What can cause my stomach to bloat

Although a bloated stomach is a common symptom that is not harmless, it can actually be a sign of something serious. A bloated stomach that lasts longer than 2 weeks after taking medications, weight loss, pale skin, loss of appetite and yellowing of the skin can be warning signs of cancer. Bloating should not be ignored.

A bloated stomach occurs when the stomach or intestine fills with air/gas, causing physical discomfort, stomach pain, nausea or poor appetite. Air or gas in the stomach is typically caused by swallowing air while eating certain types of foods, smoking and chewing gum. Some medications can cause bloating as a side effect, such as sleeping pills, sedatives and antidepressants which influence the nervous system in a way that can lessen bowel contractions, resulting in bloating.

Some people have a bloated stomach for a long period of time due to gastrointestinal tract disease, including gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal or colorectal cancer, parasitic infection, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal dysfunction, and other system disorders such as thyroid and diabetes, which can contribute to stomach bloating that requires detailed examinations.

Social distancing (or physical distancing) has us all experiencing many changes, including what we eat, how much we exercise and how we go about our day-to-day routines. With so much change happening at once, it’s no wonder we sometimes have symptoms we don’t normally have, and that includes bloating.

Bloating is a feeling that your stomach feels uncomfortably full. Some people describe bloating as a feeling that they have a balloon in their belly. Often times, bloating will go away on its own. But if it lingers, here are some common causes I tell my patients and ways to relieve the discomfort at home.

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  1. It could be constipation
  2. Hormones may be the culprit
  3. Excess gas can build up
  4. Eating more calories than usual
  5. A more serious condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome


1. It could be constipation

While you’re spending a lot of time at home, you may not be moving as much as you usually do. You may also be eating different foods. This can lead to constipation. You may be constipated if you experience:

  • Fewer bowel movements than normal for you
  • Stool that is lumpy or looks like pebbles
  • Difficulty passing stool or a feeling that you still need to go after you’re finished

Fortunately, you can make a number of at-home changes to help relieve your constipation. These include:

Mix up your diet.

If you can, increase your intake of fiber. This includes foods like whole grains, beans, fruits with the skin, vegetables and nuts. As you increase your fiber, make sure to drink plenty of water or clear liquids, such as broth. Doing so will help soften the foods you eat so you can pass your stool easier.

Try stool softeners or fiber supplements.

The next time you run to the grocery, grab over-the-counter stool softeners or fiber supplements. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label and again, drink plenty of water to help you flush your system.

Don’t forget to work out.

Regular exercise helps your body run more efficiently. It can also help tone the walls of your large intestine to help you move stool through.

4 exercises you can try while staying at home >

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2. Hormones may be the culprit

Women may experience bloating, abdominal pain and cramps just before and during their period. This is normal and usually due to hormonal changes that regulate the menstrual cycle. If you’re bloating just before your period, try the following prevention methods:

Eat low-sodium foods.

The American Heart Association recommends limiting salt intake to 2,300 grams per day. This is equal to about 1 teaspoon of salt. Challenge yourself to flavor foods with herbs such as oregano and thyme, or natural acids such as lemon and lime.

Drink water.

Fill a water bottle and sip on it throughout the day. Drinking water actually helps you flush your system of excess salt and water that may lead to bloating during your period. Aim for 48 to 64 ounces of water per day.

Avoid alcohol.

Drinking alcohol affects your sleep cycle, which in turn leads to inflammation and swelling. Excess alcohol can also cause diarrhea, which contributes to bloating and abdominal pain. In the days leading up to your period, replace alcohol with decaffeinated tea or water.

Exercise regularly.

Even low-impact exercise like walking and yoga can help you break a sweat and release powerful feel-good chemicals. You might also consider taking a class online or try some creative ways to get your daily steps in.

5 ways to get your steps in while social distancing >

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3. Excess gas can build up

Gas is a normal part of digestion, but if it builds up in your intestines, it may cause bloating and pain. Gas happens when food that is not digested is broken down in your colon. This process produces methane and hydrogen, which you pass naturally as gas.

If you do experience bloating due to gas, modifying your food intake may help. Here are some common drinks and foods that can cause bloating:

  • Foods high in fiber or fat
  • Fried and spicy dishes
  • Carbonated drinks, such as soda or beer
  • Lactose found in milk, cheese and yogurts

Over-the-counter supplements can even trigger bloating.

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4. Eating more calories than usual

Let’s face it. When you’re off your schedule, sometimes the most interesting thing you can do is bake. But consuming excess calories — especially those found in cookies, cakes and bread — can pack on the pounds and cause your belly to bloat.

If cooking is your jam while sheltering in place, reserve high-calorie recipes for special occasions, or cut it back to one meal a week.

7 simple and healthy recipes to try with your family >

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5. A more serious condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common condition that causes abdominal pain with bloating, diarrhea or constipation. The cause of IBS is unknown, but it may be brought on by certain triggers, including:

  • Bacterial infections
  • Food sensitivity
  • Stressful events

If you think you may have IBS, reach out to your doctor for an evaluation. Many times, lifestyle modifications and medicines can help ease symptoms. You may also try some at-home techniques to relieve your bloating.

How do you get rid of bloat in your stomach?

Beat The Bloat.
Eat slowly, and consume smaller, more frequent meals..
Chew your foods well..
Drink beverages at room temperature..
Have your dentures checked for a good fit..
Increase physical activity during the day..
Sit up straight after eating..
Take a stroll after eating..

When should I be worried about bloating?

As long as your symptoms eventually go away, they probably aren't serious. But if your bloated stomach doesn't go away or gets worse, or if you have other symptoms of serious illness, such as fever or vomiting, you should seek medical attention to rule out other medical causes.

What does a bloated belly indicate?

Functional reasons for a distended abdomen tend to involve digestive problems that cause gas and/or digestive contents to accumulate. Causes might include: Gas from functional indigestion, food intolerances or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Constipation causing a build-up of feces and back-up of digestive contents.

What causes huge stomach bloating?

Bloating happens when the GI tract becomes filled with air or gas. This can be caused by something as simple as the food you eat. Some foods produce more gas than others. It can also be caused by lactose intolerance (problems with dairy).


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