What are some truth or drink questions

Welcome to Truth or Drink, the adult game where you have to answer some pretty intense questions in order to NOT drink. It's a bit like truth or dare but at an ADULT level. We have have our secrets, but don't worry, we won't judge you.

In fact, I've have compiled some of the most savage questions ever asked in this game. This game is perfect during a pajama party with old friends OR after dinner to get to know some new ones!

So put on your thinking cap and get ready to make some tough choices and don't forget to have FUN!

What are some truth or drink questions

🍸Looking to cocktails while playing? Check out this list of the top 15 most popular cocktails!

What was your first kiss like? Who was it with?

What is one thing you all dislike about me?

What is the one thing you really like about yourself?

What animal comes to your mind straight away when you think of me?

What are your biggest fears? Why do they scare you so much?

Have you ever stolen anything from the gas station?

What is the one thing you dislike about yourself?

What are your thoughts on love? What does it mean to you?

Do you have any embarrassing stories involving alcohol?

Have you ever done something that you regret while under the influence?

What is your funniest drunken story?

What is the most daring thing you have ever done while drunk?

What is one thing that you’re glad your parents don’t know about you?

Did you ever wake up in a strange place after a night of drinking? Where was it?

Have you ever gotten into a fight while drunk? What happened?

What's the worst thing you've ever done at work?

Who is the one person that you would do anything for? Why?

What's your biggest fear in life?

What is the guiltiest pleasure that even your closest friend doesn’t know about you?

Have you ever cheated on someone or helped someone cheat?

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

What are your thoughts on love? What does it mean to you?

 Out of everyone in the room, who do you think is most likely to spend a night in jail and why?

Do you have any advice for people who are going through a tough break-up?

Have you ever had your heart broken? What happened?

What is the one thing that you would change about yourself if you could? Why?

What is the grossest thing you have done today?

What's the drunkest you've ever been?

Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?

Do you remember your first kiss?

What is one thing I do that annoys you?

Who is the most annoying member of your partner’s family?

What is your greatest weakness?

What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?

Who is the person that you have never been able to forget? Why?

What are your biggest fears? Why do they scare you so much?

Describe me in three words.

If you could go back and relive one moment in your life, what would it be? Why?

What is a childish thing that you still do today?

Your favorite place to be kissed on your body?

Have you ever flirted with one of your friend’s significant others?

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? Why did you do it?

Do you have any regrets in life? What are they?

What is your biggest insecurity?

Have you thought about throwing a Tiktok themed party? It might just go viral!

What is the one thing that you would do differently if you could go back and change it? Why?

Have you ever done drugs? Which ones?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?

Do you have feelings towards someone who doesn't know about it?

Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever experienced it?

What is the best piece of advice someone has ever given you? Who was it from?

Have you named your “naughty part”? If not, what would you name it?

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Why?

Have you ever broken the law?

Have you ever had a secret relationship with your friend’s ex-boyfriend/girlfriend?

Do you have any fetishes?

Do you have any advice for people who are going through a tough break-up?

Have you ever had your heart broken? What happened?

🥤 Have you ever been to an 'Anything But A Cup' party?

Have you ever gone to a strip club? With who?

Have you ever been in a friends with benefits situation?

What is the one thing that you would change about yourself if you could? Why?

Do you have any fears or phobias? What are they?

Do you have any advice for people who are going through a tough break-up?

When did you lose your virginity and to whom?

What’s your favourite body part on another person?

Do you have any fears or phobias? What are they?

What's your biggest fantasy in the bedroom?

Which do you prefer, sweet and gentle or hot and heavy?

Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex as you?

What is the most daring thing you have ever done while drunk?

Did you ever wake up in a strange place after a night of drinking? Where was it?

Have you ever gotten into a fight while drunk? What happened?

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

What’s the longest you’ve gone without sex?

Do you have any advice for people who are going through a tough break-up?

Have you ever had your heart broken? What happened?

What’s the one thing you would do if you knew there were no consequences?

What is one thing I do that annoys you?

Describe your body in three words?

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Why?

If you love using your crock pot, check out these Easy Crock Pot Appetizers to serve at your party!

What is the one secret that you have never told anyone? Why not?

If you could go back and relive one moment in your life, what would it be? Why?

What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?

What color underwear are you currently sporting?

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Who is the person that you have never been able to forget? Why?

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Why?

What is your favourite sex position?

What are your biggest fears? Why do they scare you so much?

Do you remember your first kiss? Who was it with and where was it?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?

Who is the one person that you would do anything for? Why?

What is the best piece of advice someone has ever given you? Who was it from?

If you could go back and relive one moment in your life, what would it be? Why?

What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?

Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?

What's the worst date you've been on?

Do you have any fears or phobias? What are they?

Don't forget the appetizers! Serve 2 or 3 of these crowd pleasers to your friends while playing!

Large Batch Margarita Pitchers Recipe (14 People)

17 Appetizers To Serve At Any Pizza Party

23 Mini Sandwich Ideas (Party Appetizer Sliders)

17 Upscale Cocktails

Air Fryer Cheesy Loaded Nachos (5 Minutes!)

What are some juicy truth questions?

Best truth questions.
When was the last time you lied?.
When was the last time you cried?.
What's your biggest fear?.
What's your biggest fantasy?.
Do you have any fetishes?.
What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?.
Have you ever cheated on someone?.
What's the worst thing you've ever done?.

What are some good drinking questions?

PG-Questions for Truth or Drink.
What's your most shallow reason for not going on a second date?.
What's the worst date you've ever had?.
What's your worst habit?.
Name something illegal that you've done and regret..
Tell about the biggest ticket you've ever gotten..
How many people in the room would you be willing to kiss?.

How many questions are in Truth or Drink?

The all-new Second Edition of Truth or Drink contains 410 intensely personal questions across 4 different levels of intimacy.

What are some dare or drink questions for adults?

Truth Or Dare Questions For Adults.
Name 10 body parts that your boyfriend likes to kiss..
Name 10 items you bought but regretted buying and never used..
If you were a boy/girl (of the opposite sex), would you make out with yourself?.
Describe the most embarrassing moment of your life..