Renewable resources and non renewable resources examples

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  • Renewable or nonrenewable, what's the difference?

    That's like asking the difference between having an endless supply and having a limited supply. Will this planet eventually run out of oil? Probably. So oil is a nonrenewable resource.

    Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources

    A natural resource is something supplied by nature that helps support life. When you think ofnatural resources, you may think of minerals and fossil fuels. However, ecosystems and the services they provide are also natural resources. Biodiversity is a natural resource as well.

    Renewable Resources

    Renewable resources can be replenished by natural processes as quickly as humans use them. Examples include sunlight and wind. They are in no danger of being used up (seeFigure below). Metals and other minerals are renewable too. They are not destroyed when they are used and can be recycled.

    Wind is a renewable resource. Wind turbines like this one harness just a tiny fraction of wind energy.

    Living things are considered to be renewable. This is because they can reproduce to replace themselves. However, they can be over-used or misused to the point of extinction. To be truly renewable, they must be used sustainably. Sustainable use is the use of resources in a way that meets the needs of the present and also preserves the resources for future generations.

    Nonrenewable Resources

    Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that exist in fixed amounts and can be used up. Examples include fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. These fuels formed from the remains of plants over hundreds of millions of years. We are using them up far faster than they could ever be replaced. At current rates of use, petroleum will be used up in just a few decades and coal in less than 300 years. Nuclear power is also considered to be a nonrenewable resource because it uses up uranium, which will sooner or later run out. It also produces harmful wastes that are difficult to dispose of safely.

    Gasoline is made from crude oil. The crude oil pumped out of the ground is a black liquid called petroleum, which is a nonrenewable resource.

    Coal is another nonrenewable resource.

    Turning Trash Into Treasure

    Scientists at the Massachusetts of Technology are turning trash into coal, which can readily be used to heat homes and cook food in developing countries. This coal burns cleaner than that from fossil fuels. It also save a tremendous amount of energy.


    • Renewable resources can be replaced by natural processes as quickly as humans use them. Examples include sunlight and wind.
    • Nonrenewable resources exist in fixed amounts. They can be used up. Examples include fossil fuels such as coal.


    1. Define natural resource. Give an example.
    2. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources and give examples.
    3. Infer factors that determine whether a natural resource is renewable or nonrenewable.

    A natural resource that, when consumed, does not replenish at the same speed at which it is used up

    What is a Non-Renewable Resource?

    A non-renewable resource refers to a natural resource that is found beneath the earth, which when consumed, does not replenish at the same speed at which it is used up. The resources typically take millions of years to develop. The main examples of non-renewable resources are fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas, which humans regularly draw to produce energy.

    Apart from non-renewable resources, there also exist renewable resources that are also a source of energy. Renewable resources can be sustained since they replenish naturally. Examples of renewable resources include wind and sunlight, which are used to generate wind power energy and solar power energy, respectively.

    Understanding Non-Renewable Resources

    The US Energy Information Administration describes non-renewable resources as resources that do not replenish within a short time to keep up with their consumption. These resources are formed from organic material from plant and animal remains that existed millions of years ago. Since the materials took millions of years to form, they also require millions of years to replenish.

    Humans extract non-renewable resources in the form of gas, liquid, or solids, and then convert them into convenient forms for easy consumption. Non-renewable resources, such as coal and oil, are the primary source of power in the world, and they are used to power vehicles, factories, and homes. Although affordable, they can be harmful to the environment and are one of the notable contributors to global warming.

    Types of Non-Renewable Resources

    The two broad categories of non-renewable resources are fossil fuels and nuclear energy (from uranium ore).

    1. Fossil fuels

    Fossil fuels are formed due to the continuous heating and compressing of organic matter buried beneath the earth’s surface. The organic matter mainly comprises of plant and animal remains that have decomposed, heated, and compressed over millions of years to form fossil deposits.

    The deposits are extracted through drilling or mining, and they can be in liquid, gas, or solid form. Fossil fuels are highly combustible, making them a rich source of energy. Examples of fossil fuels include:

    Crude oil

    Crude oil, also referred to as petroleum oil, is the only non-renewable resource that is extracted in liquid form. It is found between the layers of the earth’s crust, or between the rocks, and it is retrieved by drilling a vertical well into the ground and ocean floor.

    The crude oil is then pumped out to the surface, taken through a refinery, and then used to create different products. It used to produce gasoline and diesel to power motor vehicles and manufacture plastics, heating oil, propane, and jet fuel, as well as artificial food flavors.

    With oil reserves being used up more quickly than new oil fields are discovered, scientists predict that the current oil reserves may not last beyond the middle of the 21st century.

    Natural gas

    Natural gas is a gaseous non-renewable resource that is found below the earth’s crust but near crude oil deposits in the subsurface. Natural gas primarily consists of methane, but may also contain other forms of natural gas such as propane, ethane, and butane.

    Methane is odorless, and it is mixed with a special additive to give it an odor for easy detection in case there is gas leakage. Once natural gas is extracted, it is sent to processing plants to remove propane and butane, which are used as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Natural gas is used for heating homes, as well as for cooking in gas ovens, stoves, and grills.


    Coal is created by compressed organic matter, and it contains carbon and hydrocarbon matter. It is formed from plant-filled swamps that have been covered by sediments for millions of years. Coal is extracted by digging up the ground and taking out the coal solids for processing into energy.

    The main types of coal are anthracite, lignite, bituminous coal, and sub-bituminous coal. Bituminous is found in the United States. It contains 45% to 86% of carbon. It has a high heat content and is used in generating energy and in making steel and iron.

    Anthracite contains 86% to 97% carbon, and it has the highest heating value. It is much harder to find than the other types of coal and is used in the metal industry.

    2. Nuclear energy (Uranium)

    Apart from fossil fuels, the other category of non-renewable resources is nuclear fuels. It is primarily obtained through the mining and refining of uranium ore, a naturally occurring radioactive element below the earth’s surface.

    Uranium is found in small quantities, and miners often gather the uranium deposits for refining and purification. The mineral generates power through a process known as nuclear fusion, which creates enough pressure to run turbines and generate nuclear power.

    Related Readings

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    What are 10 examples of renewable resources?

    Examples of Renewable Energy Sources.
    Solar Energy..
    Wind Energy..
    Geothermal Energy..
    Cultivated plants..

    What is renewable resources and nonrenewable resources with examples?

    Renewable resources cannot be depleted over time. Non-renewable resources deplete over time. Renewable resources include sunlight, water, wind and also geothermal sources such as hot springs and fumaroles. Non-renewable resources includes fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum.

    What are 5 examples of renewable?

    Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy.

    What are 6 examples of non

    Following are examples of non-renewable resources:.
    Rare earth elements..
    Petroleum products..


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