What does cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar do

This flat belly detox water is a beautiful blend of cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, lime and water. Sipping cranberry juice detox water is a powerful instant body cleanse and supports weight loss.

What does cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar do

Why this detoxing flat tummy water recipe is so great

Cranberry juice detox water is also known as a flat belly detox water. It is one of the best detox water recipes along with this apple cider vinegar drink and a great way to support weight loss like this grapefruit juice recipe. Drinking cranberry juice helps to cleanse the liver, remove toxins, and reduce belly fat, creating a flatter stomach area by flushing and stimulating digestion. Cranberries have incredible health benefits when consumed and here is what you can achieve from this flat belly detox water recipe:

  • Better digestion from good bacteria to the gastrointestinal area
  • Boost the immune system (from good bacteria of apple cider vinegar)
  • Weight loss, natural fat burn and a suppressed appetite from apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice
  • Cleansed bladder and kidneys, which means it helps with urinary track infections (UTI) and kidney stones
  • Clearer skin from flushing out toxins
  • Stronger immune system – cranberries are great antioxidants
  • More energy
  • May lower blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol and improved cardiovascular health thanks to apples and cranberries [source] [source].
  • May help regulate insulin levels
  • Brighter teeth as apple cider vinegar removes stains naturally
  • Balanced pH levels and an alkaline body, and when the body is alkaline disease is less likely to occur
  • Happiness and a better mood thanks to citrus
  • Rehydrates your body

What ingredients go into cranberry detox juice

Anytime you start to detox, you are one step closer to a flatter belly area with less bloat. This is the best apple cider vinegar and cranberry detox drink, and here is what goes into it:

Cranberry Juice – cranberries are great for flushing the lymphatic system and cleansing the bladder and kidneys. As a bonus you can add fresh cranberries to this cranberry juice detox water and eat them for extra nutrients!

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – Apple cider vinegar is long known to help people lose weight fast, and is often used to make a flat belly detox water beverage. It is wonderful to take as a shot for wellness or add with water to make a flat belly detox water recipe like this cranberry one. You can learn all the health benefits of apple cider vinegar in this easy acv drink recipe. If you want, I even have a recipe on how to make apple cider to vinegar if you want to make a homemade batch of ACV!

Lime Juice – citrus fruits such as lime and lemon are healing sources that promotes digestion and boosts the immune system since it is a high source of vitamin c. Lime juice pars nicely with cranberry juice.

Water – drinking water (including fresh fruit water) is the best was to detox and lose weight. It flushes out toxins, gets the body and blood flowing, increases hydration, makes you feel more full throughout the day so you don’t overeat, provides clearer skin and increases energy. Ever think about those moment you are feeling tired and sluggish? Try drinking fresh water or this cranberry juice detox water and see how much better you feel afterwards!

Optional – Mint – mint leaves to support digestion.

How to make this recipe

In a fresh glass, add ice then pour in the water, cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and lime juice. Mix together and enjoy chilled. For an extra bonus, add fresh mint and let it set for about 30 minutes to absorb the oils in the mint leaves. Enjoy this cranberry juice detox water chilled for the best taste.

What does cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar do

Health benefits of Cranberry juice

Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) are a berry fruit, and berry fruits are a rich source of phenolic bioactives (phytochemical compositions) which help promote human health. They are high in (poly)phenols, and are antibacterial, antiviral, antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic, antitumorigenic, antiangiogenic, anti-inflammatory, and rich in antioxidant compounds including: Myricetin, Peonidin, Anthocyanins, Proanthocyanidins, and Quercetin. These antioxidants help to promote heart health and boost the immune system by removing free radicals in the body.

The polyphenols in cranberry help to prevent bacteria from sticking and therefore assist to prevent urinary tract infections. Cranberries also help prevent kidney stones, dental plaque and cavities, lower cholesterol levels, and support cardiovascular health. [source]

When cranberries are combined with apple cider vinegar, citrus and water it creates a delicious flat belly detox water. This intake may help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy digestion which can reduce stomach bloating, creating a flatter stomach area.

Please note if you take blood thinners, or are on medications, be sure to speak with your doctor about how much cranberry juice consumption is safe to drink.

Cranberries and weight loss

To lose extra pounds, proper diet and regular exercise can help you lose body fat, and there are many home remedies you can do to speed up the fat-burning process quickly and naturally. Incorporating cranberry juice into a weight loss plan can help you lose weight and achieve a flatter belly in as little as two weeks. Cranberries are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and a much better beverage to consume to reducing body mass index than sugary high calorie sodas. Replacing sugary drinks and sodas with this cranberry juice detox water increases hydration, removes toxins and supports better digestion which all help to lose weight fast.

FAQs and Expert Tips

What are the best drinks to flush your system and get a flat belly? This cranberry cocktail juice detox water, drinking this apple cider vinegar drink, lemon water, cucumber water, and any of these infused water recipes successfully will flush your system. There are no added sugars and they activate the digestion to cleanse the body and help it function properly.

Does cranberry juice detox your body?

Yes, as cranberries clean out the lymphatic system, removing toxins from the body (through the bladder and kidneys).

Does Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice cleanse your system?

Ocean spray cranberry cocktail juice contains added sugar which is not good for detoxing. But the good news is their cranberry juice does not contain high fructose corn syrup like some juices do. Look for organic cranberry juice or cranberry cocktail juice without added sugars.

Does cranberry juice help you sober?

If you are detoxing from alcohol or drugs cranberry juice detox water can help start the recovery process. Cranberry water contains water for hydration and vitamins to help replenish the body and flush the alcohol toxins away. Drink cranberry juice detox water also if you have a hangover!

How much flat belly detox water do I drink for weight loss?

Drink this cranberry juice detox water up to 3 times a day for weight loss, and at least once per day on an empty stomach before meals for optimal health.

What does cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar do

More detox and ACV drink recipes

If you make this cranberry juice detox water recipe, and if you have flat belly results from Delightful Mom Food I would love to see your creations and progress and share it! Follow along with me on INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE and TWITTER to be featured and for more recipe inspiration! And don’t forget to rate the recipe in the recipe area and leave a comment below!

What does cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar do

  • ¾ cup water
  • cup organic cranberry juice
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • mint leaves optional

  • In a fresh glass, add ice then pour in the water, cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and lime juice. Mix together and enjoy chilled.

  • For an extra bonus, add fresh mint and let it set for about 30 minutes to absorb the oils in the mint leaves. Enjoy this cranberry juice detox water chilled for the best taste.

  1. Drink this cranberry juice detox water up to 3 times a day for weight loss and to help flatten the stomach, and at least once per day on an empty stomach for optimal health. 
  2. Look for organic cranberry juice or cranberry cocktail juice without added sugars.

Calories: 43kcal | Carbohydrates: 11g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 11mg | Potassium: 82mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 10g | Vitamin A: 40IU | Vitamin C: 9mg | Calcium: 14mg | Iron: 1mg

What does cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar do

Danielle Fahrenkrug is the writer and photographer behind Delightful Mom Food. She is a mama of two young boys and loves food, family, friends, and Jesus with a passion for wine, coffee, and cauliflower crusted pizza. Danielle is also the author for Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Baking Cookbook, Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Cookbook, Dairy-Free Cookbook for Kids and is a certified health and nutrition life coach.

What does apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice do for weight loss?

It is one of the best detox water recipes along with this apple cider vinegar drink and a great way to support weight loss like this grapefruit juice recipe. Drinking cranberry juice helps to cleanse the liver, remove toxins, and reduce belly fat, creating a flatter stomach area by flushing and stimulating digestion.

How much apple cider vinegar do you put in cranberry juice?

Ingredients list for the Cranberry Apple Cider Detox Drink.
1 cup (250ml) no sugar added cranberry juice..
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar..
1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice, freshly squeezed..
½ cup ice cubes..

How much cranberry juice should I drink a day to lose weight?

You may drink 1-2 glasses of fresh, unsweetened cranberry juice each day, preferably before every meal. It is claimed that consuming this antioxidant-rich juice can help remove toxins from your body and boost your metabolism, thereby aiding weight loss.

How much apple cider vinegar do you drink to detox your body?

Mix 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup (237 ml) of water. Ingesting undiluted vinegar of any kind can damage your throat and esophagus. Consume it earlier in the day.