Why should we hire you customer service no experience

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  3. Why Should We Hire You

"Why should we hire you?" is one of the top 5 interview questions you will be asked. We show you how to provide the type of interview answer employers are looking for.

In order to provide a concise and convincing summary of the top reasons why the company should choose you it is important that you have a good understanding of the key requirements for the job.

Carefully going through the job posting, understanding the job description and researching the company will ensure you know the skills and experience you should focus on in your interview answer.

The key to answering this interview question properly is to highlight what makes you an excellent candidate for this specific job opportunity.

Focus on your accomplishments and how they ensure your success in this job opportunity. In which areas of the job description do you really shine? What makes you the right job candidate? 

What if the new job opportunity requires a change in career or industry for you? This example interview answer to "Why should we hire you?"  shows you how to make your experience and background work well with the new role.

Why should we hire you with no experience?

This example interview answer is for job candidates with little or no work experience. It is always tricky knowing what to focus on when you have minimal working experience to draw on. This excellent sample answer can be easily adapted for your own use.

In-demand competencies for entry level jobs include:

  • the ability to assimilate and apply new information and skills quickly and effectively
  • organizational and planning skills
  • critical thinking skills

You can include examples of when you demonstrated these skills in answering interview questions about why the company should hire you with little or no work experience.

Find out more about how to answer entry level job interview questions

You need to be ready for this interview question - it is one of the most frequently asked questions and is a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

For more good sample interview answers to "Why should we hire you?".

Top tips for answering "Why should we hire you?"

  • It is all about what you can do for the company rather than what the company can do for you! - the employer wants to know what value you will add to the company, not why you think the company will provide you with what you want.
  • Prepare beforehand and be ready with your top 3 to 5 selling points as they relate directly to this specific job.
  • Be confident that you are the right person for this job and be willing to tell the interviewer what makes you a great fit.
  • If you find it difficult to promote your own strengths use the examples below to help you feel more comfortable.

  • Avoid talking too much and merely repeating what is on your resume, keep it concise and relevant.

Are you ready for these top 6 interview questions?

Walk me through your resume

Often in an interview you will be asked to take the employer through your resume. This is an opportunity to articulate why you are the right job candidate and why they should hire you. Find out more at Walk me through your resume

What about behavioral interview questions?

Our sample behavioral interview answers show you how to answer the most common behavioral interview questions with ease.

How to develop a winning interview answer to "Why Should We Hire You?"

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Why should we hire you for this customer service role answer?

"Because I have the experience and expertise in the area of customer support that is required in this position." This is a time to let the customer (the interviewer) know what your product and (YOU) can do for them and why they should listen to what you have to offer.

Why should we hire you with no experience Example answer?

I don't have experience but I am a quick learner and very hard-working person. I am ready t learn new things, I will try my best level to add value to your company. I am a fresher. I am ready to learn new things.

How do you convince someone to hire you with no experience?

You will be playing these up in your application..
Use an Eye-Catching Subject Line. ... .
Focus on What You Bring to the Table. ... .
Record an Introductory Video. ... .
Consider Using a Little Humor. ... .
Go a Step Further. ... .
Display Confidence. ... .
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