How to get off dark spots on face

How to get off dark spots on face

Albina Gavrilovic/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

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Dark spots are the new wrinkles. Whether you call them age spots, sunspots, liver spots or brown spots, we want them gone. You have two options for dealing with them: Either make it a DIY project (less expensive, painless, no downtime but requires patience), or let a dermatologist take over with in-office procedures (costly, more immediate results, requires downtime and there’s a definite ouch factor). Here’s expert advice from three board-certified dermatologists — Christine Choi Kim, M.D., of Los Angeles; Corey L. Hartman, M.D., of Birmingham, Alabama; and Joshua Zeichner, M.D., of New York City — plus a few beauty editor tips from me.

Lois Joy Johnson is a beauty and style editor who focuses on women 50 and older. She was the beauty and style editor at Ladies’ Home Journal and a founding editor of More magazine. She has written three books: The Makeup Wakeup, The Wardrobe Wakeup and The Woman's Wakeup.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on Sept. 2, 2021. It has been updated with new products.

When we see changes in our skin, it can be easy to immediately move to panic or assume the worst. However, there are many reasons dark spots may appear, and they may even be easily reversible. 

While some dark spots could signal a skin issue, others are relatively harmless. That said, you may still be determined to remove dark spots on your face for aesthetic or personal reasons—and we can help.

There are many ways to treat dark spots, no matter what’s caused them. Keep reading or use the links below to learn how to remove dark spots on your face and restore your clear complexion.

  • Why Do People Get Dark Spots?
  • Do Dark Spots Go Away?
  • How to Remove Dark Spots on Your Face
  • How to Remove Dark Spots on Your Face Quickly
  • How to Prevent Dark Spots

    Why Do People Get Dark Spots?

    There are many reasons why people get dark spots but here are some of the most common culprits:

    How to get off dark spots on face


    Also known as age spots, they are small, flat dark spots on the skin. Age spots are often caused by sun damage in your younger years and become more noticeable as you get older.

    Those with light skin or have a history of intense sun exposure or several sunburns are most at risk of getting dark spots on the face and body.

    True age spots don’t need any treatment, but you may still want to remove them or simply lighten them.

    Hormonal Changes

    There is a wide range of medications that affect the hormone balance within your body. And as such, the use of these medications may lead to dark spots on the skin. For example, using birth control can increase your chances of getting dark spots on the face and body.

    If you think this may be the reason for your dark spots, consider looking into whether this is a side effect of one of the medications you take or speak with your prescribing doctor to see if that could be the case.

    Sun Damage

    As mentioned before, sun damage is one of the main causes of dark face spots. Sun spots are caused by UV sun damage, which speeds up melanin production and gives skin its color. This is why the spots are dark. They usually appear on areas most exposed to the sun, such as the face, shoulders, arms, and hands.


    Scars come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. In fact, some can even change the texture or color of your skin tone. Scars frequently darken when they are exposed to sunlight during healing. They can also become dark when they heal poorly or because of your genetics.

    Dark scars are more likely to be found on medium or dark complexions.

    Do Dark Spots Go Away?

    Ultimately, there are many ways how to remove dark face spots depending on the cause of them. While some age spots may go away on their own, others may require treatment to lighten or remove them altogether.

    Learn how to lighten dark spots below.

    How to Remove Dark Spots on Your Face

    If you’re unhappy with the appearance of dark spots, don’t worry, you can often get rid of them with a little effort. The best solution may depend on the root cause of your skin condition, so you’ll need to take that into consideration as you try to remove dark spots from your skin.

    How to get off dark spots on face

    Here are some of the most common ways to get rid of dark spots on your face:

    Face Cream & Serums

    Face creams and serums like dermatologist-recommended skin care from Colorescience are made of high-quality ingredients that protect the skin from future skin damage and can even blur existing skin discoloration or brown spots.

    The Even Up® Clinical Pigment Perfector® SPF 50 brightens, corrects, and protects the skin. This iron oxide-infused mineral perfector instantly diminishes the appearance of skin discoloration like dark spots with its LUMIRA® Skin Brightening Complex.

    How to get off dark spots on face

    Another great skin treatment for those wondering how to remove dark spots is the Pep Up® Collagen Boost Face & Neck Treatment, which is safe for all skin types, and features ingredients that help support collagen production. Because of this, signs of aging are also diminished to help your skin look more healthy and youthful.

    For a lightweight serum, try the Even Up® Multi-Correction Serum, which reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation like age spots and improves the skin’s texture. This multi-tasking dermatologist-recommended product helps reveal a brighter complexion for all skin types.


    Perhaps the best way to protect your skin from further damage and to help remove dark spots on your face fast is by using a high-quality sunscreen.

    Sunscreen helps to stop the darkening of existing hyperpigmentation, age, and dark spots. Best of all, it prevents further UV damage from occurring. Wearing sunscreen daily is important if you want to both improve your existing dark spots and prevent new ones from appearing.

    Colorescience mineral sunscreens offer non-chemical protection from the sun and harmful environmental factors like pollution and blue light. Our mineral sunscreen formulas make applying sunscreen easy with a variety of application methods.

    The Sunforgettable® Total Protection™ Brush-On Shield SPF 50 uses EnviroScreen technology, which is an all-mineral skin shield that offers sun protection with a convenient application process. This is the only powder sunscreen that is recommended for active use by the Skin Cancer Foundation. This brush-on formula is easy to use on the go all day long.

    You can even find SPF in makeup too, which makes the task of wearing sun protection every day even easier. You want to ensure you apply your sunscreen generously and reapply every two hours or even more often if you’re sweating or in the water.

    How to get off dark spots on face

    In addition to sunscreen, you want to avoid the sun between 10 am and 2 pm as the sun’s rays are most intense then. You should also wear clothing that covers the arms and legs along with a hat for optimal sun protection and to prevent more sun spots.

    Laser Treatments

    While treatments for skin pigmentation from Colorescience like the Even Up® Multi-Correction® Serum may be effective, laser treatments are another solution for how to remove dark face spots.

    Laser treatments destroy melanin-producing cells, getting rid of dark spots by removing the top layer of the skin. Sometimes more than one treatment is required to get the results you want.

    If you’re unsure of whether laser treatment is necessary for you, you may want to consult a dermatologist for additional advice.

    Facial Peels

    Skin treatments such as facial peels and microdermabrasion can lighten dark spots or remove them altogether. A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to remove the top layers of the skin. After adequate healing, new, smooth skin forms.

    Depending on the severity of dark spots, the cause of them, and your personal preferences, you can narrow down your options to find the right answer to “how to remove dark spots”.

    How to Remove Dark Spots on Your Face Quickly

    There are many skin care ingredients that can help remove dark spots on your face quickly, including:

    • Castor Oil: Apply castor oil on a clean cloth to dark spots twice a day.
    • Green Tea Extract: This helps eliminate free radical damage that causes signs of aging. It also promotes collagen production, leading to brighter, younger-looking skin.
    • Vitamin E: Its antioxidant properties moisturizes the skin and help eliminate free radical damage.
    • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera helps reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin and can be applied and left on the skin for 30 minutes or more at a time.

    When looking for a quick answer to “how to remove dark spots on your face fast”, you might rush into trying something that’s not right for you. Before using any of the above, make sure you research potential side effects or possibly even ask your dermatologist if it’s okay for you to use.

    How to Prevent Dark Spots

    Now that you know how to get rid of dark spots, you’re likely eager to learn how to prevent more from appearing. These tips can help you prevent future dark spots and keep your complexion clear.

    Wear Sunscreen Every Day

    Prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in men and women. When your skin is exposed to the harmful rays of the sun, it can damage healthy skin cells. Without sun protection, it can cause age spots, dark spots, wrinkles, freckles, and other forms of sun damage.

    Limiting your exposure to UV rays is important but using mineral sunscreens from Colorescience can help protect your skin. It’s important to note that sunscreen is essential, even on cloudy or winter days. People of all ages and skin tones should regularly wear sun protection to prevent further harm to their skin.


    How to get off dark spots on face

    Addressing Skin Conditions

    While many skin conditions like hyperpigmentation, rosacea, or acne can be easily identified, it’s important that a dermatologist assesses your skin any time something unusual comes up. A full-body skin exam identifies any dark spots or growths that may indicate skin cancer. A skin cancer screening examines moles, birthmarks, or dark spots that have unusual color, shape, texture, or size.

    When detected early, skin cancer has a high recovery rate, which makes seeing a skin care professional that much more important. Tiny samples of the skin are taken in a biopsy to check for cancer cells in places on the face or body with hyperpigmentation and other signs of concern.

    In addition to ensuring you’re seeing a dermatologist when necessary, you should also take care to get treatment for any skin conditions you might have. You can do this with trusted skin care treatments specifically designed to tackle these issues or speak with your doctor to determine the best course of action.

    Don’t Pick Your Face

    Picking your skin can damage it, especially if you continue to reopen the same wound. While it might be hard to resist, it’s important to avoid picking your face when you’re broken out or stressed.

    Skin picking can make discoloration—even the most temporary kinds—significantly worse or even permanent if it causes a serious scar to form.

    Get Rid of Dark Spots & Restore Your Confidence

    Now that you’ve learned how to remove dark spots on your face, you can take action and revitalize your complexion. Try dermatologist-recommend skin care from Colorescience such as our serums, face creams, or sun protection. All of our products contain high-quality ingredients that are meant to help make your skin look brighter. Not only can they help lighten or remove dark spots, but help restore your self-confidence in how you look.

    What is the fastest way to remove dark spots on face?

    Some potential options include:.
    Laser therapy: This involves a dermatologist using a beam of light to target areas of discoloration. ... .
    Chemical peels: Professional chemical peels are stronger versions of OTC acid exfoliants. ... .
    Microdermabrasion: This exfoliating treatment uses minuscule particles to remove dead skin cells..

    How can I remove dark spots on my face naturally?

    7 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Spots.
    Drink Plenty Of Water. Drinking plenty of water can do wonders to your skin. ... .
    Lemon Juice And Yogurt Face Mask. We all know that lemons have a number of benefits. ... .
    Buttermilk. ... .
    Aloe Vera. ... .
    Tomatoes. ... .
    Papaya. ... .

    How can I remove dark spots permanently?

    Hyperpigmentation is usually harmless but can sometimes be caused by an underlying medical condition. Certain medications can also cause your skin to darken..
    chemical peels..
    intense pulsed light (IPL).
    laser resurfacing..

    What causes dark face spots?

    Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet (UV) light speeds up the production of melanin, a natural pigment that gives skin its color. On skin that has had years of sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes clumped or is produced in high concentrations.