Severe back pain after coronary artery stent placement

Is it normal to have chest pain after having a stent?

I had a stent fitted after being diagnosed with angina, but a week later I’m still having some chest pain. Is this normal?

Senior Cardiac Nurse Christopher Allen says:

A stent is fitted when an artery is very narrow and restricting blood flow to the heart muscle.

The stent will usually improve the symptoms of angina, but there may be narrowings in other arteries too.

The stent is taking time to settle

These might not be severe enough to require another stent, so you may still have angina symptoms – this is why working with your doctor to get your medication right is so important.

The tablets you take every day should keep most of your symptoms under control, but for any flare-ups you may want to use a GTN spray under your tongue.

Always remember that if resting and using your spray during an angina attack hasn’t worked, call for an ambulance – you may be having a heart attack.

It is also possible that you are experiencing discomfort because the stent is takingtime to settle. This is quite normal, but make an appointment to see your GP and check if they want to review your medications.

  • Find out about better stents for the future.
  • Read our introduction to angioplasty and watch a video of the procedure.
  • Read what to expect in a cath lab where procedures including angioplasty are carried out.

Meet the expert

Christopher Allen helps manage the BHF’s genetic information service and has extensive specialist experience of working in coronary care.

Back pain may also occur due to compression of the nerves arising from the lower lumbar and upper sacral region as the stent traverses the spine and sacrum to the pelvis.

Is it normal to have pain after a stent?

You can have episodes of pain or discomfort as the stent settles into place. This pain is usually felt quite locally in the chest, and is often described as sharp or stabbing. This type of pain can often be relieved by taking acetaminophen (Tylenol).”

What should I watch after stent placement?

Increased pain, redness, swelling, bleeding, or other drainage from the insertion site. Coolness, numbness or tingling, or other changes in the affected arm or leg. Chest pain or pressure, nausea or vomiting, profuse sweating, dizziness, or fainting.

Can stents cause back pain?

-It is common to feel pain in your back (on the side of your body where the stent is) when passing urine. For most patients the symptoms are minor and can be tolerated.

Is it normal to have back pain after angioplasty?

The back pain is a common problem among patients after coronary angiography and is associated with immobility and restricted positioning.

What are the side effects of heart stents?

What are the risks associated with heart angioplasty and stent placement?

  • an allergic reaction to medication or dye.
  • breathing problems.
  • bleeding.
  • a blockage of the stented artery.
  • a blood clot.
  • a heart attack.
  • an infection.
  • re-narrowing of the artery.

How long does a stent take to settle?

Recovery from angioplasty and stenting is typically brief. Discharge from the hospital is usually 12 to 24 hours after the catheter is removed. Many patients are able to return to work within a few days to a week after a procedure.

How do you relieve pain from a stent?

Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), before going to bed may help reduce stent-related discomfort while you sleep. Ibuprofen may be more effective for stent-related pain due to its combined pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.

Does angiogram cause backache?

Coronary angiography is a gold standard tool for diagnosis of coronary artery disease. After this test, patients are restricted in bed to prevent vascular complications. Immobilization and bed rest can cause back pain in these patients.

What can go wrong after a stent?

A stent can cause blood clotting, which may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute state that about 1 to 2 percent of people who have stented arteries develop a blood clot at the site of the stent.

How long is person expected to live after a stent is inserted?

Answer: How long a patient is expected to live after getting a coronary stent inserted depends. It depends primarily on the underlying heart disease, age, and medical condition of the patient. A younger patient, for example, who has a strong heart and has never experienced a heart attack, will be expected to live a full and active lifespan.

Chest pain is common after cardiac stent placement, reported by as many as 41 percent of people within the first 72 hours after the procedure, according to an April 1999 “Herz” research article. This pain can be caused by stretching or spasms of the artery walls where the stent was placed, or it could be a sign of a serious heart attack.

What causes pain after open heart surgery?

It can give rise to pain similar to angina pain before the surgery was performed. Certain post operative complications such as pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, aortic dissection, pneumonia, and gastritis are few other causes for pain in chest after the bypass.

What are the complications of a stent?

Blood Clots. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute: What Are the Risks of Having a Stent?

  • Restenosis. Collagen deposits in a blood vessel can cause restenosis after stent surgery.
  • Infection. Infection can occur after any invasive procedure,including stent placement.
  • Heart or Vessel Damage.
  • Is back pain normal after stent placement?

    Back pain is a sequela of placing venous stents and resolves after 2 to 3 weeks in most patients. It is much more probable that it will occur when larger stent diameters are placed, and for this reason, it is important to ensure that nitinol stents are not oversized.

    What pain is normal after stent placement?

    You can have episodes of pain or discomfort as the stent settles into place. This pain is usually felt quite locally in the chest, and is often described as sharp or stabbing. This type of pain can often be relieved by taking acetaminophen (Tylenol).”

    What are the signs of stent failure?

    Symptoms like fatigue, chest pain or shortness of breath can indicate in-stent restenosis. If you experience symptoms, you should contact your healthcare provider. Newer, safer drug-eluting stents can lower your risk of developing in-stent restenosis.

    Can a heart cath cause back pain?

    Back pain is commonly reported by patients after undertaking cardiac catheterization (CC), a widely used procedure to examine the heart status.


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