Protein powder before or after workout reddit

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Do you need to have it post workout or can you have one with breakfast. When is the best time to and can you have multiple?

level 1

You don't have to have it directly post-workout. The main goal is to make sure you consistently hit your protein goal each day.

Personally, I have a shake at breakfast and then one around an hour or so after dinner. You can have multiple but don't depend entirely on shakes for your protein input. Do aim to get it from meats (or high protein veggies if you're vegetarian) as well.

level 1

As with protein in general protein supplements can be taken whenever.

To elicit the best response from training it can help to get protein in the body as soon as a training session ceases.

Practically speaking, simply try to get enough protein in throughout each 24hr period.

One additional tid bit - a protein supplement is just that, a supplement. If your schedule allows it's good to prioritize real food.

level 1

Some drink it for breakfast, some for pre-workout, some for post-workout, some before bed...

Ultimately if it’s the only way you get your cals in, drink it when you want. But a high carb/protein shake after a workout is for sure good.

You can have a couple, but solid food is better.

level 1

Timing is one of those optimizations that really doesn't make enough of a difference to worry about at all unless you're a top 1% athlete. Protein supplements should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet high in protein to assist hitting the high intake required for optimum muscle repair. You can have multiple but if you're eating three to four high protein meals a day, you shouldn't need more than two, again, unless you're the 1%.

level 1

Stop overthinking things, just get your shakes in anytime during the day whenever you can and whenever it's convenient. Optimal timing of protein intake makes such a small difference that it is not worth worrying about it.

level 1

Any time of the day. Its like asking "When should I eat chicken?" or "When should I eat beef/eggs/fish?" All of them are just protein that are fine to have at any convenient time for you

level 1

Dude you’re invading this sub lol

level 2

Is that a bad thing? Ive got genuine questions

level 1

As long as you hit your calorie/protein goal for the day, you’ve done the most important thing. Now, there are some studies that show drinking it before working out gives the best short term protein synthesis, but honestly it depends on your body. My advice for you is to play around in the beginning, not just with shakes but with workout times (morning, evening, etc), different exercises, and mind-muscle connections. Of course you should be smart about this but the individual human is so mindbogglingly complex that learning what your body likes and dislikes isn’t a bad idea. This isn’t an excuse to go easy on the workouts or diet though. Work hard and work consistently (once you figure out what suits your body best) for the best results.

level 1

Morning, before and after workout on your preference and only do this if you are following a strict routine and wanna change yourself! Other wise it's a waste, of digestion and money! Lol

level 1

Whenever you want as long as you hit your protein goal throughout the day.

level 2

How do you find out your protein goal? Sorry Im new to this aha

level 1

Calories are calories. If you drink it an hour before your workout or 5 hours after it won’t have much of an effect tbh. Also use the search bar a lot of your questions have been asked numerous times if you want faster answers.

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