When is lions gate portal 2022

Every year on and around August 8, the Lions Gate Portal opens — giving us a powerful opportunity to manifest. It's a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

So, What is the Lions Gate Portal? 

The Lion's Gate portal is said to be the opening of a rare window that takes place as the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, the Orion's Belt constellation, and the Pyramid of Giza all come into alignment each year - meaning our manifesting powers are incredible as we witness this blend of the physical and spiritual world.

The Lions Gate Portal is a vortex of potent manifestation energy. 

When is the Lions Gate Portal? 

The Lion’s Gate Portal is technically open from July 26 to August 12. However, August 8 is when this powerful time reaches its climax in alignment with the “Galactic New Year.”

8/8 is also significant as it represents high vibrational energy, confidence, and wealth in numerology. When turned horizontally, the number 8 looks like the symbol for infinity — representing abundance and limitless potential for your manifestations. In Tarot, eight corresponds to the Strength card, which usually depicts an infinity symbol above a woman lounging with a lion. This significance translates well to the Lion’s Gate Portal date, August 8 or 8/8. 

The number 8 also has a special meaning in astrology. Astrologer and holistic psychiatrist Kayse Budd, M.D, notes, “The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, so astrologically, eight has connections to power, transformation, energy, passion, and sexuality—all Scorpio themes.” 

What to Expect from the Lions Gate Portal 2022 

If you’re wondering what to expect during the Lions Gate, it’s this:

  • Our energies will be supercharged.

  • Our creation capabilities are magnified.

  • Our manifestation powers turned way on.

The Lions Gate is aligned with the heart center and embodies the Leo traits of royalty, bravery, power, and personal expression. 

This is a time to: 

  • Stand sovereignly in your innate power.

  • Tune in, consciously, embodying the highest version of you.

  • Express your desires with a clear declaration.

  • Show up how you are meant to live, being who you are meant to be.

  • Commit to living with love, gratitude, and compassion, and embrace the beauty you see emanating from within.

How to Manifest with the Lions Gate Portal 2022 

1. Practice meditation and repeat mantras for the Lion’s Gate Portal

I suggest practicing meditations, repeating mantras, journaling focused on the heart chakra, and shining the light of the spiritual sun through your soul. 

The heart chakra is a wellspring of love, holding the vibration of warmth, altruism, compassion, and joy. It creates connections and deeply enriching bonds with other beings. Right now, the Lions Gate energy gives us the opportunity to radiant an auric glow of pure magnetism. 

As your practice meditation during this time, consider envisioning being bathed in light as you rehearse in your mind who you are at your highest state of being. Envision your future self. Envision achieving your biggest, juiciest dreams. 

These are favorite mantras to enhance your Lion’s Gate Portal meditation practice: 

  • “I am bountiful. I am blissful. I am beautiful.”

  • “May the spiritual sun shines upon me, all love surround me, and the pure light within guide me.”

2. Journal prompts for the Lions Gate Portal

Use this powerful time to activate your subconscious mind and expand the bounds of your reality with this journaling practice. In addition, the Lion’s Gate Portal offers a powerful time to set clear intentions for what you wish to manifest.

Journaling will help take your manifestations to the next level because writing helps activate your subconscious. It’s important to physically write with pen and paper over typing or visualizing because the action helps carry your vision into the material world. 

Before sitting to write, move your body to access your playful, creative energy. Allow yourself to have fun and prioritize joy over seriousness in responding to these prompts. Get crystal clear about what you want to manifest in your life with these journal prompts: 

  • What do my heart and spirit need to feel whole?

  • In what ways can I show myself more grace and love?

  • What is my heart’s most authentic desire?

3. Create a Lions Gate Altar to Honor Leo  

Any dedicated space can be made into a Lion’s Gate altar, whether it’s a bedside table or tucked-away corner. 

You can decorate it with whatever you feel represents Leo’s energy to you. Leo is commonly associated with the sun, lions, and royalty. Your Lion’s Gate altar is a perfect place for anything that helps you feel radiant, purposeful, and creative. It comes down to the power of intention, so make it your own!

My Lions Gate Portal altar suggestions to honor Leo include: 

  • Herbs like saffron, rosemary, frankincense, cedar, cinnamon, St. John’s Wort, cinnamon, eyebright

  • Yellow, orange, and red flowers like sunflowers, peonies, and marigolds

  • Crystals and stones like amber, ruby, garnet, rhodochrosite, citrine

The altar can be a meditation space to connect to your inner Leo. It could also be a space where you create rituals, such as attracting love, calling in more abundance, or setting intentions. If nothing else, it will serve as a simple reminder whenever you look at it to pause and ground back into your manifestation practice. 

4. Raise Your Vibration with a Cleopatra-Inspired Bath Ritual

The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was known for her seductive physical beauty and sharp mind. She spoke a dozen languages and was a scholar of mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy. Her bath ritual includes milk, raw honey, essential oils like rose or lavender, and rose petals.

A ritual bath is a bath set with a spiritual purpose or intention. It often includes adding salts, flowers, herbs, and crystals, to activate, heal or attract specific experiences and qualities into your life. Deborah Hanekamp, also known as Mama Medicine, created a book full of bath rituals and recipes, which range from addressing self-love, boundaries, and confidence. 

Dedicating an evening to soaking in a ritual bath will allow you to receive and sink into your yin energy. Try doing it to wind down before bed and journaling about whatever comes up during the bath.

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How often does the Lions Gate portal open?

What is the Lion's Gate Portal? The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8). It takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius.

What date is Lions Gate?

Lion's Gate Portal is an event that gives people chance to fulfil their dreams. Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lion's Gate Portal "opens" in the sky. The celestial occurrence has started gaining traction in recent years, but according to astrologers, it is centuries old.

Does Lions Gate portal happen every year?

Basically, the Lion's Gate Portal is like a cosmic holiday that occurs every year when a certain alignment happens in the sky. The portal is “open” from July 26 through August 12, but its powers are most potent today, making it the prime time to manifest exactly what you want.

How long does Lion's Gate portal last?

The date has a numerological significance. The portal is “open” between July 26 and August 12. However, its powers are most potent on August 8, which is known by some as the Galactic New Year. The significance of the date (August 8, or 8/8) shouldn't be overlooked.


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