Sequoia national park to redwood national park

Notes: Sequoia National Park, America's 2nd national park, was established on September 25, 1890 when President Benjamin Harrison signed legislation which preserved Garfield Grove of giant redwoods, Hockett Meadow, and other areas along the South Fork of Kaweah River as a public park, or pleasure ground, for the benefit and enjoyment of the people. Just 6 days later, on October 1, 1890, President Harrison signed additional legislation which established Yosemite National Park and General Grant National Park (which, 50 years later, became part of Kings Canyon National Park) and nearly tripled the size of Sequoia National Park to include Giant Forest.

On July 3, 1926, Sequoia National Park more than doubled in size again after President Calvin Coolidge signed legislation which moved the eastern park boundary to the Sierra Crest, thereby including Kern Canyon, and adjusted the northern park boundary to follow Silliman Crest and the Kings-Kern Divide. On December 21, 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed legislation which added the Buckeye Housing Area and included several land exchanges with Southern California Edison. On August 14, 1958, the size of the park shrank slightly when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation which transferred Cabin Cove and Summit Meadow to Sequoia National Game Refuge in Sequoia National Forest.

On November 10, 1978, Sequoia National Park expanded yet again after President James E. Carter signed legislation which added Mineral King Valley to the park. Sequoia National Park expanded for the last time on December 28, 2000, when President William J. Clinton signed legislation which added most of Dillonwood Grove to the park.

Today, Sequoia National Park encompasses over 631 mi2 (1,635 km2) of terrain and receives more than 1,200,000 visitors annually. Together, Kings Canyon National Park and Sequoia National Park contain 866 mi (1,394 km) of hiking trails.

Sequoia National Park includes 24 giant redwood groves:

  • Atwell Mill Grove
  • Board Camp Grove
  • Cahoon Creek Grove
  • Castle Creek Grove
  • Coffeepot Canyon Grove
  • Dennison Grove
  • Homer's Nose Grove
  • Horse Creek Grove
  • Lost Grove
  • Muir Grove
  • New Oriole Grove
  • Oriole Grove
  • Pine Ridge Grove
  • Redwood Meadow Grove
  • Skagway Grove
  • South Fork Grove
  • Surprise Grove
  • Suwanee Grove

Sequoia National Park includes the world's largest tree (General Sherman), the oldest living redwood (President), the redwood with the most leaves (General Sherman), the tallest giant redwood (Near Sherman), the giant redwood with the largest crown (President), the fastest-growing giant redwood (Burgeon), the tree with the world's largest branch (Arm), 4 of the 10 largest trees on Earth (Franklin, General Sherman, Lincoln, and President), and 16 of the 30 largest giant redwoods (Above Diamond, Adams, Chief Sequoyah, Column, Diamond, Floyd Otter, Franklin, General Pershing, General Sherman, Hamilton, King Arthur, Lincoln, Monroe, Near Gothic Arch, President, and Rimrock). The park contains 45 trees larger than 25,000 ft3 (708 m3), 28 trees larger than 30,000 ft3 (850 m3), 11 trees larger than 35,000 ft3 (991 m3), 6 trees larger than 40,000 ft3 (1,133 m3), and 2 trees larger than 45,000 ft3 (1,274 m3).

Sequoia National Park includes the following giant redwoods:

General Sherman is the largest tree, Near Sherman is the tallest tree, and President is the oldest tree in Sequoia National Park.

Visit for seasonal hours, current entrance fees, and more information.

Drive: Lodgepole Visitor Center in Sequoia National Park is located at 63100 Lodgepole Road 219 mi (352 km) southeast of San Francisco, near Fresno.

Northbound: From U.S. Interstate 5 North, transfer to California State Route 99 North toward Bakersfield. Drive north 97 mi (156 km) on California State Route 99 and transfer to California State Route 198 East toward Visalia. Drive east 65 mi (105 km) on California State Route 198, past the park entrance station (entrance fee required), and turn right onto Lodgepole Road.

Southbound: From U.S. Interstate 5 South in Sacramento, transfer to U.S. Highway 50 East toward South Lake Tahoe. Drive east 1.7 mi (2.7 km) on U.S. Highway 50 and transfer to California State Highway 99 South. Near Fresno, transfer to California State Route 180 East. Drive east 56 mi (90 km) on California State Route 180, past the Kings Canyon National Park entrance station (entrance fee required), and turn right onto California State Route 198 West. Drive south 24 mi (39 km) on California State Route 198 and turn left onto Lodgepole Road.

The Redwood Canyon contains one of the largest of all sequoia groves and largest areas of old-growth sequoia trees. As you hike, you will see signs of many fires—some recent, some ancient. Prescribed fires have been used in portions of this grove to reduce fuel, restoring the forest more closely to the condition it was in 100 years ago. Look for young sequoia in these burned areas, as giant sequoias reproduce most successfully after fire.

Hart Tree and Fallen Goliath Loop

This alternate loop provides numerous vista points and a taste of the human history that are part of the Redwood Canyon experience. Follow the old dirt road .3 miles to the trail sign. Turning left and crossing fern-lined Redwood Creek, Barton’s Post Camp marks the remains of an old logging site from the 1800’s. The trail continues past lovely Hart Meadow and though Tunnel Tree, a hollowed out giant sequoia. At 3.2 miles you reach a spur trail to the largest tree in the grove, the Hart Tree. After passing a small waterfall, you soon encounter the Fallen Goliath. The trail will descend to the Redwood Canyon Trail leading to Big Springs (a 3.6 mile spur) and shortly the junction to the Sugar Bowl Loop. Veer right at both and continue up canyon, parallel to Redwood Creek and back to the parking area. Total distance is 7.3 miles (11.7 km), with an overall elevation gain of 1,100 feet (335 m).

Sugar Bowl Loop

Sometimes referred to as the “grove within a grove,” this portion of the Redwood Canyon Grove is particularly enjoyable because of the high density of young sequoias. Following the trailhead sign to the right, ascend a ridge of Redwood Mountain for 1.5 miles (2.4 km) where a series of switchbacks lead to an overlook of Big Baldy. Continue to the summit to another overlook at 2 miles (3.2 km). The trail descends into the Sugar Bowl, a dense stand of mature and young sequoia. After descending into the canyon you will encounter Redwood Creek and the junction to the Hart Tree. Follow the trail to the left back to the parking area. Total distance is 6.5 miles (10.4 km), with an overall elevation gain of 1,480 feet (451 m).

Redwood Mountain Loop

A hike that combines both the Sugar Bowl and the Hart Tree Loops makes for a long day-trip or an overnight adventure. A wilderness permit is required for overnight camping. Total distance is 10 miles (16.1 km).

Note: Cattle occasionally wander into Redwood Canyon from grazing allotments on the adjacent Sequoia National Forest. If you see cattle in Redwood Canyon, please notify a park ranger.

How far is the redwoods from Sequoia?

How far is Sequoia National Park from the Redwoods? About 5 hours. If you start at Sequoia National Park and drive north west, the closest Redwood Park (Muir Woods) is north of San Francisco.

What is the difference between Sequoia and Redwood National Park?

The primary difference between sequoias and redwoods is their habitat. Redwoods live near the coast, while sequoias live in subalpine regions of California. Redwoods are the tallest trees in the world.

Is it worth going to Redwood National Park?

The redwoods alone are enough to make this park worth visiting. But Redwood National Park has much more to offer than just majestic, giant trees! In Redwood National Park, you'll find a wide array of old-growth forests, coastal drives and hikes, and activities for every type of national park lover.

Is one day enough for Redwood National Park?

Yes, you can definitely experience Redwood National Park in one day! On my most recent visit, I only spent about 6 hours in the park and still managed to hike Prairie Creek and Foothill Loop Trail (including seeing Big Tree Wayside), Simpson-Reed Trail, and Stout Memorial Grove Trail.