What to talk about in therapy when you have nothing to talk about reddit

What to talk about in therapy when you have nothing to talk about reddit

I have had depression for most of my life - been in treatment for over 10 years. I've had multiple different therapists and have tried many different types of therapy, but have never felt any benefit from going to therapy. Typically, the first 4 or so sessions are just bringing the therapist up to date on what is going on, what I have already tried, etc. After that, I never have much to talk about. Usually, the therapist just starts asking me a bunch of questions, none of which really seem important. I'm not filtering or blocking out anything, I just really have nothing to say. What should I do?

So I have a few therapy sessions left and I don’t know what to talk about or explore with my therapist. We’ve talked in detail the s*xual trauma I’ve been through, the physical and mental abuse etc along with coping mechanisms and stuff for me to try.

I have a handful of sessions left now and I don’t know what to talk about. I’ve been asked to give it some thought and all I can think is that I’m a disappointment for not thinking of things. They’ve never made me feel this, my therapist is awesome, this is simply just my own thought process.

I was wondering if anyone can give me suggestions on what to talk about? What have you spoken about when there’s seemingly nothing left to say?

So, like two weeks ago I made a list of things I want/need to address with Eyebrows. We discussed some of the stuff on there (most of it was just like questions and not super in depth so we ate up our whole hour on those questions). The harder stuff I tabled for later, knowing we would need more time to delve into those. Last week I made a DIFFERENT list (and I actually have a different one for tonight). But last week he said that tonight he wants to talk about the other issues we missed from the first list. I've almost been looking forward to it all week until like yesterday. Then this morning my anxiety went all THREAT LEVEL MIDNIGHT and I have been in AGONY all day. My heart is racing and I just want to bail. I'm so scared of being vulnerable but I also dont want to clam up because this is what I came to do.

I'm going to start off tonight telling him that my stress level has been insane today. My anxiety has been on high alert all fucking day just knowing I have to talk to him about this shit I dont want to talk about. Do I trust him? I do, but we havent been working together very long so it's like the bond isnt really there? I kind of hope showing him all these gross parts of myself will help him feel bonded to me (or at least allow me to see or feel the bond from his end since I know I feel a connection to him but I don't know if its reciprocated which kind of sucks).

Anyway, I'm terrified of tonight and yet it cant come soon enough. I cant wait to get it over with so I can calm down a little today.

So, do I want to talk about these things? Hell fucking no. The walls are trying sooooo hard to raise up and its been an exhausting fucking day working to keep them down long enough to let him in to see me and my struggles. I still have almost two hours until my session, too. Fuck. But I'm going to tell him because a part of me does want to. Because I want it to stop. It's going to be scary and I'll probably cry but in the end that's the only way he can help me.

I hope you find it in yourself to take a chance and let your therapist in to see you in all your glory. You can check my profile later for an update if you want, I'm sure I'll be posting about it in the weekly thread or commenting on someone else's post with something he said or did.

Posted by9 months ago


What to talk about in therapy when you have nothing to talk about reddit

Every week, my therapist starts with “what would you like to look at today?” Most of the time, something happened during the week or there is a continuing theme to pick up from the last week. But sometimes there’s not. I try to find something/anything from my week out of desperation and she’ll comment that she doesn’t know what we would be working on related to the story. I will ask her if there is anything she thinks we should cover and she answers no. We will literally sit in silence while I turn my brain inside out and panic over what to discuss. What should you do when you don’t have a burning issue to bring to the table and your therapist won’t suggest anything?

Posted by5 years ago


What to talk about in therapy when you have nothing to talk about reddit

I always have therapy after work. Now (thankfully) I'm doing a lot better. I realize I could slip at any time which is why I'm still doing it (it's only been a week since I've started to get back in a good mood, and I'm still not at 100%). I like going to therapy because it helps me decompress but I feel like I waste my time complaining about work. Everything I talk about just seems petty...today I talked about how I hate washing dishes, and how I think about work too much. I know I have deeper issues (a lot of guilt about mistakes I've made at work, self confidence issues, grief, etc) but my therapist doesn't bring those up. I want to talk about them but at the same time I just feel so petty. And I don't want to spoil my current mood. So what do you talk about when things are going well?

What do you talk about in therapy when you have nothing to talk about?

If you don't know what to talk about in therapy, some things to consider talking about include recent life events, relationships, traumas, and more.

Should I go to therapy if I have nothing to talk about?

And of course, participating in your session even when you feel you have nothing to say is a great exercise in slowing down, being comfortable with silence, and not distracting yourself from your thoughts.

What to say when you don't know what to say in therapy?

You can even say something like, “I don't know what to talk about, so I'm going to take a brief moment to reflect on how I'm feeling.” Then close your eyes and tune in to how your body feels in that moment—and if you're holding onto any tension—and discuss whatever feelings you notice with your therapist.

Why do I feel like I have nothing to talk about in therapy?

Having nothing to talk about isn't a sign that there's something wrong with therapy; it's an opportunity to peek under some unturned stones. This is part and parcel to the way therapy is structured. Therapy sessions are typically scheduled on a weekly, rather than “as needed”, basis.