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-11 ◊ Jun ◊ 2021-

Hey all!

I just wanted to let you know that I keep my asks and messages open in case y'all need someone to talk to. I love hearing from you and I know how helpful it can be to just have someone to listen. So please message me!

-9 ◊ Oct ◊ 2022-








Your hometown has “culture,” but does it have a 13 foot, bright orange, bug-eyed t-rex with weirdly human teeth

We are not the same

Oh yeah? Well my hometown has this fine late Victorian lad.

An allegedly real not at all shitty fake frog taxidermy that tourists pay real money to look at.

We have BLUCIFER. Killed his creator.

My hometown has this massive Paul Bunyan statue on top of a Cafe.

I see your Paul Bunyan and raise you The Big Chicken.

Actually my hometown does have a different orange dinosaur with weirdly human teeth.

My hometown has Cornhenge… people take their prom photos here

(via sterling-jay)

-3 ◊ Aug ◊ 2022-


another TMP movie poster mashup because i can!!

[ID: An illustration featuring the heads of Kirk, Spock, and Bones from Star Trek Beyond, blending into a rainbow background with glimmering lights around them. Behind the rainbow pillar is the starlit expanse of space. /end ID]

-22 ◊ Jul ◊ 2022-



I’ve been rewatching the original Star Trek movies for reasons, and somehow I don’t think I ever really put it together that Kirk stole the Enterprise and ruined his career with no expectation at all that he was going to get Spock back. The whole plan was to get Spock’s body and bring it and McCoy to Mount Seleya to do whatever Vulcan mystic funeral they need to do to preserve his katra; they didn’t know about Spock’s body being regenerated until they got to Genesis.

So Kirk’s endgame here was to end up both widowed and dishonorably discharged, with no Spock and no possibility of ever sitting on the bridge of a starship again. That is: without any of the things that make Jim Kirk’s life worth living.

He didn’t sacrifice everything to save Spock. He wasn’t supposed to get a damn thing for himself out of this mission. He sacrificed everything because if there’s even a chance that Spock has an eternal soul, then it’s his responsibility. In death as in life.

(via generallkenobi)

Captain Kirk keeps talking about someone called "Bones" and the visiting diplomats, Sarek and Amanda, have to play a tactful game of "Crewman or Dog???"





Oh no, like in Brooklyn 99…

“Yeah, Bones tends to be grumpy when you wake him up. But his bark is worse than his bite.”

“Sometimes I pat Bones on the head and tell him he’s a good boy, but I don’t think he likes it much.”

“Bones has the cutest blue eyes, like a Siberian Husky. They’re quite striking.”

“Bones is always herding the crew around, whether they like it or not. He’s always watching out for us.”

“Bones always makes sure I get enough physical exercise. He’s always like, Jim, time for a walk.”

“Bones will sometimes growl at Spock, but he’s really just fiercely protective of him.”

“Bones is always complaining that his collar is too tight.”

“Bones is terrified of the transporter…sometimes I nearly have to carry him onto it!”

“Head straight into my office, I’ll meet you there in five minutes…if Bones is sitting on my chair, just push him off, he won’t mind.”

“I shouldn’t really let him onto the Bridge, of course…but he whines if I don’t let him check up on me now and then.”

#what do you mean your dog has a medical opinion 

#amanda knits a dog sweater as a present and is then hugely embarrassed

@trek-tracks don’t leave those in the tags lol

“We know Captain Kirk said they got along like cats and dogs, so…”

“My wife, Spock said Bones was opinionated, loyal, and very amusing. How would our son know what this ‘Bones’ is thinking, were he not human?”

“Oh, you know very well that Spock will meld with anything.”

Amanda hears Jim talk about how funny Bones can be when he’s had some bourbon and goes to give him a piece of her mind because how DARE he feed alcohol to a dog


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