Stained glass window linear equation worksheet answer key


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LINED GLASS WINDOW PROJECT linear & Quadratic EQUATIONS DIRECTIONS 1. Circle 3 equations each from groups A, B C and D (12 equations), then circle 2 equations each from groups E and F (4 equations). 2. Record each equation you pick on on your data sheet. You must record them in order, equation # 1-3 from group A, equation #4-6 from group B, etc. 3. Complete the data sheets. 4. Graph all 16 equations on your Stained Glass Window graph paper. Every equation must be labeled with its equation number from your data sheets 5. Color/design your Stained Glass Window GROUP A GROUP B GROUP GROUP D GROUPE GROUPF y = 6 y y = 2 x=4 y = -8 y - 3x = 5 3y + 3x = 9 y 1/2 - =(x - 6) - 7y=(x + 5)2 - 8 x=-2 y=-5 2y = 4x -2y - x= 10 x = 7 2y - X= 2 y + 2x = 8 ya 2(x + y)2 + y = 5(x - 2)2 + 2 x = 1 3y - 2x = 21 3y + x=-3 y = 5(x - 3)2 - 2 y=-= (x + 3). 1 x = -6 y=-2 y + 3 = x 3y + 2x=-6 y = 7 2y - 3x = - 16 -2y = x - 12 y = 3(x + 2)2-5 y x = 3 y = 5(x + 2)2 - 5 y=-3(x-2) + 7 TIPS RO, PICKING X-VALUES por your pable of coordinates *FOR GROUPS C AND D - If your slope is a fraction, pick zero and multiples of the denominator for x-values *FOR GROUPS E AND F - Place the vertex point in the center of the table. Subtract the value of the denominator of "a" to get two x-values to the left of the vertex, then add the value of the denominator of "a" to get two x-values to the right of the vertex. For example: -3 +3 +3 y = }} (x + 2)2 – 5 a= -8 -5 -2 vertex (-2,-5) Y ©20M Catherine Cup Uneratord Nybora) -3 1 4 3 X 5 Y
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Stained glass window linear equation worksheet answer key

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