Where to farm forgotten souls diablo 3

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  3. Forgotten Souls - what am I doing wrong?

RHelgDrez 3 years ago#1

First off, what are the ways you can get Forgotten Souls other than salvaging legendary or set items? I’ve seen them rarely drop while doing stuff but it seems super-slow. Much slower than the rate at which I gain Death’s Breaths.

I’ve been hoarding legendaries so I can cube their effects and then having a second copy to archive on a mule. A library of legendaries, so to speak. Mostly because I eventually want to branch out into other characters and I’m not sure what items would be good for those builds and I really don’t want to put in the time to do that research right now.

Is that just stupid, though? Should I just salvage everything I’m not going to use for the build I’m trying to achieve? Should I only hold onto set items? Or don’t even bother with sets I don’t plan to use, either?

And is there any other way to farm Forgotten Souls?

bezlaskez 3 years ago#2

I started out saving stuff, but then I reasoned that next season I'll start a different class who won't be able to access my old stash and I'll need to grind out specific equipment again. So now, after cubing almost everything, the only gear in my stash is the three set builds I'm not currently using and the set I made to get the gr45 no set challenge. No point saving that ancient balance when my monk will have to find a new one next season anyway.

"I bag a differ" - Kodakliv, 2015

Jonexe 3 years ago#3

Souls: Salvage legendaries, and a rare drop from high GR Rift Guardians.

Hording legendaries only makes sense if you're actually going to play another character. If you're going to make more than one character during the season then it might be worth it. If you're going to make non-seasonal characters then it may also have value.

But if you're just going to make a new seasonal character every season (which is how most people play) there's zero point in saving things as every season is a "fresh" start.

The only time I find it worth it to horde legendaries is for different builds on my current character. Sometimes you might "complete" a different build from the one you're using first and switching to it can help you push your GR further, complete challenges, etc.

Edit: It also doesn't hurt to keep a copy of a piece for cube rerolling to try and get it to be ancient without hurting your current build.

"My life is a chip in your pile... ante up!"

RHelgDrez (Topic Creator)3 years ago#4

I'm kind of considering not bothering with Seasons after this one. It's pretty arbitrary, isn't it? The only real benefit of a season is that you get a free armor set, right? Otherwise, everything is the same.

I basically want to 100% this season and then bring my progress into Softcore.

Jonexe 3 years ago#5

RHelgDrez posted...

I'm kind of considering not bothering with Seasons after this one. It's pretty arbitrary, isn't it? The only real benefit of a season is that you get a free armor set, right? Otherwise, everything is the same.

I basically want to 100% this season and then bring my progress into Softcore.

Depends on what you enjoy about the game I suppose. Starting over completely fresh and working to a high GR is fun for a lot of people. I personally get bored once I get a wall on high GRs, and a non-seasonal character will be at that wall without getting those perfect ancient. New characters on non-seasonal are also zero fun because with enough Paragon there's not even a challenge leveling in Torment difficulties. So for me, starting fresh and seeing how far I can get before I tire of it keeps it interesting.

"My life is a chip in your pile... ante up!"

The_OD 3 years ago#6

plus every season you get a new cosmetic pet, or other cosmetic item. and its really about competing to see who can get the highest GR clears.

Reptobismol 3 years ago#7

I salvage everything I won’t use (I save a handful of things, but couldn’t care less about cubing everything or having a library) and do a lot of T13 rifts and GR60+ for leveling gems.

After burning through 1000 souls on reforges, I’ve already jumped back up to 1400 souls in around five days, and that’s after spending a pretty handful on enchanting.

The drop rate in rifts is very, very good, and salvaging ancients you won’t use accumulates quickly. Plus at least one goblin that I know of, and rift guardians, drop them also.

An infant sea turtle is actually capable of killing an adult African bull elephant. It does, however, require a substantial amount of surprise.

RHelgDrez (Topic Creator)3 years ago#8

Wait, what pet? I was supposed to get a pet?

Number43 3 years ago#9

Even if you are hoarding legendaries as said, eventually you'll end up with multiple copies of most of them, so most new drops will mean another soul.

LottoStud 3 years ago#10

RHelgDrez posted...

Wait, what pet? I was supposed to get a pet?

It's a hand that follows you around and collects your gold for season 15. Check your seasonal journey rewards.


  1. Boards
  2. Diablo III: Eternal Collection
  3. Forgotten Souls - what am I doing wrong?

Where can I farm forgotten souls in Diablo 3?

Forgotten Souls can only be obtained by farming in Nephalem Rifts, and there is no better place to do so. This time, however, avoid going after the Rift boss right away. Seek out the elites and harvest their souls from them as well.


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