Which pay plan generally rewards employees for meeting work objectives

Defining Person-Focused Pay: Competency-Based, Pay-For-Knowledge, and Skill-Based Pay

  1. 1 Define person-focused pay.

Person-focused pay plans reward employees for acquiring job-related, knowledge, skills, or competencies rather than for demonstrating successful job performance. Person-focused pay rewards employees for the promise of performance in the future; merit pay and incentive pay reward employees for promise fulfilled (job performance). This approach to compensating employees often refers to three basic types of person-focused pay programs: pay-for-knowledge, skill-based pay, and competency-based pay. Sometimes, companies combine person-focused pay programs with traditional merit pay programs by awarding pay raises to employees according ...

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In: Business and Management

Submitted By stbb
Words 304
Pages 2


Person-focused pay plans rewards employees for acquiring job-related competencies, knowledge, and skills. There are two types of competency-based pay programs such as pay-for-knowledge pay and skill-based pay. Incentive pay is defined as compensation, which varies according to a pre-established formula, individual or group goals, and company earnings. Incentive pay adds to base pay as a one-time payment. It is designed to control costs and motivate employee productivity.

Body A person-focused pay programs can provide job enrichment and job security to employees. Through job enrichment, it creates a more basic way of motivating employees and an exciting work environment. This can also increase employees' flexibility. According to the job characteristics theory, employees will be motivated to perform jobs that contain a high degree of four core characteristics: skill variety, task identity, autonomy, and feedback. There are some factors that individual incentives need to have which include: incentives include quantity of work output, quality of work output, monthly sales, work safety record, and work attendance. There are four types of individual incentive plans. Piecework plans which reward workers for every item produced over a designated production standard. Management incentive plans award bonuses to managers when they meet or exceed objectives based on sales, profit, production, or other measures for their division. Behavioral encouragement plans award employees for specific behavioral accomplishments like good attendance and safety records. In referral plans, employees receive bonuses for recruitment of highly qualified employees.

Conclusion I agree with the statement that “Person-focused pay plans are least preferable compared with individual incentive pay programs.” Individual incentive plans can promote the relationship between pay and...

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Which compensation system is used by organizations to reward workers who undergo training that increases their skills?

Incentive. Since skill-based pay emphasizes an employee's knowledge, there's a greater incentive for professionals to train, improve and learn new skills. Companies can benefit from this because employees may continue to grow within their roles.

Which of the following is a characteristic of job

Which of the following is a characteristic of job-based pay? It compensates employees for the jobs they currently perform.

What is person Focus pay?

Person-focused pay rewards employees for the promise of performance in the future; merit pay and incentive pay reward employees for promise fulfilled (job performance).

What is the difference between person focused pay and incentive pay?

Person-focused pay is for skill​ development, but incentive pay is​ one-time pay for the attainment of goals communicated in advance.

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