Radio frequency skin tightening before and after stomach


Q: How does RF Skin Tightening work?

A: RF kin tightening uses radio frequency technology to target specific body parts, while controlling the amount of energy focused on a single area. The treatment focuses and forces heat deeply into the skin, while using a cooling technology to provide maximum comfort during the treatment.

When the heat penetrates the skin, the surrounding fat cells overheat and then eventually die. The dead fat cells are then flushed out through the lymphatic system. And even more importantly, the heat stimulates the production of collagen, which tightens skin, reduces wrinkles and adds volume back into the skin.

Q: Who is RF Skin Tightening recommended for?

A: This treatment is well suited for any adult with minor sagging skin or stubborn fat or that does not improve with exercise. Avoid this treatment if you are pregnant, have deep facial scars or an implant such as a pacemaker.

Q: What kind of results can I expect after the procedure? 

A: Results vary depending on the area of the body treated and the condition of the area, but typically, It will take a minimum 90 days for your body to produce collagen following treatment. Some clients report seeing results after a single treatment. Results typically last about 2 years as long as your weight is maintained.

Q: Are there any risks or complications I should worry about? 

A: RF Skin Tightening is a non-invasive procedure that does not have any immediate complications. However, the treatment is only performed after a consultation with one of our experienced practitioners has been completed where medical history can be discussed.

Q: Is there downtime after treatment? 

A: No recovery is required after the treatment. You can resume your normal daily activities immediately.


Radio frequency skin tightening is the process of using radio waves to remove your skin’s excessive laxity.   This is a common treatment for those of us where time has caused our collagen fibers to decrease.   As we lose our reserves of collagen and elastin, our skin begins to droop along with the development of wrinkles and fine lines.

This treatment helps give you more taut, smoother, and firmer skin.  You too can look years younger with this simple non-invasive procedure.  Common areas to have radio frequency skin tightening include face, neck, arms, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and knees.


When you’re born, your body has a full supply of collagen and elastin that gives your skin a smooth, soft, healthy texture, as well as a level of resiliency. Eventually, this natural supply of nutrients starts to run low. This causes the skin of the face and body to decrease in elasticity, leading to lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. If you want to improve the tightness and overall appearance of your skin without surgery, consider radiofrequency skin tightening treatments at Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah in Midvale, UT. Using the advanced technology of the Winkon laser, radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the treated areas so you can have firmer, healthier skin. During the initial consultation, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kirk Moore is pleased to offer RF skin tightening to Midvale, UT patients wishing to tone the skin on their face or body without the time and expense of a surgical lift. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Moore to learn more about RF skin tightening.


Surgical skin tightening or “lift” procedures, like facelifts, remain the most effective way to minimize sagging, loose skin. RF skin tightening is an effective nonsurgical technique that can help if you do not wish to undergo a surgical procedure. Radiofrequency skin tightening can be used on most areas of the face and body, including the neck, stomach, arms, and thighs. The best patients for this procedure:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Are at or near a healthy, stable weight
  • Have mild to moderate skin looseness on the face or body
  • Have lines or wrinkles on the face or body
  • Want to improve the health and appearance of their skin


To begin the procedure, the areas being treated will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any oils, cosmetics, and lotions. Anesthesia options can be provided upon your request, but most patients find that any mild discomfort during the treatment is brief and easily tolerated. Once you are ready, a handpiece will be passed evenly over the skin multiple times for the most effective treatment. The energy prompts the body’s natural healing properties to produce collagen and elastin, which tightens and firms the skin. The procedure can take about 30 – 90 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas being treated. After the treatment is complete, you will be able to leave and resume your normal activities.


After your RF skin tightening procedure, the treated areas may be slightly red, swollen, or numb. This is normal and should resolve on its own within a few days. During your consultation, Dr. Moore will discuss the best ways to care for your skin after your treatment, including keeping the skin moisturized and protected from the sun. Most patients will not be able to see visible results immediately after the procedure. Since the collagen and elastin stimulation and growth is a gradual process, you can expect to see the full results of your treatment within 2 – 6 months after the procedure. However, these results should be long-lasting and improve the overall health and appearance of your skin. You may require multiple treatments to achieve your ideal outcome. During your consultation, Dr. Moore will help you develop your custom treatment plan based on your needs and cosmetic goals.


How much does RF skin tightening cost?
Depending on the size and amount of areas being treated, the cost of a radiofrequency skin tightening treatment will vary. Prior to your treatment, we will customize a specific treatment plan for your needs and discuss your costs. We can also discuss payment options and where to find low-interest medical financing.

What is collagen?
Collagen is a protein-based tissue naturally produced by the body. Along with other functions, it works to help keep skin elastic, firm, and hydrated. However, through the normal aging process, the natural supply of collagen becomes depleted. This then leads to thinner and looser skin. With nonsurgical skin tightening, the production of collagen is stimulated to allow the skin to be healthier and firmer over time.

Is the procedure painful?
During an RF skin tightening treatment, you may experience a slight heating sensation but no major discomfort. If necessary, a local anesthetic may be applied to the area prior to your treatment, but this is typically not needed. If you are nervous about your treatment, talk to your technician about what to expect.

What can I expect after my treatment?
After an RF skin tightening treatment, you may experience some numbness, redness, or swelling of the treated skin. This will usually subside within a few days. The results of your treatment will continue to develop in the months following your procedure as collagen continues to be produced. Some patients may need several treatments before achieving their desired outcome.

Should I get radiofrequency or surgical skin tightening?
During your initial consultation, a member of our team will ask you to talk about your concerns and goals. Your answers, along with a physical examination of your skin to assess tone, will help us determine whether you would benefit from RF skin tightening. In general, RF skin tightening is better for younger patients who have early problems with loose skin. Large amounts of loose skin will usually require lift surgery to remove the excess flaps of skin.


If your goal is to keep your skin firm and tight as long as possible without undergoing extensive surgery, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kirk Moore to learn more about RF skin tightening. An effective, noninvasive treatment that requires no downtime after the process, RF skin tightening can help you improve the health and tone of your skin at the earliest signs of lines, wrinkles, and looseness. Get a customized treatment plan for RF skin tightening during your consultation at Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah in Midvale, UT.

Does radio frequency skin tightening work on stomach?

Radiofrequency skin tightening is a safe, effective anti-aging treatment for a number of different parts of the body. It is a popular treatment for the face and neck area. It can also help with loose skin around your belly or upper arms‌.

How long does RF skin tightening last?

How Long Does RF Skin Tightening Last? In most cases, patients can expect RF skin tightening treatments to last over 12 months with proper maintenance and skincare. With ongoing treatments, results can often last much longer and it will depend on the frequency of treatments.

How often can you do radiofrequency on stomach?

Normally, multiple sessions are required, generally 1 per week until you've had about 10 treatments in total, this depends on the results you want.

How long does it take to see results after radio frequency?

Other types of radiofrequency treatment usually require multiple sessions to see results. Whether you get one treatment or several, results are only slightly noticeable right away, and typically take 4 months to take full effect.