Plants cant sit still activities

Welcome to the Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge that Alyson Beecher hosts at Kid Lit Frenzy each Wednesday. Visit Alyson for the link-up to lots more posts about nonfiction picture books.

Plants cant sit still activities

A nonfiction picture book I read this week and loved was Rebecca E. Hirsch’s Plants Can’t Sit Still (Lerner/Millbrook, 2016), illustrated by Mia Posada.      What a beautiful nonfiction book! This is a delightful exploration of the various reasons and methods plants move. From seeking sunlight to evading predators to propagating, all the basics are covered. And the language is fabulous! “Plants can creep. They slither underground or crawl through tall grass…” Wonderful! Who wouldn’t want to keep reading?

And all the verbs are in red, making it an awesome mentor text for using active verbs in your writing. Plus, the art is luscious and lively. I like to think that some teachers will use both this book and A Leaf Can Be… in their plant unit, because it makes me happy to think of our books side by side in kids’ hands.

You can learn more and see an interview with Rebecca here. I saw this book in manuscript form, and I am so happy to see it emerge into the world as this lovely book!


Plants cant sit still activities

TITLE: Plants Can’t Sit Still

AUTHOR: Rebecca E. Hirsch


PUBLICATION INFO: Millbrook Press, 2016

ISBN: 978-1467780315

SOURCE: review copy provided by publisher

INTENDED AUDIENCE: ages 5 and up

GENRE: nonfiction picture book


“Plants don’t have feet or fins or wings, yet they can move in many ways. Look closely and you’ll discover that plants can’t sit still.”

From the publisher: “Do plants really move? Absolutely! You might be surprised by all ways plants can move. Plants might not pick up their roots and walk away, but they definitely don’t sit still! Discover the many ways plants (and their seeds) move. Whether it’s a sunflower, a Venus flytrap, or an exotic plant like an exploding cucumber, this fascinating picture book shows just how excitingly active plants really are.”

WHY I LIKE THIS BOOK: Hirsch turns conventional thinking on its head with this playful book. Plants may be rooted, but they can’t sit still, as Hirsch’s refrain tells us. She uses vivid verbs to explain the many ways plants grow, move, and spread, all the while reinforcing what plants need to grow: water, sunshine, and room. PLANTS CAN’T SIT STILL is both a great read-aloud and a wonderful addition to an elementary classroom unit about plants.


  • See for yourself how plants reach and creep. Grow beans in a plastic bag. Find instructions here.
  • OutsideMom provides a lesson plan for learning how seeds move here.
  • Here’s a catchy tune about seed dispersal from Mr. R’s Songs for Teaching.

You’ll find way more cool books at Susanna Leonard Hill’s “Perfect Picture Books.” Every Friday folks review a host of new books. Join us!

Published by Kirsten W. Larson

Kirsten W. Larson used to work with rocket scientists at NASA. Now she writes books for curious kids. She’s the author of WOOD, WIRE, WINGS: Emma Lilian Todd Invents an Airplane, illustrated by Tracy Subisak (Calkins Creek, 2020), A TRUE WONDER: The Comic Book Her Who Changed Everything, illustrated by Katy Wu (Clarion, 2021); THE FIRE OF STARS: The Life and Brilliance of the Woman Who Discovered What Stars are Made of, illustrated by Katherine Roy (Chronicle, 2023), THIS IS HOW YOU KNOW, illustrated by Cornelia Li (Little, Brown, 2024) and THE LIGHT OF RESISTANCE, illustrated by Barbara McClintock (Roaring Brook, 2023) along with 25 other nonfiction books for kids. She's a geek, LEGO lover, and sock enthusiast. Find her at or on Twitter/Instagram @KirstenWLarson. View all posts by Kirsten W. Larson

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