What is the best day to post on youtube

There is no denying that Youtube has gained traction for being the massive platform for videos. It has further led to a new source of income and people wanting to learn more about it. Like when is the best time to post on Youtube. According to speculated data, more than five billion videos get watched on Youtube almost every day. You must be thinking it is unbelievable, but it is a fact.

RecurPost the finest social media scheduler has been observing social media platforms closely for a long time now. Hence, we know that Youtube is nothing less than an encyclopedia. You get solutions for your every doubt on youtube. That too, with videos. The perpetual dedication of people towards the platform has inspired budding and veteran brands to utilize it to spread the word regarding their business.

All the hype about Youtube has recently led to competition for viewership and people looking for video marketing strategy. Hence it becomes essential to unveil the best time to post a video on Youtube.

This blog is nothing less than a brief about the best days to post on Youtube or/and the best time to post a video on Youtube. Under this blog, we will help you understand how it’s best to run your Youtube account tactically. In addition, we will teach you ways that will help your content reach the maximum target audience. Apart from this, we have mentioned below certain pointers for your better understanding.

What You Will Learn In This Blog?

When Is The Best Time To Post Video On Youtube?

Which Are The Best Days To Post On Youtube?

What Are The Worst Days To Post Videos On Youtube?

Does Posting Time Works Differently On Youtube?

How To Find Your Best Time To Post On Youtube?

How to Schedule Youtube Video at Best Time?

Final Thought


If you are tirelessly searching for ways to get successful on social media, you must ensure that the maximum of your target audience gets to see your videos. Of course, it goes without mentioning that posting your videos and content at the right time and on the appropriate day can bring higher views and subscribers.

The average best time to post on Youtube is around 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm in the Central and Eastern Time zones. So by the time your content gets published its 5:00 pm and post that your content easily reaches maximum viewers.

Which Are The Best Days To Post On YouTube?

The best days to post on YouTube are Thursdays and Fridays. Yes, that’s true- Thursdays and Fridays are the best days to post on YouTube as if offers the viewers a little more time to watch videos. You must understand that posting videos online becomes most effective as the weekend approaches. Also, check the best time to post on TikTok in 2022.

Whether you have your business/start-up or a 9:00 to 5:00 job, you look forward to the weekend for spending some leisure time.

Hence, Thursdays and Fridays become the best days to post content on YouTube. The best time on Thursday and Friday stays between 9:00 am to 11:00 am (EST). In case, if you want to upload a video during weekdays, here are the best time to post your video on Youtube:

Best Time to Post Video On Monday: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (EST)
Best Time to Post Video On Tuesday: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (EST)
Best Time to Post Video On Wednesday: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (EST)
Best Time to Post Video On Thursday: 09:00 am – 11:00 am (EST)
Best Time to Post Video On Friday: 09:00 am – 11:00 am (EST)
Best Time to Post Video On Saturday: 09:00 am – 11:00 am (EST)
Best Time to Post Video On Sunday: 09:00 am – 11:00 am (EST)

As the workweek comes to an end, people turn towards their phones, making your videos receive higher views during the weekend. So, if you upload our video a day or two before the weekend, your video will start trending by the weekend, which will turn into better insights for you. So, now you have an answer to the best days to post on YouTube: Friday through Saturday, and you will get maximum engagement during the same.

Read More on How To Become a YouTuber & Earn Money: The Ultimate Checklist with guidelines

What Are The Worst Days To Post Videos On Youtube?

YouTube stays one of the most popular platforms for advertising with videos, and over these past few years, it has managed to become ideal for numerous brands. However, it becomes even more effective once you take a proactive approach to posting your videos. 

As much as you need to know the right time to upload a video on YouTube, you must know the worst days to post videos.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday lookout to be the worst days to post content on YouTube. It is mainly because of people’s 9-5 busy schedules and people returning tirelessly from work late in the evening. The hectic schedule makes people watch videos with no time on their plates. 

Does Posting Time Works Differently On Youtube?

Youtube works a little differently than all the other social media platforms. Especially if you see Youtube as a source of income, you must unearth the best time to post on Youtube and post earlier. As this is how YouTube works.

To be precise- if your peak video viewing time is between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm, then you must post around 2:00 pm–4:00 pm. Yes, that is right; if you are wondering “why,” continue reading. 

The video you are trying to upload will get indexed and ready for viewing by peak user times between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

How To Find Your Best Time To Post On Youtube?

Undeniably, each of you carries a different audience on your YouTube channel. Therefore, you might feel that your audience may get active at different times than the studies suggest. There are different ways to search when your audience is most active. 

YouTube Analytics

If, by now, you are already active on YouTube and have a certain video on the platform, take an eye at the analytics section of your account for information. If you go to YouTube studio, pick Analytics and the Audience tab, and then you will get to unearth data on when your viewers are on YouTube. According to your time zone, you will get to see the past 28 days’ data. The moment you open it, you will see a bar graph; here, the purple color indicates the peak times when your viewers are most active on YouTube. Post a few hours ahead of these hours, as that way you will get to engage more with the audience during their peak hours.

The Geographies Report

The other thing that can help you uncover your audience’s most active status is the Top Geographies Report. This report will offer you insight into where your audience lives. It will give you an idea of the best times based on your viewers’ locations. For example, if your viewers are mostly based on US Eastern Times Zones, it will help you uncover the best time. But always remember, the time you see here is not when you must start publishing the video; it is when your audience is most active. Hence, you must start posting a few hours before this for that indexing time to happen.

Take Your Audience’s Opinion

You must involve your audience in such decisions if you have a brand page on YouTube and a strong social media presence. Yes, that’s true. It would help if you tried asking your audience. If you don’t have a strong Insta presence for such questions, you can always turn to an email list or Facebook Group to ask your viewers when they wish to watch the videos. 

How to Schedule Youtube Video at Best Time?

  1. Upload Your YouTube Video: Start by uploading your YouTube video. You will get to see a camera in the top right corner. If you are on YouTube studio, click on the red create button and, without any further ado, drag and drop your amazing YouTube video. 
  1. Input All The YouTube Video Details: As we stated earlier, you must pick a compelling title for your video. Post inputting it, add a helpful description and a thumbnail image. You will also have to fill in audience details here; by that, we mean in which playlist you would like your video to appear. You can also input the age restrictions. Once you input all the specifications, you may move to the next point. 
  1. Time To Schedule: Start scheduling with the above two points as soon as you finish. You will see the visibility tab; herein, you’ll see the options to save, publish or schedule. Pick the option to schedule and want your video to get public or private once it goes live. After choosing it, click on schedule and pick the appropriate time and date whenever you wish your video to go live. YouTube scheduler is simpler than any other social media scheduling tools.
  1. You’re All Scheduled: That’s it. It is as simple as this. Your Youtube video is scheduled and live according to the picked date and time. 

Final Thought

Now that you know the best time to post on YouTube, what’s keeping you distant? We know that the new year may have led numerous people to take a resolution to start their YouTube channel, so without keeping that idea hanging- Start Now! This blog was an insight about YouTube posting, best and worst times. Along with that, get to know what is the best time to post on Reddit in 2022.

RecurPost hopes you found the blog helpful, and if you wish to know more about video marketing- click here. Do give a try to the point of the best way on how to change group name on Facebook?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Which are the best days to post on YouTube? 

According to various studies, the best day to post on YouTube are Thursdays and Fridays. The audience is the most active on social media platforms due to the weekend. 

2. What Is The Best Time To Post On YouTube On Friday? 

As Friday is the start of the weekend and people are swiftly moving towards leisure time, it becomes the most appropriate day to post a new video. If you have created a video already, wait for Friday to come and post it around 2 – 4 pm Eastern Standard Time. 
Posting at this time will offer the video enough time to start trending by evening, and people can engage while they reach home or are commuting back home from the office. 

3. What is the best time to upload to YouTube UK?

For an audience based in the UK, you should post YouTube videos between 2 pm and 4 pm on the weekdays and 9 am, and 11 am on the weekends. Posting according to these times will give your video the time to index when your audience comes online, and there will be more engagement. 

Debbie Moran is a Digital marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience producing advertising for brands and helping leaders showcase their brand to the correct audience. She has been a part of RecurPost since 2019 and handles all the activities required to grow our brand’s online presence.


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