Do eyelashes grow back when they fall out

While you can't make your eyelashes grow back faster after they've fallen out, there are things you can do to keep them healthy as they grow back in and prevent more of them from falling out. If you’re unsure why your eyelashes fell out, you may want to avoid wearing makeup around your eyes, since some people can be allergic to certain products and makeup can introduce bacteria that causes eyelash loss. Make sure you wash your face every day with a gentle cleanser to keep bacteria away from your lashes. Try to keep your hands away from your face, since this can spread bacteria to your eyelashes. You should also eat a healthy, balanced diet so you're getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need for healthy hair growth. For more tips, including how to cover up your eyelash loss, read on!

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Eyelashes are a group of hairs that grow on the edge of eyelids. They are designed to protect the eye from debris, dust, and objects that can cause injury or infection. 

Like other body hair, natural lashes fall out and grow back following a 10-week eyelash growth cycle. It is common to lose one to five eyelashes a day.2  

However, chronic eyelash loss (also called madarosis) can signify an underlying medical condition. Common health conditions that cause eyelashes to fall out include:

  • Blepharitis, which is caused by clogged oil glands at the base of lashes, leads to inflammation and eyelash follicle damage
  • Trichotillomania, a psychological condition that causes a person to pull out their eyelashes (usually to relieve stress) 
  • Skin cancer of the eyelid, which can interrupt eyelash regrowth
  • Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack hair follicles, leading to hair loss
  • Thyroid conditions like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, which can cause lash loss due to too much or too few hormones
  • Atopic dermatitis, which can lead to eyelash loss through constant eye rubbing and itching
  • Allergic contact dermatitis, which is caused by an allergy to cosmetics or medication that can lead to eyelash loss
  • Scleroderma, an autoimmune disease causing the hardening and tightening of the skin and has been associated with hair loss

Certain medications, chronic stress, and nutritional deficiencies (iron, zinc, niacin) are less common causes of eyelash loss. 

Do Eyelashes Grow Back? 

Eyelashes typically grow back, but it depends on the underlying cause of lash loss and if there is permanent hair follicle damage.

The natural eyelash life cycle takes 4 to 11 months and consists of three phases:

  • Growth phase (anagen) takes 4 to 10 weeks with a maximum growth length of 12mm
  • Degradation phase (catagen) is when the lash stops growing and starts to shrink, lasting about 15 days
  • Resting phase (telogen) is the end of the cycle when the lash falls out. It lasts 4 to 9 months

Treating the underlying medical condition or secondary cause of eyelash loss can help get the growth cycle back on track.

How Long Do Eyelashes Take to Grow Back? 

Eyelashes take about 4 to 10 weeks to regrow. However, they might take longer depending on the cause of lash loss. For example, pulled or burned lashes can take 6 weeks to a couple of months to grow back.4 

For people with a health condition causing eyelashes to fall out, hair growth may not be stimulated until the medical condition is treated and managed. People with alopecia areata can be effectively treated with a topical bimatoprost-induced eyelash growth serum.5 

Ways to Encourage or Speed Up Regrowth

1. Eyelash growth serum 

Various eyelash growth serums on the market are proven to stimulate active growth.

The most common lash serums stem from topical bimatoprost 0.03%, approved by the FDA to increase lash length and thickness and make them darker. Bimatoprost is also used to treat glaucoma.5 

Common growth serum products include:

  • Latisse (a prescription based and the only lash serum approved by the FDA)
  • Castor oil (not scientifically proven to stimulate eyelash growth but can improve luster and thickness)
  • Olive oil (has antioxidant properties that help condition the lashes and promote healthy follicles)
  • Peptides (proven to elongate and enhance eyelash appearance)

2. Multivitamins

Vitamins are essential for hair growth and healthy lashes. Multivitamin supplements can help you get daily doses of specific vitamins linked to hair growth, including:9

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Complex B vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A

3. Healthy diet

What you eat plays a significant role in eyelash growth. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to hair loss.10 

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein ensures you get the proper vitamins and minerals. To encourage eyelash growth, you should include the following in your diet:

  • Protein has amino acids that stimulate keratin production and keep eyelashes strong and healthy
  • Biotin is a vitamin linked to hair health and found in various foods, including whole grains, broccoli, cauliflower, and nuts
  • Iron is essential for eyelash regrowth, and an iron deficiency (anemia) can lead to hair loss
  • Niacin helps keep hair follicles rich with oxygen and is found in meat, avocado, green peas, and peanuts

4. Change your makeup 

Many mascaras and cosmetics also contain biotin, peptides, and vitamins that nourish lashes and promote hair growth. 

Switching your eye makeup to include products that contain these ingredients can leave you with lush, beautiful lashes.

Tips for Preventing Eyelash Loss

Eyelashes are a big part of our appearance. Daily habits and behavior changes can help prevent unnecessary eyelash loss.  

Try incorporating these tips into your daily routine:

  • Skip the eyelash curlers 
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes 
  • Gently remove eye makeup and avoid tugging on lashes
  • Wash your face and lashes before bed 
  • Be careful when removing eyelash extensions and false eyelashes


Eyelashes follow a natural hair growth cycle; losing a couple of eyelashes a day is typical. However, certain medical conditions and medications can cause extensive eyelash loss. 

The good news is that eyelashes typically grow back in 4 to 10 weeks with the help of growth serums and treating the underlying health condition. Eyelashes that were pulled out or burned may take longer to regrow.

How long does it take for eyelashes to grow back after?

It will typically take about 6 weeks for the eyelash to grow back in if it's cut or burned but there's no damage to the follicle or eyelid. But if you pull an eyelash out, it can be a different story. It can take longer for the eyelash to grow back.

Do eyelashes grow back if I pull them out?

Despite hair being pulled out, healthy hair follicles will continue to grow hair. So, new eyelashes should slowly regrow and replace pulled-out hairs within a few months.

What helps eyelashes grow back?

Dermatologists typically use the Latisse drug (bimatoprost) to grow thick eyelashes. The FDA also approves it for treating decreased eyelash growth. Apply the medication once a night using a disposable applicator. Latisse is a prescription drug, so you will only buy it after having your eyes checked by a doctor.

How can I get my eyelashes to grow back after falling out?

How to grow out your lashes naturally.
Adjust your diet. If not just your eyelashes, but your hair in general, seems to be falling out and is overall lackluster the problem could be related to your diet. ... .
Invest in an eyelash Conditioner. ... .
Try a hair growth supplement. ... .
Use a cheap and easy DIY remedy..