Why he wont ask me to be his girlfriend

Men are typically the last to express their true feelings in a relationship, even at the start of one. They see it as less than masculine or somewhat mushy to display their emotions to their friends or love interest. Women are usually the opposite and openly express or display their interest in taking a friendship or relationship to the next level.

In some ways, men express their emotions without ever saying a word. It happens all the time! Communication isn't always easy for some people, especially guys. Sometimes, you can be in serious relationship for years before realizing the signs he doesn't want to marry you. It's not that men don't know what they want to say, but they don't always know how to put their thoughts into words. Just because he's not verbalizing it, doesn't mean that he's not telling you something.

Take note of the ways some guys express themselves through actions.

Not Sure Where The Relationship Is Going?

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1. Stays Close By Your Side When You're Out. If he tends to stay near you when the two of you are out socializing or at an event, he's showing you that he likes and wants to be close to you. Rarely will a man stay near a woman during a party or social event unless he's romantically invested in her.

When a guy isn't interested in you, he'll mingle with others and rarely come near you. You may even see him flirting with other women if he's not interested.

2. The Kisses Are More Intimate. A guy will kiss you differently when they are interested in making you his girlfriend. The kiss is usually softer with more passion, and he may even gaze into your eyes or embrace you while kissing.

A guy that's not interested in you will likely give you a soft peck for the sake of saying hello or goodbye.

3. He Brings You Tea Or Coffee Just Because. If he surprises you with a cup of coffee or tea, he wants you to know that he's thinking of you. If he recalls that you take your coffee with two sugars and no cream, he's paying attention to your likes and dislikes and cares about pleasing you.

This only applies to a guy that you've been dating and not the co-worker who gets drinks for every girl in his department.

4. He Holds Your Hand In Public. Once a guy begins to initiate PDA, he's expressing his genuine emotions and may be wanting more from the relationship. It's his way of saying, I like you and enjoy being close to you, wherever you are.

5. He Always Includes You When He Socializes With His Friends. If he's doing something casual but always invites you to come along, it's his way of expressing to his friends that you're his girl and things are pretty heavy between you two.

It's important to pay attention to his expressions and actions when dating a guy. Some men aren't naturally expressive and find it difficult to say what they're feeling. If you're dating a guy and think things should be moving forward, but they seem to be at a standstill, make sure you're in tune to his actions.

7 Signs He Wants To Make You His Girlfriend

  1. He's No Longer Dating Anyone Else. If he's expressed to you in countless conversations that you're the only person he's dating, the two of you are unofficially exclusive. Once a guy stops seeing other women and devotes his time to only one woman, he's interested in establishing a relationship. This is one of the top 7 signs that he wants to make you his girlfriend.
  2. He's Deleted His Online Profile. So you met him online, and the two of you hit it off instantly. After a few weeks, you've noticed that his dating profile is no longer active. What are you doing browsing? This guy wants to take things to the next level with you. This is of course if you've been actively dating him and he only sees you. This is a sign that you should strongly consider as a hint that you may be getting a boyfriend soon.
  3. He Plans His Days Around You. If he's constantly making sure you'll be available to attend certain events with him or asking your opinion on going certain places, that's a sign that he's trying to establish something more than the next date. Once a guy begins to consider you before making plans, he's already planning to establish a relationship with you. He just hadn't officially proclaimed his intentions yet.
  4. He Rushes To Apologize After The Slightest Disagreement. If you've had an argument with him and he usually initiates the apology, it's because he doesn't want to run the risk of allowing things to escalate and threaten the relationship. Guys that don't care about you will allow petty matters to fester and sometimes refuse to accept their role in things going wrong. However, those that rush to offer an apology, even when it's not their fault are usually eager to take things further in the relationship.
  5. He's Dedicating Most Of His Time To You. If you've noticed that his schedule has changed to include more time for you, that's a sign. In the beginning, he may have had Monday nights out with the guys or Tuesday evenings on the basketball court, but now, he's spending those nights and evenings with you, it's clear that he considers you to be more than just a friend he's dating.
  6. He Makes You A Priority. If he tells you that he wants you to call him if you need him, regardless of the time of day, he's into you. Once he begins to prioritize you over friends, work, and others, you're already a girlfriend. If he rushes to your rescue because you forgot to bring lunch or you're not feeling well and have to go to the doctor, it's a sign.
  7. He's Eager To Introduce You To His Parents. This isn't something that most men take lightly. Meeting his parents is a big deal and makes a loud statement. It shows that he considers you to be an important part of his life and seeks his parent's approval or wants them to see him with the person he's committed to in life. This is one of the most important of the seven signs he wants to make you his girlfriend.

This may also be a sign that's tricky to interpret if he lives with his parents. It's a growing trend for young adults to remain in their parent's homes longer these days, which means you may have an early encounter with the parents before a relationship is established.

It's important to enjoy the dating process and not allow your eagerness to give yourself or the relationship a title. This could ruin the experience for you and could push him away out of fear that you want too much too soon. Relationships go through phases, and each person should try to balance themselves enough to be in the same phase at the same time. While it is common for women to be ready for a relationship before most men, if the feelings are there, it will happen when it's supposed to happen.

Here are a few non-invasive ways to ask him where he sees the relationship going if you're not too sure what he's thinking.

Not Sure Where The Relationship Is Going?

  • Where Do You See Yourself In Two Years? Asking this question should prompt him to give an answer that does or doesn't include you. If he expresses his desire to pursue career goals in a place that's not aligned with where you are or where your goals are set, he may not be considering you long-term.
  • Have You Ever Thought About Kids? Keep it vague and don't go in with a direct question that asks how many or when. With this question, you're seeking to see where he stands on the family dynamic. You're looking to see if he references you in his response.
  • What Age Do You See Yourself Getting Married? This one opens the door for a great opportunity. He may clearly express that he has no desire, that it's years from now, or whenever you're ready. This allows him to tell you his plans regarding marriage and hopefully, if those plans include you.

When asking questions, be prepared to accept vague answers or those that don't include you at all. Remember, it's a plan to find out if you're part of his bigger picture. You may find that it's best to have these type conversations before your feelings for him are too deep to prevent from being hurt or let down.

Sometimes it takes longer for a dating relationship to develop into something more or for him to begin displaying either of the seven signs he wants to make you his girlfriend. Factors such as location, career, school, and other life dynamics have an impact on how soon or how long it takes a person to be ready to move forward in a relationship.

Do You Need Help?

Have you found it difficult to establish or maintain a healthy relationship with others? Are you experiencing feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem that are preventing you from living a fulfilled life? You may need to speak to a professional counselor to help you approach these challenges in a way that is healthy and beneficial to your well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Tell If a Guy Wants to Make You His Girlfriend?

If you meet a guy and start to spend time with him, he might begin to show clear signs that he thinks you’re special and wants a long term relationship. He might start to sweet talk you and introduce you to his group of friends and family; any of the important people in his life. He may also start to call or text you often, and try to make a good impression.

When Should He Ask You to Be His Girlfriend?

If you have a mutual interest in one another and start seeing each other often, that would be the ideal time for him to ask you to be his girlfriend.

If you met on social media or dating apps, once you start meeting face to face and find that you have chemistry, he’ll be open to the idea of starting a committed relationship with you.

How Do You Tell If a Guy Wants a Relationship or Just a Hookup?

You can usually tell that a guy wants just a hook when he tries manipulations to put on a good show for you. A man who doesn’t want a love life with you might try to butter you up, but he won’t stand by your side if there is a problem you are dealing with and need help. He also typically won’t show you his vulnerable side because he doesn’t plan on being around you for long.

Does He Want You to Be His Girlfriend?

A guy who wants you to be his girlfriend typically won’t play mind games with you. He won’t see you one day and then not call you for a few weeks.

If a guy likes you and is trying to make a good impression, he will want to be with you all the time.

How Do You Know if a Man is Serious About You?

A man who is serious about you and considering having a love life with you will want you to know the people in his life, his friends and family, and won’t play juvenile games.

If he’s mature mind games missing from the time you spend with him will be evident.

A man who is serious about you will want to connect on a deeper level. He may say that he “love love loves you” or a silly thing like that to show then he really cares about you.

How Do You Make Him Miss You Like Crazy?

When a guy likes you, he might tell his friends and family that he misses you like crazy when you aren’t together. Even short times apart my feel like weeks to a stir-crazy boy in love.

If you want to make him miss you, then don’t give in to his desire to see you all the time. However, if you really cared for him in a loving way, why would you want to make him miss you? You would be missing him too.

How Long Do Guys Wait to Make it Official?

Depending on the guy and how he feels about you, he might want to start a love life with you right away. Some men won’t play games, and they cut to the chase; they want you in their life. They will introduce you to friends and family right away and make It clear how he feels about you.

These types of guys don’t get life horoscope advice; they want to really live. Unlike life horoscope advice, there are no mind games included. They want to be with you and will do whatever it takes to win your heart.

Does He Want to Commit?

Unlike life horoscope columns, people who want a love life will show you that they want a commitment. When you are walking down the street, he will want to hold your hand; he’s not ashamed to be with you. When you are with friends, he will act appropriately and not do foolish things that make you or your friends questions his dedication to you.

However, if you are still not sure where he stands, just ask. What is the worse thing he can say? If it’s no, I like you, but I don’t want a relationship, then you know that a friendship is all you will ever have with him. Just be careful that he doesn’t play mind games and cause emotional abuse; no girl should ever be subjected to that type of behavior.

Will my boyfriend ask me to be his girlfriend?

He’ll will not ask you to be his girlfriend because you already are. He does not ask you to be together because you already are without being official in public, without a title. He’s already getting the things that make a relationship special while being single. You are exclusive with just him. He’s the only man on your mind.

Why won’t he Call Me his girlfriend?

He might not call you his girlfriend because he is dating someone else, or even multiple people. It’s not fair for him to commit to you when he’s dating other people. Technically he’s not doing anything wrong if you aren’t in an “official” relationship, but the idea of him dating someone else can still really hurt.

What are the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend?

But if he’s reaching out regularly, this might be one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend. 2. He Makes Plans More Than a Day in Advance Again, a man who isn’t interested in committing won’t want to make plans more than a day (or even just a few hours) ahead.

Is it possible to date a guy who doesn't have a girlfriend?

Sure, you two can be really physically attracted to one another and share lots of laughs on your date. But if you don't have a serious connection, there's no point. He's not just looking for someone to date anymore, he's looking for a girlfriend.

How long should I wait for him to ask me to be his girlfriend?

'" As a rough rule, two months should be a safe amount of time to broach the subject. But every relationship is different, so if it feels right earlier, go for it. If it doesn't feel right at that stage, there are a few steps you can take to build yourself up for the conversation.

How do you get a guy to ask you to be in a relationship?

How to Get a Guy to Ask You Out.
Let him know casually, “If you ask me out, I would probably say yes.” ... .
Create a life that leads to love. ... .
Learn the power of the P-word. ... .
Self-love comes first. ... .
Don't flirt. ... .
Always wear a smile. ... .
Don't let the guy know that you have a huge crush on him. ... .
Dropping hints..

What to do when he says he doesn't want to be in a relationship?

You think that maybe this is finally it... but then he tells you he "doesn't want to be in an official relationship.".
Believe him. ... .
Keep your options open. ... .
Don't try to win him over. ... .
Get clear on what you want. ... .
Know when it's time to walk away..

When should a man ask you to be his girlfriend?

When Should He Ask You to Be His Girlfriend? If you have a mutual interest in one another and start seeing each other often, that would be the ideal time for him to ask you to be his girlfriend.


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