Rice krispie treats recipe with cinnamon toast crunch

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Rice krispie treats recipe with cinnamon toast crunch

How to Make Rice Crispy Treats


This Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal bar recipe is delicious and super easy to make. Pack it in your lunch or have a midday snack. You will love this no bake take on the classic Rice Krispie Treat recipe. #cerealbars #nobakedesserts #easydesserts

This Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal bar recipe is delicious and super easy to make. Pack it in your lunch or have a midday snack. You will love this no bake take on the classic Rice Krispie Treat recipe. #cerealbars #nobakedesserts #easydesserts

6 cups Cinnamon toast crunch

Why are my rice crispy treats hard as a rock?

High heat is the prime culprit for rock hard rice krispie treats. → Follow this tip: It will take a few more minutes of cook time, but melt the butter and marshmallows over low heat. You'll be rewarded with delicious, soft and chewy treats!

Why are my Rice Krispie treats rubbery?

Why do my rice crispy treats taste rubbery? Generally, the soggy/rubbery texture is due to adding too much butter. If you have used store-bought marshmallow fluff instead of homemade, be sure to omit the extra butter!

Why are my rice crispy treats not sticking together?

FAQ. Why are my Rice Krispies Treats not sticking together? Usually, this means you have too much moisture in your recipe. This could be because the marshmallows were over-melted or because the brand of butter you used has higher water content.