ones.

– Mhmm, it was at Target though.

– And we got another one, and I think there are different ones.

– Mhmm.

– So maybe Target carries them more so, because they’re Target.

– Right.

– Than Publix or Walmart, wherever we go.

– Maybe.

– But if you’ve had their organic ones or this one in particular, let us know what you thought about it in the comments below. And if you have any questions for us, also put them there. Thanks for joining us, and until next time.

– Keep grindin’.


Review Recap

Brand: Peet’s
Roast: Dark
Price per pound: $12
Flavors we detected / other notes: Coccoa, Roasty, Smooth, Citrus
Overall rating:

Would we buy it again? Yes

Other Peet's Coffee Reviews

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  • Peet’s Coffee Colombia Coffee Review
  • Peet’s Organic French Roast Coffee Review
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  • Peet’s French Roast Coffee Review
  • Peet’s Italian Roast Coffee Review
  • Peet’s Coffee Major Dickason’s Blend Review
  • Peet’s House Blend Coffee Review

How to Buy

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What is Alma de la Tierra?

Alma de la Tierra: Spanish for Soul of the Earth, the soul of this coffee is found in the high-altitude regions of Latin America, where we work with the finest organic farms from Guatemala to Colombia.

How much caffeine is in a Peet's K cup?

The caffeine content varies by blend. The range is about 60-90 mg per capsule. Was this article helpful?


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