Which of the following situations does a critical illness plan cover

Cover the extra costs that may come with a serious illness

What is critical illness insurance?

Critical illness insurance helps you cover medical expenses that your primary health insurance won’t. It’s a cash payout you receive if you ever experience a serious illness like cancer or a stroke.

Who is critical illness insurance for?

Critical illness insurance is a good, supplemental option for people who already have health insurance, because it gives you additional money to pay for expenses like deductibles. We offer policies you can buy from us directly and policies available through many employers.

What does critical illness insurance cover?

Critical illnesses include stroke, heart attacks, Parkinson’s, cancer, and more. Our policies can cover over 30 major illnesses. If you happen to get diagnosed with one of these illnesses, our plans can pay you a lump sum of up to $50,000.1

Why should I consider critical illness insurance?

It’s an affordable way to supplement and pay for the additional expenses your health insurance doesn’t cover. Plus, some of our policies pay out additional cash if you find yourself in the hospital for less serious illnesses or injuries.

We want to help you focus on recovery, not your finances

Thirty-four percent of Americans with medical insurance find it difficult to afford their deductible. 2 A critical illness plan helps secure your savings from unexpected illnesses because it pays out money you can use for the expenses your primary health insurance won’t cover.

What are the benefits of our critical illness insurance?

  • It’s paid directly to you

    Critical illness insurance pays you directly in cash without any deductible or extra waiting time after your claim is verified.

  • You choose how to spend your money

    The money you receive from your critical illness insurance can be used however you want, covering anything from medical costs to non-medical costs like your monthly rent.

  • Money for the first and second diagnosis

    Our plans have you covered for the long term, paying you a lump sum of $1,000 to $50,000 when you’re first diagnosed with a critical illness. If you ever receive a second diagnosis, we’ll still be there for you, offering a lump-sum payout of $500 to $25,000.1

  • Get additional non-critical illness coverage

    With the right plan, you may have access to additional wellness benefits for preventative services. We also offer a hospitalization admission benefit of up to $5001 a day should you end up in the hospital for a non-critical illness or injury.

Need more information? Here are resources to help you learn and compare.

Which of the following situations does a critical illness plan cover

Discover the different kinds of health and disability insurance designed to adapt to your reality and needs!

Your income is essential to support your lifestyle. To make sure you’re protected in the event of a disabling illness or accident, various tax-free income replacement and financial assistance solutions are available to you.

Discover 3 types of health and disability insurance here!

1. Disability and income insurance

Disability and income insurance provides you with monthly benefit payments in the event of a disability, whether caused by injury, accident, burnout, illness or another covered condition.

Depending on your need and the product you choose, you can get salary replacement or an amount to help you repay your loans. This solution is ideal if you are in one of the following situations:

  • You are not covered by health or disability insurance with your employer.
  • You want to supplement your coverage.
  • You are self-employed or a business owner.
  • You want peace of mind with insurance that will help you meet your financial commitments, such as paying your rent or loans.

Depending on your income, age and lifestyle, a financial security advisor can help you find the product best adapted to your needs. At iA, most of our insurance products are customizable.

For example, with Superior Program disability insurance, we offer comprehensive coverage that can replace your salary for amounts ranging from $500 to $10,000 per month, for periods of 2 years, 5 years or even up to age 65.

2. Critical illness insurance

Critical illness insurance is designed to provide financial assistance should you be diagnosed with a covered illness. It helps you meet your financial obligations, cover the cost of health care expenses and avoid dipping into your savings so you can focus on your recovery.

Unlike with disability insurance, you can be covered for life rather than only during your active employment period. At iA Financial Group, our Transition critical illness insurance allows you to choose between two coverages:

  • Transition – 4 Illnesses covers the four most common critical illnesses that account for 85% of claims: cancer, stroke, heart attack and bypass surgery.
  • Transition – 25 Illnesses covers the most common illnesses as well as other conditions including paralysis and loss of independence.

It is also possible to combine these two coverages by choosing a specific amount and duration (temporary or permanent) for each.

For example:

If you are a parent of young children and have a mortgage, you can opt for Transition – 4 Illnesses for a temporary period of 20 years. This will allow you to be covered for a higher amount until your mortgage is paid off and your children reach majority.

In addition to the 4 Illnesses coverage, you can add Transition – 25 Illnesses permanent coverage (up to age 100) to cover common illnesses along with age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, other forms of dementia or loss of independence.

Plus, if you have a child between the ages of 2 and 5, we offer free coverage for little ones with our Kiddy Plan! Enrolment is quick and easy and is done entirely online in just a few minutes.

To learn more about critical illness insurance, see our articles Critical illness insurance and its benefits and Critical illness insurance for children.

3. Accident insurance

Do you have an active lifestyle? Are you often behind the wheel? Does your job involve physical work?

Whatever your lifestyle, no one is immune to injury. Hence the advantage of having financial protection that can cover you at all times and in all situations!

We offer accident insurance that provides financial assistance should an accident prevent you from carrying on with your normal activities.

Depending on the options you choose, you can receive:

  • Lump sum financial assistance
  • Reimbursement of recovery expenses such as physiotherapy or adaptive equipment
  • Even monthly payments to cover your financial commitments

At iA, no medical exam is required for accident insurance, and application is quick and easy. In addition, both individual and family coverage are available!

Our Accifamily accident insurance provides 24/7 coverage for all the members of your family and is the perfect complement to public health insurance or your employer’s group insurance plan.

Or if you’re looking for fully customizable insurance, check out Acci 7 PLUS! It offers affordable, flexible and accessible protection with five coverage options that you can purchase together or individually, starting at just $7 a month.

We also offer free coverage for your baby between 15 days and 12 months of age with the Peek a Boo Plan. It provides financial assistance to help you care for your child in the event of an accident. You’ll even receive a free gift for your baby! See our article Why you should get insurance for your baby for more information.

Do you have questions or want to know more about how one of these products can meet your needs and reality? Contact an advisor today!

What type of policy would only provide coverage for specific types of illnesses?

A critical illness plan covers a specific disease or condition and pays you a lump sum following the diagnosis of a covered illness. Critical-illness plans cover conditions like cancer, organ transplant, heart attack, stroke, renal failure or paralysis.

For which of the following does a basic hospital policy pay?

For which of the following expenses does a Basic Hospital policy pay? A Basic Hospital policy pays expenses for hospital room and board, as well as other miscellaneous medical expenses incurred during hospitalization.

Which of the following policy features allows an insured to defer current health charges to the following year's deductible?

Carryover provision (The carryover provision permits expenses incurred during the last three months of the calendar year to be carried over into the new year if needed to satisfy the deductible for the next year.)

Which of the following statements best describes the intent of a Coinsurance clause?

Which of the following statements BEST describes the intent of a Coinsurance clause in a Major Medical policy? A purpose of the Coinsurance clause in a Major Medical Policy is to discourage overutilization of the insurance coverage.