The five types of white blood cells

White blood cells are an integral component of your blood. They are a vital part of your immune system, detecting and dealing with infections. There are different types of white blood cells. If you have an abnormally low or high number of white blood cells, it might indicate an underlying problem.

What are white blood cells?

White blood cells, also called leucocytes, detect and deal with infections or foreign molecules that enter your body. White blood cells will produce antibodies to fight the infection and help with other immune responses.

They are one of four main components of your blood, along with red blood cells, platelets and plasma.

What are the types of white blood cells?

There are different types of white blood cells which each have different roles to play.

The main types of white blood cells are:

  • Neutrophils and monocytes, which mainly fight against bacteria.
  • Eosinophils and basophils are mainly involved in allergic responses.
  • Lymphocytes, which can be T-cells or B-cells, produce antibodies against foreign organisms and are especially involved in fighting off viruses.

What are the problems involving white blood cells?

An abnormally low or high number of white blood cells might indicate an underlying problem.

If you have too few of the healthy type of white blood cells called neutrophils, this is known as neutropenia. It might be a sign of a serious problem, or it might just be because you've got a virus. It can also come on after cancer treatment

If you have too many white blood cells, it could be because you’ve got a bacterial infection. Also leukaemia, a type of cancer, makes you produce large numbers of abnormal white blood cells.

White blood cells (WBCs) are a part of the immune system. They help fight infection and defend the body against other foreign materials.

Different types of white blood cells have different jobs. Some are involved in recognizing intruders. Some kill harmful bacteria. Others make antibodies to protect your body against exposure to bacteria and viruses.

This article discusses the different types of white blood cells and their various functions.

Types of WBC

White blood cells are are also known as leukocytes. They are the body's defense against infections. There are several different types with different purposes.

Some of the cells are part of our innate immune system, meaning they know from birth to attack foreigners. Others are part of our humoral or learned immune system. Humoral immune cells manufacture antibodies after exposure to a germ. This way, the body can be prepared for another attack by that germ.

Verywell / Ellen Lindner


Neutrophils make up roughly half of the white blood cell population. They are usually the first cells of the immune system to respond to invaders such as bacteria or viruses.

As first responders, they also send out signals alerting other cells in the immune system to come to the scene.

Neutrophils are the main cells found in pus. Once released from the bone marrow, these cells live for only around eight hours. Your body produces roughly 100 billion of these cells every day.


Eosinophils also play a role in fighting off bacteria. They are very important in responding to parasitic infections (such as worms) as well.

They are perhaps best known for their role in triggering allergy symptoms. Eosinophils can go overboard in mounting an immune response against something harmless. For example, eosinophils mistake pollen for a foreign invader.

Eosinophils account for no more than 5% of the white blood cells in your bloodstream. However, there are high concentrations of eosinophils in the digestive tract.


Basophils account for only around 1% of white blood cells. These cells are perhaps best known for their role in asthma. However, they are important in mounting a non-specific immune response to pathogens, organisms that can cause disease.

When stimulated, these cells release histamine, among other chemicals. This can result in inflammation and narrowing of the airways.

Lymphocytes (B and T)

Lymphocytes are also essential in the immune system. They come in two forms: B cells and T cells. Unlike other white blood cells that provide non-specific immunity, B and T cells have specific purposes.

B lymphocytes (B cells) are responsible for humoral immunity, which is the immune response that involves antibodies. B cells produce the antibodies that "remember" an infection. They stand ready in case your body is exposed to that pathogen again.

T cells recognize specific foreign invaders and are responsible for directly killing them. "Memory" T cells also remember an invader after an infection and respond quickly if it is seen again.

B lymphocytes play a key role in the effectiveness of many current vaccines. In some cases, such as tuberculosis and pertussis vaccines, T lymphocytes are the main players.


Monocytes are the garbage trucks of the immune system. Around 5% to 12% of white blood cells in your bloodstream are monocytes. Their most important function is to clean up dead cells in the body.


Leukocytes, better known as white blood cells, take on different forms that perform different roles in the immune system. These include: 

  • Neutrophils are the first responder of immune cells.
  • Basophils release histamine to mount a non-specific immune response.
  • Eosinophils fight bacteria and parasites but also provoke allergy symptoms.
  • Lymphocytes are B and T cells that defend against specific invaders.
  • Monocytes clean up dead cells.

How WBCs Are Formed

White blood cells begin in the bone marrow in a process called hematopoiesis. All blood cells descend from a common hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). This is also called a "pluripotent" stem cell. These stem cells differentiate—or specialize—in different stages. 

The HSC cell first separates into either a lymphoid or myeloid stem cell.

The lymphoid stem cell gives rise to the lymphoid cell line. This is the family of cells that produces B cells and T cells.

The myeloid stem cells give rise to cells called myeloblasts. These further evolve into macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils. Myeloblasts can also turn into red blood cells and platelets.

Lab Values

A normal white blood cell count is usually between 4,000 and 10,000 cells per microliter (mcL).

Elevated White Blood Cell Counts

Infections usually cause an elevated white blood cell count, but there are also other possible causes. WBC counts can be increased by overproduction. In other words, the body may release white blood cells early from the bone marrow.

Stress of any form can result in this release of white blood cells. Some causes of an increased white blood cell count include:

  • Infections
  • Cancers such as leukemias, lymphomas, and myelomas, in which a greater number of white blood cells are manufactured
  • Inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune disorders
  • Trauma, ranging from fractures to emotional stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Exercise

In severe infections, immature white blood cells called blasts may be present. Blasts often appear when the body attempts to get white blood cells on the scene quickly.

Low White Blood Cell Counts

Conditions that may result in a low white blood cell count include:

  • Severe infections
  • Bone marrow damage or disorders including aplastic anemia, bone marrow "takeover" by blood cancers or metastatic cancer, or drug or chemical-related damage to the bone marrow
  • Autoimmune diseases such as lupus
  • Splenic "sequestration," where white blood cells are accumulated in the spleen.


On its own, a low WBC count doesn't have symptoms. But a low count will often lead to an infection, because not enough white cells are present to fight off the invader. Symptoms of infection may include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Painful or frequent urination
  • Blood in the stools
  • Diarrhea
  • Redness, swelling, or warmth in a region of infection


One of chemotherapy's most common and dangerous side effects is its effect on white blood cells known as neutrophils. Recall that neutrophils are the first responders of our immune system.

A decrease in neutrophils during chemotherapy, known as chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, increases the risk of serious infection.

Neutropenia makes it more difficult for the body to fight off infections. As a result, bacteria that are normally not very harmful can cause serious illness.


White blood cells are an important part of our immune system. Different types of white blood cells perform different functions in the body. Overall, white blood cells help to protect us against bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

A high white blood cell count is usually a sign of an infection or illness. A low white blood cell count can indicate another type of problem. Low white blood cell counts can leave you vulnerable to serious infections. Chemotherapy is a common cause of low white blood cell counts.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the normal range of white blood cells?

    The normal range (total) of white blood cells is between 4,000 and 10,000 cells per microliter (mcL).

  • What causes a high number of lymphocytes?

    A high number of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) can be caused by the body's immune system fighting against infection. In these cases, the elevated number of lymphocytes is temporary. However, lymphocytosis can also be caused by several underlying medical conditions, including leukemia.

  • How many types of white blood cells are there?

    There are five types of white blood cells (leukocytes):

    • Neutrophils
    • Lymphocytes (B and T)
    • Monocytes
    • Basophils
    • Eosinophils

  • What does a high WBC mean?

    A high white blood count (WBC) can be a symptom of an underlying disorder. Disorders that are related to a high WBC include autoimmune or inflammatory disease, bacterial or viral infection, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, or allergic reaction.

  • What are the symptoms of eosinophilia?

    Eosinophilia symptoms can include fever, night sweats, fatigue, and weight loss. This condition is caused by the body producing an excessive number of eosinophils, a type of leukocyte (white blood cell).

    What are the 5 types of white blood cells and their functions?

    Neutrophils are the first responder of immune cells..
    Basophils release histamine to mount a non-specific immune response..
    Eosinophils fight bacteria and parasites but also provoke allergy symptoms..
    Lymphocytes are B and T cells that defend against specific invaders..
    Monocytes clean up dead cells..

    What are the 5 types of white blood cells in order of abundance?

    The different types of white blood cells are given as a percentage:.
    Neutrophils: 40% to 60%.
    Lymphocytes: 20% to 40%.
    Monocytes: 2% to 8%.
    Eosinophils: 1% to 4%.
    Basophils: 0.5% to 1%.
    Band (young neutrophil): 0% to 3%.

    What are the 5 types of white blood cells and their functions quizlet?

    Terms in this set (5).
    Neutrophils. - First Responder. - Most abundant WBC that travels in the blood looking for infections. ... .
    Lymphocytes. - B&T cells. - release antibodies (B), Attack viruses (T) ... .
    Monocytes. - Rebuild damaged tissue. ... .
    Eosinophils. - Fight bacteria and parasites. ... .
    Basophils. - Responsible for allergic reactions..

    What are the 5 most common WBC found in the blood smear?

    There are five types of white blood cells. They are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. These five types are in two main groups: The Granulocytes and The Mononuclear Cells.


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