What feeling permeates the first part of scene 1

Michel Martin del Campo, Tommi Waters
  • Michel Martin del Campo

    Michel has taught college composition and literature for over16 years. He has a BA from DePauw University and a Master's degree from Texas A&M International University. He has worked as an educator, speechywriter, ghostwriter, and freelancer.

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  • Instructor Tommi Waters

    TK Waters has been an adjunct professor of religion at Western Kentucky University for six years. They have a master's degree in religious studies from Western Kentucky University and a bachelor's degree in English literature and religious studies from Western Kentucky University.

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Explore Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 1. Read a Hamlet: Act 1 summary, discover when and where the play takes place, and review the events and quotes in Act 1, Scene 1. Updated: 07/25/2022

Table of Contents

  • When Does Hamlet Take Place?
  • Hamlet: Act 1 Summary
  • Hamlet Summary: Act 1, Scene 1
  • Quotes in Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 1
  • Lesson Summary

When Does Hamlet Take Place?

Hamlet is William Shakespeare's classic tragedy of Hamlet's quest for revenge for his father's murder. The play takes place in Denmark and is believed to be based on the twelve-century historical text Gesta Danorum. Much of the play takes place in Elsinore Castle and is set during the late Middle Ages. The play has references to the Reformation in the early 1500s, for example, and a key point later in the play is the performance of a traveling troupe of actors, a staple in Elizabethan times.

The play's main characters are Prince Hamlet, his father Claudius, his mother Gertrude, Polonius and his children Laertes and Ophelia, and Hamlet's best friend Horatio. Act 1, Scene 1 focuses on Horatio and some of his comrades as they try to catch glimpse of a ghost walking the castle grounds. Hamlet takes place when King Hamlet has already been dead for roughly a month.

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One night in Castle Elsinore, a group of guards including Bernardo and Marcellus discusses a ghost they have seen walking the halls and grounds at night. They believe the ghost may be the late king, so they bring Horatio to confirm it. They see the ghost and confirm it is King Hamlet, so Horatio vows to tell his friend Hamlet. When the royal court gathers the next day, King Claudius and his new wife, Queen Gertrude, talk with Polonius about the state of Denmark. There is fear that Norway may invade since King Hamlet slew King Fortinbras in battle many years before.

As they talk, Hamlet looks on. Claudius agrees to send Polonius' son, Laertes, back to France to continue his studies. Because Hamlet refuses to stop grieving, Claudius forbids him from returning to his studies in Germany. When the court leaves, Hamlet laments his father's passing and shows his bitterness at his mother marrying his father's brother so soon after his death. Meeting Horatio, Hamlet has a brief moment of happiness at seeing his old friend. The merriment quickly vanishes as Horatio describes the ghost to Hamlet.

As Laertes prepares to leave for France, Polonius gives him advice on how to comport himself. Ophelia tells her father she has feelings for Hamlet. Laertes, though, warns his sister against pursuing the prince. Polonius agrees with his son.

Later that night, Hamlet waits and is rewarded when the ghost appears again. Speaking, the ghost begs Hamlet to avenge him, and Hamlet verifies it is his father's ghost. The ghost explains he was murdered by Claudius, his own brother. Hamlet tells Horatio that he will do as the ghost commands, but he needs Horatio to help him by pretending that Hamlet has gone mad so people will not suspect his actual plans. Hamlet, however, is not sure if he can trust the ghost.

Hamlet Summary: Act 1, Scene 1

Two watchmen, Francisco and Bernardo, meet in the late night at Elsinore Castle. Despite a quiet watch, they are on edge. Two men approach, though they quickly identify themselves as Horatio and Marcellus. The four men exchange pleasantries, but Horatio quickly asks Francisco and Bernardo if ''this thing'' has appeared again.

Marcellus explains that the apparition has been seen twice already, but Horatio doubts the watchmen. As Bernardo explains the previous sightings, the ghost appears. Horatio finally believes the stories and tries to speak with the ghost, but the ghost appears to ignore them and leaves. Bernardo asks Horatio if he believes him now, and Horatio admits he was wrong to doubt them now that he has seen the ghost with his own eyes.

How many times does the ghost appear in Act 1, Scene 1?

In Act 1 Scene 1, the ghost apepars twice, dissapearing the final time when the sun comes up. However, the watchmen also say the ghost appeared to them twice before the play began.

What happens in Act 1, Scene 1 of Hamlet?

In Act 1 Scene 1 of Hamlet, Horatio joins some watchment to wait for a ghost. The ghost appears but does not speak, and Horatio is sure it is King Hamlet's ghost.

What is the climax of Hamlet: Act 1?

The climax of Act 1 Scene 1 is Horatio confronting the ghost and demanding it speak. It appears as though it may have been about to say something, but it vanishes with the dawn.

What is Hamlet's first line?

Hamlet's first line is ''Who's there?'' This ties in with the theme of identity later on in the play as Hamlet pretends to be mad and later kills Polonius for mistaking him for someone else.

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What is Hamlet's reception of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern How does he feel about them?

Hamlet finally reveals his full disdain for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, saying that he has neither love nor respect for them or their King, to whom he refers as a "thing." Hamlet calls his classmates the worst kind of parasites.

What is Hamlet's mood before the play?

Early in the play, Hamlet's mood is dark and depressed, but when he's given the task of avenging his father's ghost, his desire to find out the truth gives him a sense of urgency and purpose.

What extended simile does Hamlet employ with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

Speaking to Ophelia, Hamlet uses a simile to compare chastity to ice and snow, suggesting that it is both pure and cold, or lacking in passion. In this simile, Hamlet sarcastically tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that playing a pipe is as easy as lying (which they have been doing to him).

How does Claudius feel about Hamlet?

Claudius tries to comfort Hamlet over the death of his father by saying he doesn't just see him as a family relation but like a son. Hamlet admits that Claudius is now more than a family relation but he does not like him or his actions.


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