The archer adam melchor lyrics meaning

don't invest in me / unless its ghosts that make you money / like they do on your TV / could've sworn it was something / whenever your house creaks / turn the corner take a peak / although you thought you heard it speak / it was really nothing

I know this well / I know this all too well
I know this well / I know this all too well

and so don't invest in me / I did the books on all returns never seen / and I won't return when I leave / baby hold on to your currency / or anything meaning something to you currently / oh you're something to see / but don't invest in me

runnin' from my senses / legs torn up from jumpin fences / all the denim the top collected / i'm hurtin now / this is my achievement / i'm only lonely when it's convenient / no one earns that sort of treatment / nobody does

I know this well / I know this all too well
I know this well / I know this all too well

and so don't invest in me / I did the books on all returns never seen / and I won't return when I leave / baby hold on to your currency / or anything meaning something to you currently / oh you're something to see / but don't invest in me

I never know why I did you wrong
I never know why I did you wrong
I never know why I did you wrong
(I've read the signs)
I never know why I did you wrong
(I'm used to running them)
I never know why I did you wrong
(I know I should'nt cry)
I never know why I did you wrong
(but i don't wanna hold it in)

I know this well / I know this all too well
I know this well / I know this all too well

and so don't invest in me / I did the books on all returns never seen / and I won't return when I leave / baby hold on to your currency / or anything meaning something to you currently / oh you're something to me / oh you're something to me / oh you're something to me / but dont invest in me

Life is unpredictable. Nothing is ever really permanent, especially emotions. In "Last Time," Adam Melchor tackles the fickle nature of humans, crafting a beautiful and incredibly vulnerable song.

"Last Time" begins with Melchor's soft-spoken vocals and simple guitar, giving the lyrics all the space necessary to remain the focus. The song continues to build, ending with a powerful string arrangement, making the song feel cinematic and perfectly encapsulating the overwhelming rush of thoughts that come with overthinking.

In his own words,

"The song is about leaving someone at an airport and the feeling of watching them walk away from you. In that moment, I ask myself 'is this the last time I'll see this person?' and proceed to walk myself through every good and bad scenario until ultimately, I see them again."

In transcribing his stream of consciousness and fears of the future, Melchor inadvertently reminds listeners of the fleeting nature of the present and to enjoy every moment with those you love as it unfolds. "Last Time" marks a strong start for Melchor, who no doubt has an exciting year ahead.

Watch the video for "Last Time" below.

level 1

have to go now, but gonna answer some of these later so keep them coming <3

level 1

You did this in Dec/Jan of last year. I asked about your writing process and you gave me the advice "just write stories and be as clever as your can" - since then I've written some of the best songs of my life, and my music career has blossomed like never before. I got to thank you super briefly at the Role Model show, but, thank you man.

Question: favorite NJ staple food? Cluck U Chicken? White Mana?

level 2

stories are what we all want! even pop stars who have very simple songs, we love the songs because we know the perspective they are coming from. take drivers license for example. that song is AMAZING but what makes it a hit is that everyone knows the story behind it.

my favorite NJ staple is the Pompton Queen Diner in Pompton Plains and Mamoun's in Hoboken.

level 1

has anyone ever been uncomfortable when they hear a song written about them?? especially ~breakup~ related songs? i guess this kinda goes into like... what are your boundaries when you’re writing a song about someone?

level 2

yes there have been people who have hit me up after hearing something and ask if it's about them or say they know it's about them, but im very accountable for what lyrics i choose, so in these cases i go through every line with them and explain why i wrote it. it has only ended up in both of us laughing about it after which is great.

my boundaries are never name names. unless you ask them and they accept, you shouldnt put the persons name in it.

level 1

hi adam! i have no idea how to word this properly but here goes nothing -

when thinking of your songs, which went through the most changes between when you first wrote them and the fully produced versions?

also, i wanted to thank you so much for being such a help to me this year during really hard times, your songs are so calming and special to listen to💛

level 2

Start Forgetting Death definitely changed the most because I re-wrote it and re-produced it 3 or 4 times. I have so many versions of that song and nothing quite captured the feeling of the song until I made the one that came out :)

level 1

what’s something you’ve learned over the past year, maybe about the creative process, your community, or about yourself?

level 2

I think I learned that people are my priority. The well being of everyone, the reason I play music, the reason I feel great is all because of one thing: people. I learned to not waste time with anyone that doesnt inspire me and i'm lucky enough to be surrounded by the most talented and interesting people on earth, whether thats in real life or on the internet (which in some cases felt like the only real life this year)

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i think i will! maybe not as much but its so much fun and a good way to kill time. if im endless scrolling through IG or Youtube anyway, why not go live.

and download Logic and learn how to use it on Youtube!!! if you dont have a computer, just record voice memos or use garageband on your phone and start uploading.

level 1

hullo adam! i love you, and your lullaby hotline. as a fellow curly haired kid, i am obliged to ask you your hair care routine. so, hey, adam, drop, that, routine. so this won't have to be the last song on earth :)

level 2

to piggyback off of hotynation, i use cold water at the end of my showers. that makes my hair/scalp not dry out so the curls stay.

level 1

Hi, Adam! Thank you for the music, it never fails to move me :’) you’ve soundtracked my pandemic experience and pulled me and others through it and we are eternally grateful! I’m going to one of your upcoming shows and I’m HYPED What is your favorite song in MLH Vol. 1 and why? And what’s a favorite lyric you’ve written? (Also would love to know how the Texas live shows will work with COVID and all that)

Thank you again!! Long live Adam and the squids

level 2

Moon in the Morning is my favorite because I usually stick to the same chords and keys in a song and for that one, the writers and I decided to try to make each section in a different key.

The first verse is in Eb, the Chorus is in Gb, and the Bridge is in D.

My favorite lyrics are all of the words from itsjustmyheart. i remember really feeling those words when i wrote them, and thats why i put the voice memo on the hotline. that voice memo is the first pass at the song after i wrote it so it reminds me of the place i was in when it happened.

the texas live shows will be outside at separated tables btw!!

level 1

Hi Adam! First off, wow, the first hotline mixtape is absolutely phenomenal!!! It’s been on repeat :)

Do you have a song that you either don’t love to perform anymore, or has lost its spark? In addition, are there any that mean more or mean something different to you now?

What’s the most beautiful state you’ve been to?

If you could learn any language, what would it be and why?

thanks! <3

level 2

i dont love playing songs from The Archer EP because of the emotional weight, but I LOVE playing the actual song The Archer.

I think Oregon because the air quality there is just *chefs kiss*

I want to learn Mandarin or Cantonese so when I visit my step moms family I can communicate at least a little bit.

level 1

Through your music, there’s been a huge group of people from all over the world that have genuinely become friends both in-person and over the internet. How does that make you feel? By having such a close knit group of fans, is more stress caused in terms of the reception of your projects or does it make you more comfortable sharing things?

level 2

Im not sure if it effects me in anyway reception wise, but it makes me feel AMAZING to know there are people who share a connection and that connection couldve started with me.

I think im always comfy sharing my thoughts, and everyone being friends just makes it easier.


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