Pressure on upper left side of stomach

If you have been researching the internet about “left side stomach pain,” then you are in the right place. Left stomach side pain means that you feel pain in the lower-left side of the abdomen.

There are several possible causes of this type of pain, which can be painful for men and women. This article explains why people get stomach pains, the causes, treatment, and when to see a doctor.

Why Do People Get Stomach Pain?

Let’s be clear; there are numerous reasons why you could be getting stomach pain. Some are very common, and most of us have had them at one point in our lives. However, some injuries are more unusual and can be a cause of concern. 

For example, a painful or swollen belly is often a sign of a condition called diverticulitis. The pain can be sharp, dull, or a combination of both. A bellyache may be a disease symptom such as an infection or a gastrointestinal (GI) problem, including a GI bleed.

What Causes Left Stomach Side Pain?

There are several conditions of the digestive tract that may cause pain on the left lower stomach side, including:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Diverticulitis (colonic inflammation due to an abnormal pocket)
  • Food intolerances such as lactose intolerance, which make dairy products difficult to digest
  • Gastrointestinal infection caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses
  • Excess gas
  • Celiac disease (intestinal damage caused by gluten from wheat and other grains)
  • Diseases related to the intestines, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS); intestinal discomfort without causing damage or disease
  • Abdominal hernia (occurs when weak areas of the abdominal muscles cause the intestine to protrude)

Women can experience left stomach side pain for the following reasons; 

  • Endometriosis: An abdominal problem that causes pain, especially during and before a period
  • Period cramps
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ectopic Pregnancy: Pain that occurs when the fetus grows inside the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy may occur within the first ten weeks of pregnancy.

It is essential to consult a physician immediately if you experience left stomach pain, as it may signify a serious problem. 

A gastrointestinal disorder such as peptic ulcer disease or gastritis is usually responsible for left stomach left side abdominal pain. An infection in the abdomen or appendicitis could also contribute to left-sided stomach pain.

Treatment for Left Stomach Side Pain

There are many types of treatment for pain, which will depend on the conditions or diseases causing it. As a remedy for lower abdominal pain caused by diverticulitis, you may need antibiotics and rest. In other cases, such as a hernia or an intestinal blockage, surgery will be necessary.

Your doctor may prescribe dietary adjustments and laxatives in severe cases of constipation and gas. Chronic lower abdominal pain, such as Crohn’s or IBS, can be managed better with a more careful diet.

Dietary exclusion is sometimes necessary to treat food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance.

When to See a Doctor 

If abdominal pain goes away and does not return, treatment may not be necessary. You should, however, consult your doctor if you experience severe abdominal pain. 

The following symptoms are chronic:

  • Having blood in your vomit
  • Jaundice
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Intense or escalating pain
  • Fever and pain
  • Chest pain, cough, or difficulty breathing
  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Pain accompanied by diarrhea
  • A prolonged episode of constipation
  • Stool containing blood
  • Vomiting or nausea with pain

Keep an eye out for any of these severe symptoms, especially if they persist for more than two to three days. Visit the doctor right away if you notice any of them.

You must take left stomach side pain seriously, as the symptoms may indicate other health issues. 

If you feel pain in the left side of your abdomen, contact us. 

Having a pain or ache in the left side of your stomach can be really uncomfortable and worrying too.

Left-side abdominal pain is a common problem but can be difficult to diagnose as there are several important organs in this area, including the spleen, stomach and left kidney. A range of digestive issues could also be to blame.

What digestive conditions could be causing the pain?

Constipation, IBS and Gastroenteritis

Left side of stomach pain can be a sign that there’s something wrong with your digestive system.

Aching or cramping can be linked to


(IBS) or

, where the lining of your stomach or small intestine is irritated or becomes inflamed.

Short-term digestive issues like constipation or gastroenteritis can be treated from home, but it’s important to monitor your symptoms and visit a doctor if the pain doesn’t settle.

IBS, constipation and gastroenteritis can also cause



If the pouches in the wall of your small and large intestine get infected, this can cause a condition known as

, which causes constant abdominal pain on left side in a lower area, as well as high fever, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting or blood in your stools.

Intermittent, crampy pain towards the left of your tummy can also be a symptom of diverticulosis.

You may also notice that your pain seems to flare up while you’re eating, or just after you’ve finished a meal.

The condition is fairly common in western countries - affecting approximately 50% of people over the age of 50 - and may be linked to a lack of dietary fibre.

It’s usually harmless and some people don't experience any symptoms, but some people with diverticulosis feel a constant, dull ache towards the lower left side of the stomach.

If you think that you might have a chronic condition like diverticulosis, see a doctor. Treatment can vary depending on the severity of your symptoms, but a diet that’s rich in high-fibre foods like wholemeal bread, beans and brown rice may help.

Could the pain be a sign of kidney conditions?

Kidney infection

Left side stomach pain can be a sign that your left kidney is infected.

Kidney infections normally develop when a bacterial infection travels from your bladder to your kidneys and this can cause dull, aching pain towards the left of your abdomen.

Other symptoms include pain in your lower back or groin, nausea, and a fever. You may also notice some blood in your pee.

If you have lasting abdominal pain and a fever, see a doctor. Most kidney infections can be treated with antibiotics, but can cause permanent damage to your kidneys if left untreated.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones develop when waste products like calcium form crystals in your kidney. Small stones can sometimes pass in your pee, but larger stones will need to be removed so that they don’t cause permanent damage to your kidney.

Kidney stones can also cause left-sided abdominal pain, but the type or ‘character’ of the pain tends to be different. People with kidney stones often experience a severe, stabbing pain in the back or tummy, and it is not unusual for this pain to come and go in spasms.

If you have a kidney stone, you may also find that you feel sweaty and sick, or notice that there’s some blood in your pee.

If you think you might have kidney stones, see a doctor. While you wait for medical help, drink plenty of hydrating fluids and take a painkiller if necessary to manage the pain.

Could I have a swollen or damaged spleen?

Occasionally, pain in left side of abdomen can be a sign that something is wrong with your spleen.

The spleen is a small, fist-sized organ located just underneath your stomach. It helps to filter your blood and create new blood cells.

Your spleen may hurt if it’s damaged or ruptured in an accident, or it can become swollen and painful as a result of a condition like leukemia or


Other signs that your spleen has become swollen or damaged include:

  • pain or tenderness behind your ribs
  • dizziness and rapid heart rate
  • feeling full very quickly after eating (because your spleen is pressing against your stomach)
  • frequent infections
  • fatigue

If you think that your spleen may be damaged or swollen, you should go to your nearest hospital immediately. They may organise scans and tests to find the cause, and may be able to prescribe medication to treat the underlying cause.

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When to see a doctor

If you think the pain on the left side of your abdomen could be caused by any of the conditions above, you should see a doctor.

You should also contact a doctor if you have left side of abdomen pain and you:

  • are pregnant
  • experience persistent sickness or vomiting
  • are bringing up blood, or see blood in your poo
  • have persistent diarrhea
  • have recently lost a lot of weight without trying to
  • feel breathless or light-headed

What organ is on the top left of your stomach?

Organs in the left upper quadrant include the stomach, spleen, left portion of the liver, main body of the pancreas, the left portion of the kidney, adrenal glands, splenix flexure of the colon, and bottom part of the colon.

When should I worry about upper left side pain?

When to see a doctor. As you can see, the cause of upper left abdominal pain varies significantly and may be from something as minor as heartburn. However, if the pain is new, persistent, and severe, you should visit your doctor.

What causes pain in upper left side under rib cage?

On the left side, this includes your heart, left lung, pancreas, spleen, stomach, and left kidney. When any of these organs are infected, inflamed, or injured, pain can radiate under and around your left rib cage. It's also possible to injure your ribs themselves.

What is under rib cage on left side of stomach?

Your spleen is an organ that sits just below your left rib cage. Many conditions — including infections, liver disease and some cancers — can cause an enlarged spleen.


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