Highest paying job with bachelors degree in psychology

There is a common misconception culture that psychology, a versatile Bachelor’s degree, is virtually pointless on its own. It is only useful as a foundation for a doctorate in psychology or a master’s degree. True, a Bachelor of Psychology can be a big step in gaining advanced degrees. In fact, it is estimated that 40% of psychological students take up Law or an MBA after graduating. Degree holders end up getting some of the highest paying jobs in psychology. And unsurprisingly, they also earn lucrative employment in the most in-demand industries.

Graduates usually gain employment in management, administration, sales, social work, real estate, insurance, and marketing. This only proves that psychology produces competent and skilled employees. However, licensure in psychology is a definite advantage in the employment market. Career opportunities for those with just a bachelor’s degree alone are less likely to be within the field itself. In fact, less than 25% of those with a psychology bachelor’s degree find jobs related to their major. Despite this competitive job market, there are ways to optimize your degree’s potential and employability.

Understandably, students are concerned about the competitive labor market and wonder how it will develop in the years to come. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the prospect of jobs in mental health centers, hospitals, schools, social service institutions, and private companies will increase in the next ten years.

As always, people with higher education possess a competitive advantage in their job search. Right off the bat, a Bachelor’s of Psychology degree holders will be able to work as assistants at rehabilitation centers or in other jobs in data collection and analysis. Aside from this, earning certifications and gaining more education will also lead to greater career success.

Recommended Schools

With that out of the way, we give you a list of the highest paying careers for degree holders in Psychology.

  • Top 10 Psychology Salaries
  • 30 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology
    • Psychiatrist
    • Human Resources Manager
    • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
    • Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
    • Geriatric Psychologist
    • Social Psychologist
    • Clinical Psychologist
    • Engineering Psychologist
    • Administrative Service Managers
    • Neuropsychologist
    • Experimental Psychologist
    • Corrections Psychologist
    • Genetic Counselor
    • Military Psychologist
    • Counseling Psychologist
    • Sports Psychologist
    • Social and Community Services Manager
    • Forensic Psychologist
    • Special Education Teacher
    • Behavior Analyst
    • Psychology Teacher
    • Career Counselor
    • Social Worker
    • School Counselor
    • Marriage and Family Therapist
    • Exercise Psychologist
    • Recreational Therapist
    • Mental Health Counselor
    • Victim Advocate
    • Psychiatric Technician/Aide

Top 10 Psychology Salaries

  • Psychiatrist – Average Annual Income $220,430
  • Human Resources Manager – Average Annual Income $116,720
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist – Average Annual Income $111,150
  • Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner – Average Annual Income $106,033
  • Geriatric Psychologist – Average Annual Income $104,623
  • Social Psychologist – Average Annual Income $100,770
  • Clinical Psychologist – Average Annual Income $97,610
  • Engineering Psychologist – Average Annual Income $97,260
  • Administrative Service Managers – Average Annual Income $96,940
  • Neuropsychologist – Average Annual Income $92,381

30 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology


Average yearly pay of a Psychiatrist – $220,430 / Hourly Rate – $100.00


One of the top-paying jobs on the list, a psychiatrist is a medical doctor who attends to patients with mental illness. They specialize in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health problems. First, you must earn a bachelor’s degree, and complete medical school to practice the profession. There is an additional four-year residency requirement, which totals to 8 years of academic study. This entails extensive medical and psychological knowledge and training. Psychiatrists have a thorough understanding of human anatomy, especially the complexities of the human brain. They are highly specialized in the field of psychology after having earned advanced educational and technical training. It is expected that psychiatrists receive reasonable pay.

  • Average annual income of Psychiatrist – $220,380/ Hourly Rate – $100.00
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 15.8%
  • Number of new jobs – 4,500


Psychiatrists are mental health professionals with the highest qualifications and are much in demand in the various medical facilities. They may choose to put up a private practice, catering to patients who need therapy and special emotional and psychological care. Another option is to attend to patients admitted to mental health facilities. Here, they can practice their medical training, using a wide variety of treatments, including psychotherapy, medications, and psychoanalysis. Lastly, Psychiatrists have become a key specialist to attend to patients under palliative care.

Basic Responsibilities of Psychiatrists:

  • Analyze and assess the patient’s mental health status;
  • Diagnoses mental disorder;
  • Recommend treatment;
  • Admit patients, order tests, and prescribe needed medication or therapy;
  • Regularly see patients in therapy sessions; and
  • Ensure patients are not a danger to themselves, and through others by outpatient counseling.

Get more information:

  • APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major
  • Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology

Human Resources Manager

Average yearly pay of a Human Resource Manager – $116,720 / Hourly Rate – $56.11


Human Resource Managers or HRM are those who are directly engaged in the management of employees within the organization. They plan direct, coordinate administrative functions of various industries regardless of employee size and scope. Usually, human resource managers require an undergraduate degree in Psychology or another field. Human resource managers are highly-skilled and knowledgeable in conflict management, and employee compensation and retention. A master’s degree in human resources, business administration, or law degree will greatly improve employability and annual salary.

  • The average annual income of a Human Resource Manager – $116,720/Hourly Rate – $56.11
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 7%
  • Number of new jobs – 10,800


Every organization requires a dependable resource manager who will oversee overall employee relations, including payroll, training, and benefits. One of their main roles is to direct administrative functions as the head of the human resource department. They supervise the support staff and ensure strict regulatory compliance. As part of the managerial staff, they hold regular consultation with top executives to align strategic plans and talent management issues.

Basic Responsibilities of Human Resource Manager:

  • Oversee employee recruitment and overall hiring process;
  • Plan and coordinate the entire organizational workforce;
  • Serve as a liaison between the employees and the management especially in drafting collective bargaining agreements;
  • Oversee employee benefit programs based on tenure and performance; and
  • Coordinate and supervise staffing issues, especially in workplace disputes.

Get more information:

  • Earn a specialized undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management from Penn State World Campus
  • BLS: What do Human Resource Managers do?

Recommended Schools

Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

Average yearly pay of an Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychology – $111,150 / Hourly Rate – $53.44


An Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychology degree is a highly-regarded area of study in the field of Psychology. Most professionals who choose this career path hold a master’s or doctorate, thereby landing second in our list. An Industrial/Organizational psychologist focuses years of rigorous training in the empirical study of human behavior and how it relates to the workplace. I/O psychologists are concerned with developing innovative and adaptable philosophies to address workplace issues. Dedicated knowledge and training prepare graduates for intensive and complex matters involved in designing and optimizing the work environment for employees. Practitioners address human and organizational problems within the workplace to streamline processes involving labor and employment.

  • Average annual income of Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychology – $111,150/ Hourly Rate – $53.44
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 18.1%
  • Number of new jobs – 200


An industrial-organizational psychologist is an expert in applying principles of psychology to human resources, management, administration, sales, and marketing. As scientist-practitioners, they dedicate years of study to specialize in the science of human behavior in the workplace. Due to the exhaustive training, I/O psychologists are experts in addressing complex issues to affect business success.

Basic Responsibilities of Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychologist:

  • Identify training and development needs;
  • Design and optimize job and work and quality of work-life;
  • Design and apply training programs and evaluate their effectiveness;
  • Coach employees and organization leaders;
  • Develop criteria to assess the performance of individuals and organizations; and
  • Assess consumer preferences, customer satisfaction, and market strategies.

Get more information:

  • I/O Psychology Provides Workplace Solutions
  • Best Online Schools for Bachelor’s of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Degree

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Average yearly pay of a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner – $106,033


Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) are practicing nurses who help individuals who are suffering from psychiatric disorders. PMHNP depend on their extensive educational background in nursing and psychiatry in providing mental health care to their patients. Most PMHNP are nursing graduates who have evolved into the field of mental health as their graduate degree. They work in hospitals, giving care to psychiatric patients along with a community of health care professionals. It is an advanced career that promises a rewarding professional development.

  • The average annual income of a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner – $106,033
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 17%


Clinical nurses who specialize in mental health practice, they work with people with mental disabilities. Among their many roles in the healthcare industry, PMHNP prescribes and administers medications for specific mental health conditions. Also, they diagnose mental illnesses and provide health care to patients especially during episodes of severe psychiatric distress. Psychiatric and psychological health nurse practitioners provide counseling to patients experiencing suicidal attacks, anxiety, and depression, and more.

Basic Responsibilities of a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner:

  • Diagnose mental illnesses;
  • Prescribe medication for specific mental illnesses;
  • Administer treatment plans to patients with psychiatric disorders; and
  • Provide counseling and therapy sessions to struggling patients.

Get more information:

  • Aim for career advancement with a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) – PMHNP from Walden University
  • Wilkes University offers an online Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner under the Passan School of Nursing

Recommended Schools

Geriatric Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Geriatric Psychologist – $104,623


Geriatric Psychologist is dedicated to providing psychological services to the elderly. They specialize in the psychology of aging, especially the cognitive changes as aging takes over a person’s physical body. The American Psychological Association predicts the positive incline in the demand of Geriatric Psychologist as health insurance started covering psychological services. Counseling is seen to be an essential part of medical treatments for aging adults. Geriatric Psychologists aid the elderly as they face depression that is often a side-effect of invasive treatments. For professional Geriatric Psychologist to practice their vocation, they must first pass the Geropsychology examination administered by the American Board of Geropsychology (ABGERO).

  • Average yearly pay of Geriatric Psychologist – $104,623
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%


Geriatric Psychologist guides older adults and their families as they face a rapid decline in their physical health. Counseling is the primary healthcare service that many professional geriatric psychologists offer. This is a much-needed service as aging adults deal with medications, grief, and the impending death. They are highly skilled in diagnosing problems that affect the elderly and provide a suitable treatment plan that will alleviate their condition. Also, geriatric psychologists lead advocacies in promoting a healthy lifestyle among the elderly.

Basic Responsibilities of Experimental Psychologist:

  • Conduct individual and group psychotherapy in elderly homes;
  • Assess cognitive functions of older adults;
  • Offer consultation to families of the elderly as they face the physical demise of their loved one; and
  • Provide round-the-clock care in assisted living communities, rehabilitation centers, and elderly homes.

Get more information:

  • Earn a degree in Geriatric Psychology from Purdue University Global or earn a master’s degree from Kansas State University

Social Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Social Psychologist – $100,770


Social Psychology as a field of study aims to understand the effect of a group of people to individual behavior, thoughts, and emotions. They recognize that individual behavior can be easily affected by group dynamics. As professionals in the area, Social Psychologists finds the balance between sociology and psychology utilizing research methods and analytical designs from both sociology and psychology. They focus on how social influence, perception, and interaction influence both individual and group psychology. Most social psychologists have a master’s degree and opt to complete a doctorate.

  • Average yearly pay of Social Psychologist – $100,770
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%


Social Psychologists look at a wide range of social issues and topics that have effectively influenced individuals. They analyze human behavior, emotions, and psychological approach when exposed to various group behavior, leadership style, prejudice, and social perception. Using scientific methods, they gather data to predict how an individual would react to certain stimuli in the future.

Basic Responsibilities of Social Psychologist:

  • Conduct research involving group behavior;
  • Serve as consultants for marketing firms;
  • Provide insights as to consumer behavior; and
  • Assist organizations in hiring and training employees to improve employee retention.

Clinical Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Clinical Psychologist – $97,610


Clinical Psychologists apply their extensive knowledge gained from years of intensive study, and clinical experience to diagnose and treat mental disorders. They meet and assess patients suffering from a range of emotional, mental, and behavioral disorders. Clinical psychologists administer tests, interviews, and other psychological examinations to devise treatment plans. As a part of the treatment program, clinical psychologists monitor their patient’s progress through regular clinical visits. To practice their profession, clinical psychologists must acquire a doctoral degree and board certification.

  • The average annual income of a Clinical Psychologist – $97,610
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 20%


A clinical psychologist assesses a patient’s mental health through diagnosing psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues. Primarily, they are focused on reducing all types of distress and improve the psychological wellbeing of their patients. They use psychotherapy in treating patients with a more serious mental health condition.

Basic Responsibilities of Clinical Psychologists:

  • Identify, diagnose, and treat psychological, emotional or behavioral issues;
  • Offer regular therapy sessions;
  • Develop and administer treatment plans and ensure that their patients follow said treatment plan; and
  • Aid patients in goal setting especially in achieving personal, social, and developmental goals.
  • Earn a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Indiana University-Bloomington or University of California-Berkeley

Recommended Schools

Engineering Psychologist

Average yearly pay of an Engineering Psychologist – $97,260


Engineering Psychologist is a part of a relatively new area career track in Psychology. A part of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, engineering psychology focuses on the examination of human interaction with technological systems. These professionals are best for government industries, research and development facilities, and the academe. They mainly develop innovative workplace designs for improving employee productivity and efficiency. Most Engineering Psychologists hold a doctorate with a concentration on the engineering aspect of psychology and psychological study.

  • The average annual income of an Engineer Psychologist – $97,260
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 13%


Engineering psychologists design equipment and work environments based on the examination of how humans interact with technology. They serve as consultants in firms that employ a large number of employees. Through observation and analysis of employee needs and performance, they design the workplace environment and facilities with the goal of improving productivity. They consult architects and product designers to create innovative products that are safe and efficient, ensuring employee wellbeing.

Basic Responsibilities of Engineering Psychologist:

  • Conduct research on consumer preference and needs;
  • Consult other professionals to develop safe, and efficient products;
  • Comply with international standards;
  • Implement user feedback in all products, both current and future; and
  • Design medical equipment to minimize human error and medical mistakes

Get more information:

  • Earn a master’s degree in Applied Experimental, Engineering Psychology, and Related Programs
  • Earn your 4-year bachelor’s degree from Clemson University’s Department of Psychology

Administrative Service Managers

Average yearly pay of Administrative Service Managers – $96,940 / Hourly Rate $46.61


An Administrative Service Manager is key to ensuring employee productivity in any organization. They plan coordinate, and direct complex organizational operations and ensure efficiency and effectivity. As part of the managerial employee, an Administrative Service Manager makes sure that all contracts entered into by the organization follow regulations and safety standards. Aside from employing leadership skills, they also plan maintenance and equipment placement for the organization. Employers require the role to be filled by a bachelor’s degree holder. A master’s degree will considerably increase your employability and salary.

  • Average yearly pay of Administrative Service Managers – $96,940/Hourly Rate $46.61
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 7%
  • Number of new jobs – 21,800


The primary functions of Administrative Service Managers are the coordination and direction of an organization’s support services for employees. These professionals can be found in both the public and private sectors so that the types of services offered by an administrative service director varies greatly. The everyday tasks include the planning and distribution of supply, management, and coordination of records. Administrative service professionals who work in the managerial level may be responsible for budgeting, contract management, the planning of department objectives, they may also be responsible for the planning and management of facilities.

Basic Responsibilities of Administrative Service Managers:

  • Oversee office maintenance and the overall office facilities to ensure safety and security of employees;
  • Supervise clerical and administrative staff;
  • Set goals for various departments;
  • Organize employee records and monitor compliance; and
  • Set regular meetings with staff and government offices for labor compensation.

Get more information:

  • Learn about the post-grad growth in Healthcare Administration.
  • Earn a bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University.


Average yearly pay for a Neuropsychologist –  $92,381


Neuropsychologists are considered pioneers in the field of Psychology. The practice is based on the identification and treatment of human neuropsychological disorders. They are the key person who identifies and studies human behavior, cognition, and emotion. Neuropsychologists conduct assessments of intelligence that measures and determines the existence or extent of neuropsychological dysfunction. Those who specialize in the field of neuropsychology finish a bachelor’s degree in Psychology or related pre-med courses. The undergraduate degree will serve as a competitive background for a doctoral degree in neuropsychology. Aside from standard licensing for psychology professionals, Neuropsychologist can choose to get additional certification from the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN) or the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN).

  • Average annual income for Neuropsychologist – $92,381
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%
  • Number of new jobs – 7,610 with an annual increase of 8.90


Neuropsychologists focus on the relationship between brain structure and how it affects human behavior, emotions, and cognition. Generally, neuropsychologists work in a controlled laboratory or clinic. They devise and conduct experiments to tests human and non-human subjects to assess rational brain functions. Through experimentation, neuropsychologists develop treatments for specific brain injuries. The data collected are analyzed towards understanding the conditions of the human brain.

Basic Responsibilities of a Neuropsychologist:

  • Administer neurological tests, such as MRI, CT scans;
  • Assessing patients suffering from the neurological problem;
  • Treating patients who have suffered brain trauma, injuries, or developmental disorders;
  • Measures cognitive function;
  • Appearing as an expert witness in cases; and
  • Conducting clinical research regarding the human brain.

Get more information:

  • Earn a Bachelor of Science in Neuropsychology from Stanford University.
  • Learn more about Neuropsychology Programs and Careers.

Experimental Psychologist

Average yearly pay of an Experimental Psychologist – $87,500


As a field of study, Experimental Psychology is a specialized area that utilizes the scientific method in studying human thoughts and behavior. Most undergraduate psychology curriculum will require students to complete an experimental psychology course. As a specialization, though, experimental psychologists have the skills and theoretical knowledge of research methodologies. They cover studies on childhood development to the complex area of mental illnesses. Experimental psychologists find employment in universities, research centers, government research and development facilities, and pharmaceutical, companies.

  • Average yearly pay of Experimental Psychologist – $87,500
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%
  • Number of new jobs – 28,500


Experimental Psychologists focus on learning and reinventing experimental methods. Most experimental psychologists are engaged in private research, as well as nonprofit and public organizations. They actively participate in research focusing on various subjects, including cognitive processes in humans, mental disorders, personality, and other subject areas.

Basic Responsibilities of Experimental Psychologist:

  • Run experiments on the study human behaviorism and mental health;
  • Study behavior processes with animal subjects;
  • Publish results to develop innovative treatments for social, behavioral and emotional disorders; and
  • Use findings to support existing and confirm new diagnoses

Get more information:

  • What you need to know when pursuing a career in Experimental Psychology.
  • Earn an undergraduate degree in experimental psychology from the University of California-Davis.

Corrections Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Corrections Psychologist – $86,700


Correctional psychology is a subfield of psychology that is scientifically oriented towards the professional practice of applying psychology to the justice system. The application is aimed towards the classification, treatment, and management of public offenders. This leads to a structure that allows the entire justice system to reduce the risk of repeat offenders, thus, improving public safety. They are connected to corrections or rehabilitation facilities, proving counseling and therapy for inmates. It is a rather demanding job, but it is a rewarding vocation.

  • Average annual income of a Corrections Psychologist – $86,700
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%


Corrections Psychologists are a vital part of the mental health industry providing the necessary psychological support to inmates. They focus on rehabilitation efforts and providing intervention programs where inmates can experience a welcoming environment. A prison is a scary place, and so they create a safe place for inmates to express themselves in a group on individual therapy fully. Most importantly, corrections psychologists assist convicted felons’ transition into society after serving their sentences.

Basic Responsibilities of Corrections Psychologist:

  • Interact with and interview inmates and convicts;
  • Observe prisons and correctional facilities and recommend necessary adjustments to make the place safe;
  • Identify and diagnose clinical disorders among inmates;
  • Devise treatment plans for a mentally ill inmate to ensure their safety and the safety of others; and
  • Provide 24/7 counseling services.

Get more information:

  • Specialize in correctional psychology when you enroll in the University of Massachusetts-Lowell or William James College

Genetic Counselor

Average yearly pay of a Genetic Counselor – $81,880 / Hourly Rate – $39.36


Genetic counseling is a highly motivating career choice that emphasizes the personal connection with clients and patients. Counselors cover different topics that involve their client’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. They facilitate decision-making, reduce guilt, grief, and mourning as their patients face life-changing decisions. It depends on clinical research to develop efforts on patient advocacy and education. Becoming a genetic counselor requires one to complete a master’s degree from an accredited genetic counseling program. The curriculum includes rigorous and extensive coursework, as well as clinical training and research capstone.

  • Average yearly pay of Genetic Counselor – $81,880/Hourly Rate – $39.36
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 27%
  • Number of new jobs – 800


Genetic counselors assess their patients’ risk of acquiring inherited conditions. They test pregnant women for a possible genetic disorder or congenital disabilities on their unborn child. As trained counselors, they offer support and information dissemination to their patients and other healthcare providers. Genetics is a great predictor of genetic disorders, and so they study and research means of obtaining accurate results.

Basic Responsibilities of Genetic Counselor:

  • Interview patients to get a full family medical history;
  • Evaluate their patient’s genetic information;
  • Assess the risk for specific genetic disorders; and
  • Counsel patients and families, and provide education as to how to address genetic problems.

Get more information:

  • Learn more about Genetic Counselors.

Military Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Military Psychologist – $80,460


As a psychology professional, Military Psychologists primarily devote their time to helping military service personnel cope with combat experiences. They assess the state of mental health of both active and inactive military personnel. Military Psychologists conduct studies on how to better prepare the military for armed combat. Aside from the standard requirements for Psychologists, those who choose to specialize as a Military Psychologists are required to have additional military-based training.

  • Average yearly pay of Military Psychologist – $80,460
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%


Military Psychologists are important in determining the mental and physical health of an individual entering the military service. They are crucial in identifying those who have risky and deviant behavior. Naturally, the safety of all military personnel and the general public rests upon the sound assessment and evaluation of military psychologists. Also, they offer intervention programs, including stress-reduction, anger management, and substance abuse prevention.

Basic Responsibilities of Military Psychologist:

  • They maintain and improve the mental health of both active and inactive members of the military and their families;
  • As a practicing psychologist, they find actionable intervention programs to alleviate stress, trauma, and anxiety among military personnel; and
  • Ensure that all members are mentally fit for their safety.

Get more information:

  • Earn your credentials from Adler University and become a Military Psychologist.
  • William James College offers Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Military & Veterans Psychology,

Counseling Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Counseling Psychologist – $80,370 / Hourly Rate – $38.64


Counseling Psychology is a general practice available as a viable career choice in professional psychology. It analyzes how individual’s interact and function as a single unit and within a relationship or a group. As a field in psychology, it addresses all aspects of emotional, social, psychological concerns that may occur in various stages of human development. Due to the complex nature of their profession, counseling psychologists can work with individual clients of all ages. They serve as consultants to organizations, assisting in adding value to the workplace environment.

  • The average annual income of a Counseling Psychology – $80,370/Hourly Rate – $38.64
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%
  • Number of new jobs – 26,100


Serving persons of all ages, across cultural, social, and economic status, clinical psychologists make their services available to everyone. They lead intervention efforts to aid behavioral change and foster positive development change and behavior adjustment. To facilitate changes, they help patients or clients make informed decisions about work, personal life, and other matters. Counseling psychologists primarily serve as the primary health service provider who facilitates stress management programs.

Basic Responsibilities of a Counseling Psychology:

  • Assist patients/clients in making decisions about school, work, and their personal life;
  • Aid clients adjust to various changes in their environment; and
  • Provide counseling to persons who have learning and skill deficiency.

Get more information:

  • What you need to know about counseling psychology.
  • Earn your Ph.D. from Auburn University’s Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, & Counseling/School Psychology.

Recommended Schools

Sports Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Sports Psychologist – $74,000


As a Sports Psychologist, professionals in the field apply psychological theories and principles to both sports and exercise. Working within the principles of kinesiology and physical education, sports psychologists have a sturdy foundational background in human anatomy. It is a considerably young industry, but with the sports industry generation high revenue year after year it has become a lucrative area of specialty. Sports psychology is a broad discipline giving attention to both amateur and professional athletes. Having a background in Psychology is an advantage when pursuing a career in the field. Entry-level jobs require a bachelors’ degree in psychology while high-paying positions would prefer graduate degrees and certification holders.

  • The average annual income of a Sports Psychologist – $74,000
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 12%


Sports Psychologists work closely with athletes, especially during competitions. They apply psychological concepts in helping athletes cope with stress, performance fears, recover from injury, and prepare for competition. Applying sports theory, they teach their clients the necessary skills and techniques to improve the overall outlook.

Basic Responsibilities of Sports Psychologist:

  • Help athletes cope with performance anxiety;
  • Design recovery programs for injured athletes;
  • Aid athletes in developing pregame routine; and
  • Encourage athletes to improve overall performance by first improving practice efficiency.

Get more information:

  • Earn a MA Sport & Performance Psychology from the University of Denver.
  • Oregon State University’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences offers a unique undergraduate and graduate program in Kinesiology.

Social and Community Services Manager

Average yearly pay of a Social and Community Services Manager – $67,150 / Hourly Rate – $32.28


Social and Community Service Managers are movers within the organization and the community. They are sought-after by various organizations to oversee the complexities of working with a particular demographic. Because of their background in psychology, they can easily effectively communicate with children, adults, military personnel, veterans, and individuals with mental health problems. They organize programs and services that could alleviate the condition of vulnerable persons. Working alongside nonprofit organizations as well as private firms, they can create an impact in the community.

  • Average annual income of a Social and Community Services Manager – $67,150/Hourly Rate – $32.28
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 13%
  • Number of new jobs – 21,900


Social and Community Service Managers are tasked to oversee and coordinate community efforts and social services delivery to the community. They meet with various community members, empowering them with their rights, and providing education on how to improve their current living situation. Social and community service managers help individuals who are battling substance abuse, mental health problems, unemployment, and homelessness.

Basic Responsibilities of Social and Community Services Manager:

  • Work with community members and government and private stakeholders in addressing problem areas in the community;
  • Oversee and coordinate overall program objectives;
  • Analyze available data to assess program effectiveness; and
  • Design intervention programs that will sustain funding, and increase awareness across various communities.

Get more information:

  • Learn more about Social and Community Service Manager as a profession.

Forensic Psychologist

Average yearly pay of a Forensic Psychologist – $65,000


A Forensic Psychologist assesses the mental state of individuals who were exposed to a crime or who committed a felony. They observe and study the criminal mind, with the end goal of developing definitive data in profiling deviant behavior. Forensic Psychology requires an intensive educational background, which usually involves the completion of a doctorate. They are an essential part of the criminal justice system. You can either pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology and the Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.). The Ph.D. in Psychology is designed as a more research-based career track, while the Psy.D. is best for practicing psychologists.

  • Average annual income of a Forensic Psychologist – $65,000
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 14%
  • Number of new jobs – 32,500


Forensic Psychologists assess the mental and cognitive patterns of persons who committed a crime. They serve as an expert witness in trial proceedings. As a consultant, they prepare psychological results, administers interviews with criminal defendants to determine their mental state before trial. They keep abreast of the legal orders and penal laws concerning mental health and criminal behavior.

Basic Responsibilities of Forensic Psychologist:

  • Coordinate with law enforcement in criminal profiling behavior;
  • Negotiate hostage situations;
  • Administer polygraph tests and evaluate testimonies offered into evidence;
  • Assess potential jurors before their presentation in court;
  • Determine mental health issues that affect convicted criminals; and
  • Conduct research in forensic psychology to encourage innovative means of addressing issues in the field.

Get more information:

  • What is Forensic Psychology?
  • Earn an undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology from Arizona State University

Special Education Teacher

Average yearly pay of a Special Education Teacher – $61,030


Special Education Teachers work with students with developmental, mental, emotional, and physical disabilities. As teachers, they administer lessons and teach various subjects to students with disabilities. Special education teachers are vital in developing individualized education programs (IEPs) for specific students. They adapt general education lessons to the special education curriculum, allowing their students to acclimate to the education system slowly.

  • Average yearly pay of Special Education Teacher – $61,030
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 3%
  • Number of new jobs – 13,600


Primarily, special education teachers work with students who have mild to severe disabilities. Once they get to know their students, they assess their skills to determine their abilities and level of education. They stand as a counselor and emotional support for their students with special needs. Special Education teachers meet with the parents of their students to have a reliable support system.

Basic Responsibilities of Special Education Teacher:

  • Design individualized education lessons that meet the needs of special students;
  • Teach, mentor and support their students to develop student’s skills and abilities;
  • Discuss their students’ learning and development; and
  • Prepare students as they transition within levels.

Get more information:

  • Earn a Special Education degree from Vanderbilt University or University Of Wisconsin – Madison

Behavior Analyst

Average yearly pay of a Behavior Analyst – $60,104


Behavior Analysts are a part of a specialized field where counseling emphasizes on prevention of abusive behavior and behavior modification. You may launch your career as a behavior analyst by earning a bachelor’s degree in applied psychology. More importantly, there is a board certification or licensure issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). Professionals in the field use tested protocols in assessing client behavior. They develop personalized strategies in addressing their client’s behavioral issues. As part of their research, they analyze how environmental and cultural factors affect human behavior. Behavior Analysts may choose to specialize in a specific area, including autism, geriatrics, trauma, or substance abuse.

  • Average yearly pay of Behavior Analysts – $60,104
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 16%


Behavior Analysts help individuals who are experiencing a wide range of mental and emotional health issues. Abusive behavior, such as addiction, alcoholism, and violence are some of the focus areas of behavior analysis. The design intervention programs and implement treatment scheme to treat their clients’ problems.

Basic Responsibilities of Behavior Analysts:

  • Support their clients as they go through treatment plans for behavioral change;
  • Assess people with emotional disabilities in coping with changes in their life; and
  • Set social development plans to develop more effective intervention and treatment programs.

Get more information:

  • Learn about being a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
  • Earn a degree in Applied Psychology from Florida Tech Online.

Psychology Teacher

Average yearly pay for a Psychology Teacher – $57,200 for High School Teacher / $85,080 for Post-secondary


Teachers who specialize in Psychology prepare and teach coursework in a broad range of social science courses. This includes counseling, history, ethics, and gender studies. They prepare the new generation of psychologists for an integrative learning experience. Psychology teachers are also engaged in research and writing academic papers on behalf of the university or organization they are working with. According to the US BLS, most psychology teachers work in public and private high schools. While psychology professors are more intricately integrated into the academy, mostly for research or clinical work.

  • Average annual income for Psychology Teacher – $57,200 HighSchool / $85,080 Postsecondary
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 4%


Teachers who specialize in Psychology prepare and teach coursework in a broad range of social science courses. They are qualified to teach counseling, history, ethics, and gender studies, which prepares a new generation of psychologists through an integrative learning experience. Psychology teachers are also engaged in research and writing academic papers on behalf of the university or research organizations. According to the US BLS, most psychology teachers work in public and private high schools. While psychology professors are more intricately integrated into the academy, mostly for research or clinical work.

Basic Responsibilities of Psychology Teacher:

  • Teach skill-related content in Psychology;
  • Offer opportunities to apply concepts and theories in Psychology;
  • Encourage open communication and reflection to develop cognitive skills; and
  • Promote skills by providing assignments and additional coursework.

Get more information:

  • Visit APA’s Psychology Teacher Network
  • Earn an online undergraduate degree in Psychology from Yale University

Career Counselor

Average yearly pay of a Career Counselor – $57,040 / Hourly Rate – $27.42


Career development is a long and tedious process. Some find success instantaneously, but some require help. This is when career counselors come in to help. Career counselors help individuals find their value and understand their goals. They make students, and other professionals advance their skills and more value to their qualifications. For their clients to secure a future by empowering and reminding their clients of the goals, they have set for themselves. Most states require career counselors to have an undergraduate degree, and preferably a master’s degree.

  • Average yearly pay of Career Counselor – $57,040/Hourly Rate – $27.42
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 8%
  • Number of new jobs – 27,200


Career counselors evaluate their client’s abilities and interests to devise a career plan to solidify future success. The identity issues that affect productivity and performance and help their clients understand and overcome social and behavioral difficulties. Career counselors develop their client’s interpersonal skills and the ability to build a professional network.

Basic Responsibilities of Career Counselor:

  • Devise actionable career plan for their clients;
  • Counsel clients and collaborate with other professional networks to build their clients portfolio; and
  • Oversee their client’s career development.

Get more information:

  • Become a Certified Career Counselor.
  • Earn a master’s degree in Career Counseling from the University of South Florida.

School Counselor

Average yearly pay of a School Counselor – $57,040


School counselors play a critical role in the American education system. They provide support and encouragement to students in developing practical skills they need to excel in school and life. Primarily, school counselors help students develop academic and social skills to communicate with their peers. Having their students in mind, counselors ensure they follow an actionable career plan that suits their abilities and goals. Primarily, school counselors help students develop academic and social skills to communicate with their peers. They work closely with the school staff, parents, and the entire community in creating a welcoming and supportive environment for students.

  • Average annual income of a School Counselor- $57,040/ Hourly Rate – $27.42
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 8%
  • Number of new jobs – 27,200


School counselors assist students at various levels of education, from elementary to college. They advocate students’ rights and welfare, ensuring that they earn quality education as a first step in securing success. Counselors work with students, listens to their concerns about both their academic and personal life.

Basic Responsibilities of a School Counselor:

  • Evaluate students’ learning abilities, skills, and interests through a standardized test;
  • Pinpoint issues that affect developmental functions;
  • Ensure that their students are doing well in school by having a regular meeting with the parents;
  • Teach students the venue of education in cementing future success; and
  • Form a collaborative relationship with the PTA to help students succeed.

Get more information:

  • Earn a School Psychology master’s degree with a concentration in Counseling Psychology from Vanderbilt University or Wake Forest University.
Average yearly pay of a Social Worker – $50,470 / Hourly Rate $24.26


Social Work is a noble profession. People who devote their career as a Social Worker are those who have a passion for serving others. They help individuals cope with challenges in their lives. Clinical Social Workers are those who have earned clinical training aside from the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work. Entry-level jobs will only require a bachelor’s degree in Social Work or Psychology. However, to have a more significant impact on the lives of people that they help, a master’s degree in Social Work (M.S.W.) is necessary. Those who hold a master’s degree lead non-profit organizations and government agencies that focus on social work and delivery of social services.

  • Average yearly pay of Social Worker – $50,470/Hourly Rate $24.26
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 11%
  • Number of new jobs – 81,200


Social workers advocate for and on behalf of their clients who are experiencing great distress or challenge in their lives. They provide counseling and therapy to individuals or a group of people who need help in solving and coping with mental, behavioral, and emotional issues. Social workers work closely with community organizations, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and improve programs, services, and overall social conditions. These developments will highly benefit the most vulnerable – women, children, and minorities.

Basic Responsibilities of Social Worker:

  • Identify vulnerable individuals and communities who need social work;
  • Assess the client’s condition to determine the amount of support necessary;
  • Respond to crises, especially in cases where of mental health issues and child abuse;
  • Develop and improve programs for social services; and
  • Maintain confidentiality of all sensitive records.
  • Earn a Bachelor Of Social Work online degree from Indiana Wesleyan University

Marriage and Family Therapist

Average yearly pay of a Marriage and Family Therapist – $49,610 / Hourly Rate – $23.85


A Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) is similar to a mental health consultant/counselor in terms of training and qualifications. They have at least two years of supervised clinical experience and preferably, a master’s degree. They have gone through intensive years of study and are licensed to assess, diagnose, and treat problems with mental health and drug abuse. Commonly referred to as MFTs or family therapists, they focus on one of the core disciplines of mental health. Most of their work revolves around research which emphasizes the importance of a family system in addressing familial issues. These skilled therapists must understand the challenges and patterns of interactions that can cause problems in the family. MFTs traditionally treat individuals, but many also offer couples, family, and group therapy.

  • Average yearly pay of Marriage and Family Therapist – $49,610/Hourly Rate – $23.85
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 22%
  • Number of new jobs – 12,300


Highly-trained mental health professionals, Marriage and Family Therapists help couples and families address the relationship and complex behavioral issues. MFTs seek to keep and prolong these relationships by finding actionable, long-term solutions unique to each person. They ensure their patient’s emotional and psychological wellbeing, especially those who are going through life-changing events. These include couples going through a divorce, those mourning the death of a loved one, or children forced into foster homes.

Basic Responsibilities of Marriage and Family Therapists:

  • Encourage openness about emotional struggles and experiences;
  • Help clients adapt to the changes in their lives, especially in processing their reactions;
  • Guide clients through the complicated process of deciding on their life choices and how they will affect their future;
  • Assist clients in developing strategies and skills and adopt behavioral changes;
  • Maintain confidential information about their clients; and
  • Promote ethical standards when dealing with clients.

Get more information:

  • Know the importance of family interventions.
  • Earn a Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy from Northcentral University.

Exercise Psychologist

Average yearly pay of an Exercise Psychologist – $49,170


Exercise Psychologists are psychology professionals who analyze their patient’s fitness and help them improve their health. They help patients who are suffering from heart disease and other chronic health conditions. Exercise psychologists closely work with amateur and professional athletes to maintain their health and boost their performance. Having a bachelor’s degree, focusing on biology, anatomy, nutrition, kinesiology, and comply with the required clinical work. The goal of an exercise psychologist is to ensure their patient’s goals, especially in the aspect of endurance and strength, increasing fitness and flexibility.

  • The average annual income of an Exercise Psychologist – $49,170
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 10%
  • Number of new jobs – 1,500


Improving their patient’s overall health is the primary concern of exercise psychologists. Since many of their patients suffer from health problems that may render them unable to perform tasks they enjoy. As the patients are diagnosed with cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases, exercise psychologists are the primary caregivers who rehabilitate their physical and emotional health. They develop specialized treatment plans that are attainable and in line with their health and fitness goals.

Basic Responsibilities of Exercise Psychologists:

  • Assess and analyze patient’s medical history and develop individualized treatment plans;
  • Design exercise and fitness regimen for patients under their care;
  • Administer fitness and stress tests with various medical equipment;
  • Measure blood pressure, oxygenation, heart rate, heart rhythm, and other health indicators; and
  • Develop exercise programs to improve the patient’s overall well-being.

Get more information:

  • Become an Exercise Psychologist when you earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Carolina.
  • Earn a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Arkansas.

Recreational Therapist

Average yearly pay of a Recreational Therapists – $48,220 / Hourly Rate $23.18


Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists or Recreational Therapists (RT) have a challenging but rewarding vocation. They devise activities that involve exercise, arts & crafts, and animals to aid in a patient’s recovery. Recreational Therapists play an essential role in helping persons who have experienced emotional, physical, and psychological trauma. They mostly work in medical centers, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities allowing them to work with individual patients, or a group. To land a career as a recreational therapist, one should have a bachelor’s degree. A degree in recreational therapy or a related field will be useful to thrive in the field. Earning an internship while in college will ease your adjustment as you engage with patients and your colleagues.

  • Average yearly pay of Recreational Therapists – $48,220/Hourly Rate $23.18
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 7%
  • Number of new jobs – 1,400


Recreational therapists plan, manage, and coordinate recreational treatment programs for people with mental illnesses and disabilities, they may also be involved in the rehabilitation of injured and ill people. These trained therapists employ many different methods of treatment such as poetry, plays, music, dance, sports, and peer to peer socialization. The objective of these varied modes of treatment is to help preserve or advance the physical, social, and emotional well-being of the client.

Basic Responsibilities of Recreational Therapists:

  • Observe and assess patients, prepare medical records and administer tests;
  • Develop a treatment plan unique for each patient’s condition;
  • Plan and implement patient interventions for behavioral change;
  • Engage patients in therapy sessions, and introduce group therapy;
  • Educate patients on ways to deal and cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and grief; and
  • Keep a detailed record of the patient’s progress to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.

Get more information:

  • Become a Recreational Therapist when you earn a Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degree programs from Temple University or Brigham Young University

Mental Health Counselor

Average yearly pay of a Mental Health Counselor – $46,050 / Hourly Rate $22.14


Mental Health Counselors share a strong sense of compassion and commitment to helping vulnerable, and mentally unstable individuals. They provide quality care and support for their clients to make informed decisions regarding their personal life. A reliable support system is vital in thriving in the job. Aside from caring for other people’s well-being, it is a challenge for them to keep their own life in order. This ensures the quality of their professional care. The first step to becoming a mental health counselor is earning an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Sociology, or Social Work. Most state regulations require a post-graduate degree and up to 4,000 hours of clinical experience. Before one can practice the vocation. Also, state licensing may also be needed.

  • Average yearly pay of Mental Health Counselor – $46,050 / Hourly Rate $22.14
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 22%
  • Number of new jobs – 68,500


Mental health counselors assess, diagnose, and treat different mental illnesses and talk to clients about problems in their lives. Some counselors work with clients who have no diagnosis but need help in coping with challenging life events like physical accidents, grief, and loss, difficulty in relationships, and divorce. Other consultants are involved in the treatment of severe mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.

Basic Responsibilities of Mental Health Counselors:

  • Assess and evaluate clients’ mental and physical health;
  • Make a diagnosis and recommend treatment depending on the client’s state of wellbeing;
  • Assist clients through the process of behavioral change and recovery;
  • Work closely with clients as they evaluate behavioral patterns which would interfere in their recovery process; and
  • Conduct outreach programs to empower others about mental health, addiction, and abusive behaviors.

Get more information:

  • Earn a BS in Counseling from Grand Canyon University.
  • What to expect from in your first therapy session.

Victim Advocate

Average yearly pay of a Victim Advocate – $35,415


Victim Advocates are social and mental health professionals who are trained in providing support to victims of crime. They offer emotional support, victims’ information, and empowerment. Victim advocates promote and advance the rights of individuals involved in trial proceedings. They mainly work with victims or witnesses throughout the trial. As a support to the victim under their care, they file the paperwork on behalf of the victim. Sometimes, they stand in as the middle person who coordinates with organizations, such as criminal justice or social services.

  • Average annual income of a Victim Advocate – $35,415
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 13%


A victim’s advocate explains the rights to a person in question while offering emotional assistance and becoming an intermediary between the patient and the Court of law. Advocates often work with District Attorneys but are also known to work closely with privately practicing law firms. Psychological knowledge can help in this career because advocates work directly with victims and witnesses who experienced trauma and need emotional support and guidance in court-based processes. Victim advocates is a career option that branches into law, government, and politics and can be used as a stepping stone for establishing a career in those areas.

Basic Responsibilities of Victim Advocate:

  • Offer individual emotional support and lead support group;
  • Help victims devise a safety plan and find a welcoming space to live after the trauma;
  • Empower victims of their rights and what they should expect from the legal process;
  • Prepare the necessary paperwork for victim’s compensation;
  • Stand as a support system during the trial proceedings; and
  • Contact victims whenever their attacker has received parole or escaped from prison.

Get more information:

  • Earn a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University-Global.
  • Ashford University offers a BA in Social and Criminal Justice.

Psychiatric Technician/Aide

Average yearly pay of Psychiatric Technicians and Aides – $32,020 / Hourly Rate – $15.40


Psychiatric technicians or aide are healthcare professionals who care for people who are experiencing mental illness and development disabilities. They are focused on providing therapeutic care and ensuring that their patients get the best possible healthcare. Working under the direct supervision of doctors, psychiatrists, or registered nurses, they work towards the emotional stability of the persons under their care. Typically, psychiatric technicians hold a postsecondary certificate to practice the profession. On the other hand, psychiatric aides only need a high school diploma or equivalent. Through their immersive training, these healthcare professionals gain on-the-job experience as a nursing assistant and health aide. Several community colleges and online schools offer a bachelor’s, associate, and certificate degrees in psychiatric or mental health technology.

  • Average annual income of Psychiatric Technicians and Aides – $32,020/Hourly Rate – $15.40
  • Expected growth over the next ten years – 12%
  • Number of new jobs – 16,300


Psychiatric Technicians and Aides are involved in ensuring the wellbeing and safety of developmentally disabled people and elderly people experiencing cognitive decline. They care for people with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities. Typically, technicians provide therapeutic care and monitor their patients ‘ conditions. They assist patients in their daily activities and ensure a safe and clean environment.

Basic Responsibilities of Psychiatric Technicians and Aides:

  • Observe patients’ behavior
  • Listen to their emotional and psychological concerns, and record their condition;
  • Lead patients during therapeutic and recreational activities;
  • Prepare and give medications and other treatments to patients according to doctor’s instructions;
  • Assist in in admission and discharge of patients;
  • Monitor patients’ vital statistics;
  • Help patients with daily activities;
  • Restrain patients when needed, especially when s/he has become violent.

Get more information:

  • Earn an Associate Degree in Psychiatric Technology from San Bernardino Valley College.


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