What do audie murphys sons do for a living

Audie Murphy’s son is James Shannon Murphy. Audie Murphy, James Shannon Murphy’s father, was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher.

He was one of America’s most decorated combat warriors throughout WWII. He received every military combat valor award available from the United States Army, as well as French and Belgian heroic awards.

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James Shannon Murphy: Profile Summary

Name James Shannon Murphy
Famous as son of Audie Murphy
Birthday March 24, 1954
Age 68 years old as of 2022
Nationality American
Ethnicity White
Zodiac sign Aries
Parents Audie Murphy, Pamela Archer
Siblings Terrance Michael Murphy
Aunts Elizabeth Corrine Murphy, Oneta Murphy, Willie Beatrice Murphy, Verda Nadine Murphy, Ariel June Murphy
Height 5′ 8½” (1.74 m)

James Murphy is an actor, best known for his roles in The Mildew from Planet Xonader (2015), Guns, Ghosts, and Girlfriends (2007), and Behind Closed Doors (2007). He is also Audie Murphy’s son. James will be 68 years old in 2022. He was born in the United States of America on March 24, 1954.

Meet Pamela Archer, Audie Murphy’s Wife

Pamela Murphy, James’ mother, was a former airline hostess, and Audie Murphy, his father, was an American soldier, actor, composer, and rancher.

James Shannon Murphy is not his parents’ only child; he has a sibling named Terry Michael. Pamela Opal Lee Archer, their mother, was the second woman their father married. His father had no children from his first marriage.

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Audie Murphy, the father of James Shannon Murphy, raised quarter horses at the Audie Murphy Ranch in what is now Menifee, California, and the Murphy Ranch in Pima County, Arizona.

His horses ran at the Del Mar Racetrack, and he put a lot of money into it. Audie’s gambling has ruined his finances. In 1968, he claimed to have lost $260,000 in an Algerian oil deal and was battling the Internal Revenue Service over unpaid taxes.

Despite his financial struggles, Audie Murphy, James Shannon Murphy’s father, refused to appear in commercials for alcohol and cigarettes because he was concerned about the influence he would have on the adolescent market.

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In May 1970, he was arrested in Burbank, California, and charged with violence and assault with intent to murder in connection with a disagreement with a dog trainer. He was accused of shooting the man, which he disputed. Audie was found not guilty of the allegations.

James Shannon Murphy’s father was killed on May 28, 1971, when the private jet in which he was a passenger crashed into Brush Mountain, in Catawba, Virginia, 20 miles (32 km) west of Roanoke, in conditions of rain, clouds, fog, and zero visibility.

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The pilot, as well as four other passengers, were killed.

The plane was a twin-engine Aero Commander 680 piloted by a pilot with a private pilot license and 8,000 hours of flight time but no instrument rating. On May 31, the airplane was recovered.

Pamela Murphy, James Shannon Murphy’s mother, moved into a modest apartment when her husband died and found a job as a clerk at the Sepulveda Veterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles, where she worked for 35 years.

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A court awarded $2.5 million in damages to James Shannon Murphy’s mother, Pamela, and their two children as a result of the accident in 1975.

AUDIE MURPHY with wife Pamela Archer and sons James Shannon Murphy , Terry Michael Murphy.

James Shannon Murphy is the son of Audie Murphy. James Shannon Murphy’s father Audie Murphy was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II. He received every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. 

James Shannon Murphy: Profile Summary

Name James Shannon Murphy
Famous as son of Audie Murphy
Birthday March 24, 1954
Age 68 years old as of 2022
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Zodiac sign Aries
Parents Audie Murphy, Pamela Archer
Siblings Terrance Michael Murphy
Aunts Elizabeth Corrine Murphy, Oneta Murphy, Willie Beatrice Murphy, Verda Nadine Murphy, Ariel June Murphy
Height 5′ 8½” (1.74 m)

James Murphy is an actor , known for The Mildew from Planet Xonader (2015), Guns, Ghosts & Girlfriends (2007), and Behind Closed Doors (2014). He is also the son of Audie Murphy. As of 2022, James is 68 years old. He was born on March 24, 1954, in the United States of America.

James’ mother, Pamela was a former airline stewardess whiles his father Audie Murphy was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher.

James Shannon Murphy was not the only child of his parents, he has a brother, his name is Terry Michael. Their mother, Pamela Opal Lee Archer was the second woman their father got married to. His father didn’t have any children in his first marriage.

James Shannon Murphy’s father, Audie bred quarter horses at the Audie Murphy Ranch in what is now Menifee, California, and the Murphy Ranch in Pima County, Arizona.

His horses raced at the Del Mar Racetrack, and he invested large sums of money in the hobby.  Audie’s gambling left his finances in a poor state. In 1968, he stated that he lost $260,000 in an Algerian oil deal and was dealing with the Internal Revenue Service over unpaid taxes. In spite of his financial difficulties, James Shannon Murphy’s father, Audie refused to appear in commercials for alcohol and cigarettes, mindful of the influence he would have on the youth market.

In May 1970, he was arrested in Burbank, California, charged with battery and assault with intent to commit murder in a dispute with a dog trainer. He was accused of firing a shot at the man, which he denied. Audie was cleared of the charges.

On 28 May 1971, James Shannon Murphy’s father was killed when the private plane in which he was a passenger crashed into Brush Mountain, near Catawba, Virginia, 20 miles (32 km) west of Roanoke in conditions of rain, clouds, fog, and zero visibility. The pilot and four other passengers were also killed.

The aircraft was a twin-engine Aero Commander 680 flown by a pilot who had a private pilot license and a reported 8,000 hours of flying time, but who held no instrument rating. The aircraft was recovered on 31 May. 

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After her husband’s death, James Shannon Murphy’s mother, Pamela Murphy moved into a small apartment and got a clerk position at the Sepulveda Veterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles, where she remained employed for 35 years.

In 1975, a court awarded James Shannon Murphy’s mother, Pamela, and their two children $2.5 million in damages because of the accident.

Are any of Audie Murphy's family still alive?

“I'm disappointed,” said Nadine Murphy Lokey, 82, Mr. Murphy's only surviving sibling. “I think they had him in the history books at one time, but they've taken him out,” she said. If students do not learn about him “and people don't talk about him, well, they forget.”

What was Audie Murphy's net worth when he died?

Audie Murphy net worth: Audie Murphy was an American combat soldier and actor who had a net worth of $300 thousand at the time of his death in 1971. Audie Murphy was born in Kingston, Texas in June 1925 and passed away in May 1971.

What happened to Audie Murphy's father?

Murphy died of an apparent heart attack about a year before Audie left home to enlist in the Army. He moved to Abilene after his second wife died. Murphy said he kept in touch with Audie through the years, but will not be able to attend his funeral because of ill health.

Where is Audie Murphy buried?

Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VAAudie Murphy / Place of burialnull


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