Why does my amazon fire tv keep losing internet connection

Last updated on October 31st, 2022 at 01:27 pm

Amazon Firestick is a streaming device that converts your ordinary TV into a smart TV. It allows you to stream video, play music, install the application, and do many more things with the help of a firestick on your tv. Firestick software is based on android so you can do many things with your firestick. But recently users are reporting that their firestick is disconnecting from wifi. It is losing wifi connection again and again. Below we’ve mentioned some reasons that can cause firestick to disconnect from your wifi. 

Why My Firestick Keeps Disconnecting From Internet

Below we’ve mentioned some reasons behind the firestick losing wifi issue.

  • Poor internet connection– If your internet is not working properly then your firestick can automatically disconnect from your wifi.
  • Weak signal strength– You can also lose wifi connection due to weak wifi signal strength.
  • Faulty router set up: If your router is not set up properly then you can come across issues while using firestick.
  • Software bugs of fire stick– Sometimes a software bug or a temporary glitch can cause issues while connecting your firestick to the router.
  • Outdated fire stick software– If your firestick is running on outdated software then you can face an issue while connecting your firestick to the wifi.
  • Due to maximum router users– If there are too many people on a single connection, then this can lead to firestick losing wifi connection.
  • Due to IP address glitches– You can face connectivity issues if the IP address is not configured properly.

Below we’ve mentioned some working fixes that can help you in fixing a firestick that keeps disconnecting from wifi.

How Do I Fix My Fire Stick Keeps Losing Connection?

Fix your WI-FI connection

When Firestick disconnects from the WI-FI, the first thing that comes into mind is whether the WI-FI is working properly or not. To Fix the WI-FI check your router and modem or you can follow the steps below to fix Your WI-FI related issues.

  • Make sure that your router is placed near your firestick. If no then move your router closer to your firestick.
  • Hang your router at least 5 feet above your modem so it can get better signals.
  • Check the light of your router, green light means you have a solid network, red and orange light means there is something wrong with your internet connection.
  • Check that all the wires are connected properly to your router, and also check for damaged wire. If you find a damaged wire then kindly replace it with a new one.
  • Check your internet speed at speedtest.net. If the connection is slow or not working at all, then try connecting your firestick to the ethernet cable for better connectivity and speed.

Power Cycle Your WIFI Router

If the firestick is still losing wifi connection, then try the power cycle of your router by following the steps below.

  1. Turn off the router and modem first.
  2. Then pull out the cable of your router and modem from the power outlet.
  3. Wait for 30 seconds.
  4. Put the router and modem cable into the power outlet and turn on the power.
  5. Wait for the green light of your router and then connect your WI-FI with a fire stick.

After the power cycle check whether the internet disconnecting issue is resolved or not on your firestick.

Restart Your Firestick

Sometimes a simple restart of the device can help you in fixing a lot of issues. So to restart your firestick follow the steps below.

  1. Turn on your tv in which you’ve connected your firestick and also turn on your firestick.
  2. Go to firestick home and select the settings option.
  3. Scroll down to select my firetv option.
  4. Now select restart and your firestick will automatically reboot in a couple of seconds.

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Reset Your TV or Smart TV

If your firestick is showing no sign of issues, then resetting your tv can help you in fixing this issue. If can help you rectify an issue causing the issue, then follow the steps for resetting or hard resetting your tv.

  1. First remove the Firestick from the TV.
  2. using your tv remote go to settings.
  3. Now locate and select the reset option and follow the on-screen instruction for resetting your tv.


  1. Unplug your tv from the power outlet.
  2. Press and hold the power button on your tv.
  3. Wait for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Now turn on your tv and connect your firestick to the tv.

Now connect your firestick to the wifi and check if the disconnecting issue is resolved or not.

Update Your Firestick

Firestick needs to be updated from time to time for proper functionality. If you’ve not updated your firestick for a long time then updating your firestick device can help you in fixing a firestick that keeps disconnecting from wifi.

  1. On the home screen of the TV go to the settings.
  2. Scroll right to select my Fire TV.
  3. Now select the about section.
  4. Select the updates option or download and install the latest version of firmware on your firestick.
  5. Wait patiently while Firestick is updated because it can take up to 5-15 minutes.
  6. After updating your firestick check whether the issue is fixed or not on the firestick.
Why does my amazon fire tv keep losing internet connection

Change the DNS Setting of Your Wifi Router

Sometimes changing DNS configuration can help you in fixing firestick wifi not working. You can change DNS settings on your firestick manually by following the steps below.

  1. Press the menu button on your remote.
  2. Go to the network and then network status.
  3. Select IP settings and then select DNS settings.
  4. Select Enter manually and put your DNS address

After changing DNS settings check whether firestick is connecting to wifi or not.

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Change Wifi Protocol Settings

Some users have reported that they were able to fix this issue by changing the wifi protocol settings. To do this you need to log in to your router. Follow the steps below.

  1. Look for your router login IP address on the back of your router (eg.
  2. Now search the IP address using a browser and log in to your wifi router.
  3. Go to network settings and select the wireless settings option.
  4. Now select others options.
  5. Now go to internet protocol settings.
  6. Change the 802.11modes to 802.11n or 802.11 b/g/n.
  7. Now click on apply changes.
  8. Now restart your router and firestick.

Connect your firestick to the wifi and check whether the issue is resolved or not.

Change Wifi Channel

Changing the wifi channel from the wifi login page and settings can help you in fixing the connection lost issue on your firestick. Follow the steps below to change the wifi channel of your router.

  1. Go to the Network tab.
  2. Now select WLAN.
  3. Select channel number and change it from auto to manual and select the following channel depending on your connection 5g and 2.4 g

For 5g select 36, 40, 44, or 48

For 2.4 g select 1, 6, 7, 8, or 11

  1. Now select apply changes
  2. Restart your router and your firestick.

Connect your firestick to the router and check if the issue is resolved or not.

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Reset Firestick to Factory Defaults&lt;/h5&gt;&lt;p&gt;If none of the steps above worked for you, then resetting your firestick to factory settings can help you. Resetting the firestick will remove any technical problem causing the issue. After a factory reset, you’ll be able to connect the firestick to wifi without any issue. Follow the steps below to reset your firestick.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ol type="1"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Press home on your firestick remote.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Go to settings.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Select my firetv.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Scroll down and select reset to factory defaults.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ol&gt;&lt;figure class="wp-block-image size-full"&gt;&lt;img decoding="async" width="650" height="228" alt="reset firestick to factory defaults" class="ezlazyload wp-image-1615" data-ezsrcset="https://droidtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/reset-firestick-to-factory-defaults.jpg 650w,https://droidtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/reset-firestick-to-factory-defaults-300x105.jpg.webp 300w" sizes="(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px" ezimgfmt="rs rscb1 src ng ngcb1 srcset" data-ezsrc="https://droidtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/reset-firestick-to-factory-defaults.jpg"&gt;&lt;noscript&gt;&lt;img decoding="async" width="650" height="228" src="https://droidtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/reset-firestick-to-factory-defaults.jpg" alt="reset firestick to factory defaults" class="wp-image-1615" srcset="https://droidtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/reset-firestick-to-factory-defaults.jpg 650w, https://droidtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/reset-firestick-to-factory-defaults-300x105.jpg.webp 300w" sizes="(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px"&gt;&lt;/noscript&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;&lt;p&gt;Or&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Press and hold the back and right navigational button for 10 seconds to reset your amazon firestick.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-630" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;p&gt;If the issue persists then &lt;a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GHH5TUHA7677G4HJ" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"&gt;contact amazon team&lt;/a&gt; for help. 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Why does my amazon fire tv keep losing internet connection
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Why does my amazon fire tv keep losing internet connection
Why does my amazon fire tv keep losing internet connection