Should the united states have annexed the philippines dbq answers

  • School Alisal High
  • Course Title POLS POLITICAL
  • Pages 4
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DBQ: Should The United States have annexed the Philippines?~Document Based Question~Directions:Reach each of these 4 documents and answer the corresponding analysisquestions on a sheet of binder paper. As you work through the documents, you will be buildinga claim in response to the central analysis question:Should the United States have annexedthe Philippines?This is worth 200 points and is the final assignment in your progress report. It is due Friday(tomorrow) at the START of class. I expect you to be focused and productive throughout theperiod so that you don’t have to do much at home. Good luck!DOCUMENT A:Document Analysis Questions:1.Generally speaking, what does an anti-imperialist believe?2.This platform fears that the American governors in the Philippines want to getrid of “the spirit of 1776” in the islands. What does this mean?3.Does the Anti-Imperialist League believe Abraham Lincoln would havesupported the annexation of the Philippines? Explain.

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Should the United States Have Annexed the Phillipines - 1911 Words Essay

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Should the United States have Annexed the Philippines? “No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent. When the white man governs himself, that is self-government, but when he governs himself and also governs another man, that is more than self-government - that is despotism [rule by a tyrant].” In annexing the Philippines, we were being conquistadors, comparable to Spain, who we were fighting at the time. The Filipinos knew exactly what they were risking by trying to receive independence, they knew they may have been too weak to govern themselves. It is completely against the foundation of the US to seize freedom from another man. I believe the United States should have never annexed the Philippines without the Filipinos’ total consent. The American Anti-Imperialist league has a platform I fully agree with. “We protest against the extension of American sovereignty by Spanish methods…” (Doc A, American Anti-Imperialist League). In trying to conquest other nations, the US being identical to the enemy, Spain. What is the point in helping the Filipinos gain their independence if we are about to trap them back into the exact same situation? Some of you may think that our only choice is to annex them.…show more content…
“...We govern our children without their consent...Would not the people of the Philippines prefer the just, human, civilizing government of this Republic…” (Doc B, Albert J. Beveridge). I disagree with this black and white view of the world. The Filipinos are grown people capable of making the best decision for themselves. Children are not (due to their undeveloped frontal lobes). They do not need America to save them. They wanted freedom enough to attempt war with Spain, a global power, so they have earned that


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Why should the US have annexed the Philippines?

Americans who advocated annexation evinced a variety of motivations: desire for commercial opportunities in Asia, concern that the Filipinos were incapable of self-rule, and fear that if the United States did not take control of the islands, another power (such as Germany or Japan) might do so.

How did the Filipinos react to the American annexation of the Philippines?

In Paris on December 10, 1898, the United States paid Spain $20 million to annex the entire Philippine archipelago. The outraged Filipinos, led by Aguinaldo, prepared for war. Once again, MacArthur was thrust to the fore and distinguished himself in the field as he led American forces in quashing the rebellion.

Why did some oppose the annexation of the Philippines?

Why did some people oppose annexation of Philippines? Some Americans like Mark Twain believed that it was simply wrong and un-American to deprive the Filipinos of their independence. After all, here was a country that was acting just like the American colonies had in the 1770s.

What is William Jennings Bryan's general position on annexing the Philippines?

What is William Jennings Bryan's general position on annexing the Philippines? He is against America annexing the Philippines.


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