Sample letter of recommendation for community service

This Community Service Letter of Recommendation is made from the perspective of a leader from an organization confirming that a person has rendered their services to your organization. Highlight certain characteristics of the subject with the use of its compatible software available.

Community Service Letter of Recommendation Template

This Community Service Letter of Recommendation is made from the perspective of a leader from an organization confirming that a person has rendered their services to your organization. Highlight certain characteristics of the subject with the use of its compatible software available.

    Some organizations require a volunteer recommendation letter before accepting volunteers into their organization. It may be that money will be handled or stringent rules followed to maintain a tax exempt status. Such a letter can be from anyone who can testify to the honesty, integrity and character of the volunteer.


    This sample volunteer recommendation letter is from the chairperson of a local chapter of the American Heart Association. It is written to the current president of the local chapter of the American Cancer Society on behalf of an individual who is volunteering to serve as the treasurer or the organization.

    Dear Ms. Whitney:

    It is my honor to recommend one of the most dedicated volunteers to ever work with me at our local chapter of the American Heart Association. Caroline Ford has more energy and determination than anyone I have ever seen. We have raised record dollars since her involvement with AHA due to her unique and creative fundraising ideas. Right now Caroline is not holding an office with AHA but is serving as one of our busy “worker bees.” It is my belief that she has the multi-tasking talent it takes to also fill the vacant spot of treasurer at the local chapter of the American Cancer Society.

    Caroline is the type who fulfills her commitments no matter what it takes. Even if she bites off a little more than she can chew, she presses on with dedication to do what she promised to do. There is no one I know who is more honest and trustworthy than Caroline. She has passed the background check required by the AHA and I am sure will have no dings on her record of volunteerism that will stop her from serving as your treasurer. She understands and adheres to proper accounting practices, compiles accurate financial reports and keeps excellent record of every transaction.

    I have never worked with anyone who has the level of enthusiasm that Caroline possesses. Having lost family members to both heart disease and cancer, finding cures for these two diseases is extremely important to her. She is a tireless worker who is dependable and affable. Caroline is not afraid to change the game plan if a process is not working out. She is flexible and her goal is success for the chapter, whatever it takes. Caroline is committed to making our community a better place with the sacrifice of her time and efforts through local volunteerism. Put simply, she is just a person who cares.

    Well-liked and respected by her peers, there are few people I have enjoyed working with more than Caroline. I am confident you would be happy with her work.I am happy to recommend Caroline Ford as a volunteer for our local American Cancer Society and believe she will make an excellent treasurer. If you would like to discuss my experiences volunteering with Caroline, please contact me at (555)-555-5555 or email me at [email]


    Harry Jones

    Harry Jones


    ABC County Chapter

    American Heart Association

    Letter of recommendation sample for volunteer or student

    Writing a letter of recommendation or letter of reference is easy with our sample template, specifically designed for volunteer managers, leaders of clubs, groups or organizations and other leaders. Just fill in the blanks with the information for the group member, church member, association member, club member, organization member, charity member, volunteer, student or other person you are writing a letter about. Letters of recommendation can be fast and easy with our time-saving example below.

    Letter of recommendation sample for volunteer or student

    Your Address



    telephone and email

    (Addressee address




    Dear (Title and name): or To whom it may concern:

    My name is (first and last name) and I have known the (Name of Recommendation) for (number) years. S/He has volunteered/worked with/for me as a (job title) at (organization name), where I am the (position title). In my position, which I have held for (number) years.

    I am writing to recommend that you consider (name of recommended) for your (business, college, position, etc). In all my years of experience, some individuals stand out for their great qualities and (insert name of recommended) is one of those people. S/He is well known for her/his (insert personality qualities: intelligence, work ethic, positive attitude, teamwork mentality, leadership, diligence, etc). S/He is well respected throughout the organization for (something specific about recommended - being the "go-to" person for a certain skill, for getting things done, for meeting short deadlines, for accomplishing a task, etc). Throughout the time I've know him/her, s/he has shown me time and again that s/he is a positive, motivated leader with amazing potential.

    During her/his time here, s/he played an important role in (project - organizing a fundraiser, volunteering on the staff, designing the web site, gaining accolades for the organization, invigorating the volunteer program, etc). In fact, s/he was so affective in this organization that (insert accomplishment). Add more details about something they've done. Use more than one paragraph if necessary.

    In summation, due to her/his great attitude, dedication and excellent potential, I would heartily recommend that you accept (name of recommended) for the (position). I am sure that s/he would not let you down and would be as great an asset to your team as s/he has been to mine.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. I can be reached at (organization or

    personal phone number) or at (preferably organization email).


    Your name

    Position title (as it relates to how you know the person, ie: St Anne's Church council president, Feed the Hungry vice president or Red Cross volunteer coordinator, etc)

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    More information: We hope this page was helpful and provided you with some information about How to write a letter of recommendation for a volunteer. Check out our main page for more articles here Can U Write.

    How do you write a recommendation letter for community service?

    How to write a letter of recommendation for community service.
    Find out if there are specific guidelines required. ... .
    Make an outline. ... .
    Remember who, what, why and when. ... .
    End the letter appropriately. ... .
    Check for errors and make revisions..

    How do I write a volunteer recommendation?

    How to write a letter of recommendation for a volunteer.
    Gather information. ... .
    Speak with the volunteer. ... .
    Address the letter. ... .
    Include a greeting. ... .
    Explain the purpose of the letter. ... .
    Describe why you want to recommend the volunteer. ... .
    Summarize and conclude. ... .
    Finish with a formal closing..

    What should a community service letter say?

    Basically, it's a document which would confirm, in writing, that you have done any community service..
    Your previous employment or volunteer work history, if any..
    If the work you've done in the past is relevant to the work you are currently applying for, discuss that..

    What are good things to say in a letter of recommendation?

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