Plant seeds in ice cream cones

Every plant in your garden was once a seed. If you do not know how to successfully get your seeds germinate and started, then you ultimately have no garden. In the past we have looked at diy egg shell seed starters as well as diy citrus peel seed starters. I found yet another option which is the diy ice cream cone seed starters.

If you do not want to buy ice cream cones for this project you can always make your own at home instead. The advantage of using these for planting your seeds, is that when it comes to transplanting you can simply plant the cone into your pot or the ground. The cone is biodegradable, so over time it will decompose.

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • ice cream cones
  • seedling starter mix
  • seeds

The best type of cones to use for this are flat based ones, as you can leave them to stand on their own. Start by filling the cone with a nice high quality soil and then follow by planting your seed into the cone, before watering it. Remember to keep them in a location that gets a lot of sunlight, a windowsill is perfect.

A few things that to keep in mind. If you over water your cone, it is most likely that it will become mushy and disintegrate. Therefore, use just enough water to keep the soil moist and promote germination. Depending on the seeds, germination can take anywhere from a few days up to 21 days.

You can get more information on the Gardening Know How blog, here…

You can watch the video below on diy ice cream cone seed starters…


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I pretty much have a black thumb.  I wish that I loved plants and getting all dirty and making them grow, because I love the way that plants and flowers look, but I have very little interest in getting them into a full grown state and maintaining them.  That lack of interest means I often forget about them which causes them, of course, to die.

In a case of opposites attract, Jason loves plants and planting and gardening and making things grow.  Which is great, as long as I can sit in the air conditioning all clean while he’s outside in the heat getting dirty.  So when he mentioned a few weeks ago that he saw some seeds at the store and thought that the kids would like to grow some, I thought, “Hey! I can actually pitch in because I saw a pin on Pinterest about starting seeds!”  At which point I showed him said pin and my entire Gardening board thinking that he would be super impressed with my interest and shortcut knowledge.

He wasn’t so sure about the seeds in ice cream cone idea but agreed that it would be neat if it worked and that the kids would get a kick out of it.  So he bought the seeds and the cones and he and the kids proceeded to plant 24 ice cream cones with seeds and dirt.  And then we witnessed an epic Pinterest fail.  The picture from the pin is on the left, our actual ice cream cones are on the right.

I don’t know how whoever came up with this ice cream cone idea and took this picture got their cones to stand up and last long enough to get huge sprouts of seeds but ours definitely didn’t turn out that way.  No matter how much or how little water was added to the cones they all started to collapse almost immediately.  And after a few days they were starting to mold with no signs of sprouts so we had to toss them.

On the positive side our house did smell very much like an ice cream shop for a few days!

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Are ice cream cones compostable?

Ice cream cones are completely biodegradable, which saves money when growing plants from seedlings and then transporting the to the ground or garden. What's the trick to making this work? Cut the bottom 3/4 of the cone off! That's right, don't plant the entire cone into your garden or the ground.


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