Special things to do for your boyfriend on his birthday

If you’re looking for fun adventures to do with your boyfriend, you’ve come to the right place. These romantic date night ideas and playful afternoon outings are an ideal way to tap into your spontaneous side and enjoy quality time together.

And they come with perfect timing, too. Because not only do they boast fun stuff to do as a couple during the “in-between” season of late summer and early fall… But most are also easy-peasy to enjoy at almost any time of the year!

Don’t believe it? Just have a look for yourself. These suggestions range from rare to outrageous, silly to sweet, and heartfelt to heart-pounding. Best of all? You’ll ditch the “traditional” date nights that trap you into a routine.

So add some spice to your love life, and let the adventures with your boyfriend begin!

1. Apple Picking

Skip the produce aisle of the grocery store and go for fresh-off-the-tree fruits! Climbing trees and taking a few Instagram-worthy snapshots will only add to the memories this romantic outdoor adventure will bring. (Not to mention the chance to bust out your plaid shirt and boots at long last!)

2. Fire Pit Date Night

Who says a date night means having to go somewhere? Fun things to do with your boyfriend at home can be as simple as heading to the backyard. Grab some marshmallows, choice beverages and blankets—then snuggle up for a relaxing evening by the fire pit.

3. Go Off the Grid

Did #2 above make you hungry for more of the same but in even wilder scenery? Go beyond the backyard for a fun adventure to do with your boyfriend, compliments of Mother Nature. Go camping for a day or two! And take the scenic route to your destination, so you can scope out the changing leaf colors.

4. Craft and Cocktail Night

This is a romantic date idea that involves much more than the standard “wine and paint night.” Plenty of options are now popping up all over major city areas, boasting such awesome artistic endeavors as glass fusing, woodworking, jewelry, ceramics, and DIY projects galore. And, of course, a little bit of booze to help the creative juices flow.

5. Explore a New City

You know that city you’ve heard of or always see signs/billboards for? Stop wondering about the hype—hop into the car and go visit it for yourselves! Not only will an impromptu trip like this be fun with your main squeeze, but it’s also one of those fun adventures to do with friends, too.

6. Volunteer

Perhaps one of the most meaningful and fun adventures to do with your boyfriend is to pay it forward. Find a cause that piques the interest of both of you. Do some good for the community and plant some seeds of kindness together.

7. Seasonal Cycling and Sips

‘Tis the season for new craft beer releases of the cozy, autumn variety! So bike around your downtown area to savor pints of seasonal pumpkin ales at local breweries. The fresh fall air, gentle sunshine, and delicious hops all make for a perfect afternoon out together!

8. Zipline Through a Colorful Tree Collage

This fun thing to do with your boyfriend outside probably needs no further explanation. What could be more invigorating and bring more smiles, happy yelps, and memories than harnessing up to a cable and soaring among vibrant fall colors?! That’s a pretty sweet mission accomplished.

9. Football Tailgating

Whether it’s an alma mater or a professional team to which one (or both) of you has devoted unwavering loyalty, this is a winning way to kickoff fall fun together. Don some spirited threads, round up the crew, and embrace all the festivities that come with tailgating!

10. Scary Movie Screening

For some, this is the ideal romantic date night idea.  Cuddle up to some good company, as a frightful flick does its best to give you the shivers. Brace enough to make it extra-creepy? Head to a remote field or into the dark cover of the woods, and watch it in the car on a laptop.

11. Take a Rock Climbing Class

This fun adventure to do with your boyfriend is an incredible way to try a new hobby and immerse yourselves in the great outdoors! Get in touch with a local rec center to get your feet wet learning some basics on an indoor climbing wall. Then gradually discover the exciting natural terrain that comes with this hobby.

12. Museum Visits

Shake up your daily regime with splashes of science, culture, history, art and more! You’ll be supporting your community while expanding your own horizons. And you’ll be doing it as a dynamic duo! So even if these sorts of outings aren’t your “norm,” just remember that variety is the spice of life.

13. Lazy River Tubing

This gem is one of the most fun things to do with a boyfriend in summer (or even into early fall, if you’re extra-lucky). Stock up on some preferred beverages and snag a comfy flotation device. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy a leisurely drift down a relaxing river together.

14. Haunted City Tour

Ease into the spooky season by checking out a guided outing of how your city’s history has morphed into local hauntings.  While it may entail an eerie undertone, you’re still likely to stop by area watering holes, hotels, and swanky stops that will give you romantic date night ideas for the future (if you dare return).

15. See an Off-Broadway Show

Tap into your cultured sides and immerse yourselves in an afternoon or evening of stage entertainment! This is an extra-fun adventure to do with your boyfriend on those late summer days that are still scorchers and beg for some cool indoor relief.

16. Try Fly Fishing

For a truly great escape in the wilderness, look no further than your own river that runs through it! Learn a new hobby, enjoy some serious serenity, and marvel at stunning scenery. Those three elements combined make this outing on of the most fun things to do with your boyfriend outside!

17. Conquer a Giant Puzzle (and Giant Vat of Vino)

Put your partnering brains together and go where many humans no longer dare to go—to the full completion of a 1,000+ piece puzzle! Sure, it’s a bit nerdy, but adding wine to the hours of inquisitive entertainment sure makes for fun stuff to do as a couple.

18. Cook Fancier-Than-Usual Eats

Most days, it’s easy to go for cereal, microwaveable grub, or forking over the cash to dine out. Why not switch things up for fine dining at home. Use romantic evening ideas like candles, background music, and a gourmet menu. Sip wine as you slice and dice, preparing it together then devouring it in style. Make the indoor adventure extra-memorable by dressing up, too!

19. Rent a Boat

Row, paddle, or go full-throttle! You know what speed best suits the two of you. So take a break from landlocked activities, and take to the water to try a fun adventure to do with your boyfriend. Soak up some sun, and enjoy a playful day on the H2O together.

20. Local Hike

For a simple yet sweet outdoor adventure with your boyfriend in summer and beyond, this is it. Go big or go just far enough away from home. Find a trail that’s perfect for the type of outing you two want—casual or challenging, scenic or serious, flat or inclined. Go after it, then refresh later with a cold brew.

21. Escape Room

When it comes to romantic evening ideas, what could be better than being locked in a room with your beloved? Seriously though, this trendy outing will test your sleuth skills as a power-couple, as you solve riddles and clues to elude the likes of vengeful ghosts, zombies, histories, mysteries, villains, and more. (Psst, these also make for fun adventures to do with friends, too!)

22. Cliff Jumping

Don’t worry, there’s no need to go to the “extreme” with this one. Leave death-defying heights to the Red Bull athletes. Instead, do a good Google search to find local swimming holes that may boast a ready-made diving board, brought to you by nature itself. Go take the plunge—live life on the edge together! Literally!

23. Murder Mystery Dinner

Leave ordinary romantic date ideas behind, trading them for a meal and a murder. Now that’s something the two of you won’t soon forget! This fun adventure to do with your boyfriend will have you wining, dining and honing your ‘whodunnit’ detective skills together.

24. Adopt a Shelter Dog

Want to add a little razzle-dazzle and ‘ruff’ to fun things to do with your boyfriend at home? Nothing will do that better than a puppy! Head to the shelter, fall in love with some cuteness, and bring the furry new family member home. Between adorable moments and plenty of puppy-parenting, your summer and fall won’t have a dull moment! (Of course, cats and other shelter sweethearts are also great options.)

25. Go Golfing

Whether it’s mini golf or the real deal on a course, this is a fall or summer adventure with your boyfriend that’s not to be missed! Between the goofy course themes and beer carts, you can enjoy a light-hearted afternoon together enjoying the season’s finest ambiance.

26. Hang Gliding

Can you handle fun things to do with your boyfriend outside that come with a healthy dose of “adrenaline rush”? Then spread those wonderful wings and fly, baby! Try a tandem flight with a pro or even take a lesson. An outing like this guarantees plenty of story-swapping for many dinners to come.

27. Antique Photo Shoot

Sometimes as a couple, it’s just downright refreshing to have fun stuff to do that’s cheesy and goofy. So channel your inner tourist and strap on some “Olden Days” threads to make some golden memories for yourselves. Or rope some friends into doing this fun adventure photo with you, too!

28. Go a Day Without Electronics

Simply put, you won’t realize how life-changing this is for your relationship until you try it. And it’s guaranteed to be a bit difficult, so it has an element of challenge to it. Not only that, but you won’t believe the creative, fun adventures to do with your boyfriend that will result from unplugging! Just wait and see…..

29. Amusement Park

You’re never too old for roller coasters, cotton candy and corn dogs! So spend a day being young at heart with the fella you’re sweet on. Twist, turn, shriek and scream as you two take on gravity’s biggest thrills! It will be a summer adventure with your boyfriend that’s bound to get your hearts racing!

30. Go Geocaching

This outdoor activity should be on every couple’s bucket list! Find hidden ‘treasure’ using a GPS, compass, area map and coordinate location. Caches are often ‘hidden in plain sight’ (no digging required!), and range in size from that of a pen, to large aluminum boxes. While the memories and gratification of having found it are guaranteed, you may also score some non-perishable loot (books, keyrings, toys). Check out geocaching.com to get started!

31. Lantern Festivals

With warm, serene glows filling a beautiful night sky, attending this event is one of the most romantic date ideas around. Granted, you have to find one happening in your area, but even a wait to do so is worth it for this breathtaking experience. Many also offer music, s’mores and campfires at the event, all of which add to the magic of this event.

32. Stand-Up Paddleboarding

Make some memorable waves this summer with fun things to do with your boyfriend outside and on two feet! Whether you take lessons or enjoy a leisurely afternoon casually putzing around a lake, this outing will be one for the books! You can’t beat the summer sunshine, smooth waters and smiles  shared.

33. Segway Tour

Don’t knock it ‘til you try it! Segways sure do turn heads for a number of reasons. So there’s no doubt that if you’re behind the ‘wheel’ of one, it will be an unforgettable experience! This fun adventure with your boyfriend is a fantastic way to see your favorite urban digs in a brand new way.

34. Car Washing Race

Do you have what it takes to beat the car wash’s countdown clock to make your ride sparkle? Roll each of your cars into a bay, load quarters into the slots, and race to the finish! Water, suds, rinse, wax, repeat!

35. Do Dinner on a Boat or Train

Here is yet another way to make a traditional dinner date a bit more exciting! Wine, dine and maybe even dance aboard the H2O or railways. Romantic date night ideas like this not only make for adventurous eats, but also offer plenty of entertainment including photo opps and dazzling scenery.

36. Try a Trapeze Class

This sort of adventure to do with your boyfriend may not be available in every city just yet. But if it’s in yours, you best suit up for some outrageously awesome acrobatics ASAP! Soar, laugh and take plenty of timeless snapshots of this wild activity together.

37. Go Trampolining

Maybe you’re on the hunt for fun things to do with your boyfriend this summer… but the weather is a wee bit soggy. Or it’s fall and the chill is just slightly too chilly. Head to one of the most vibrant indoor action in any city: trampolining! Bounce, flip and jump to your hearts’ content.

38. Horseback Riding

One of the most romantic fall or summer adventures with your boyfriend is horseback riding. Nothing quite compares to romping through gorgeous terrain saddled up to one of the most magnificent beasts on the planet. Get wonderfully lost in the wilderness, and maybe even enjoy a picnic along the way!

39. Do a Drive-In Movie

What would summer or fall be without enjoying this timeless classic as a couple?! Stash some goodies in the back seat, then get ready to recline as you two embark on one of the cinematic world’s most vibrant ways to view the art of film!

40. Random-Selection Road Trip

This epic adventure to do with your boyfriend is just as its name implies. Open a map or atlas. Close your eye and point. Then hop in the car and off you go! Pack plenty of snacks, some good tunes, and literally let the good times roll!

41. Dream Up a New Milkshake Flavor

Milkshakes are one of the happiest drinks in the world. So it goes without saying that one of the most deliciously fun things to do with your boyfriend at home is not just making them—but experimenting with sprinkling in your own ingredients to further tantalize each other’s taste buds. So get blending!

42. Get Tattoos!

This doozey has ‘brave’ written all over it. Just remember, it’s your body, so do the forever-inking for you. If that means matching tats or your S.O.’s name, you’re the best person to make that call. And keep in mind this is also a great adventure to do with friends—they make great hand-holders when a boyfriend can’t be.

43. Catch Up on Constellations

Seeing as your last astronomy class may have been a while ago, here’s a romantic date idea that’s perfect for those warm summer and fall nights: get to know those dazzling dots in the sky again! Snag a star chart and find a spot offering an unobstructed view of the majestic expanse overhead. A bottle of wine adds a nice touch to this sweet ‘n’ simple outing.

44. Couple’s Massage

Need a low-key adventure to do with your boyfriend? Enjoy a simply ahhh-mazing spa day of rest and relaxation. Not that you need an excuse to indulge in some r-n-r, but this outing is a particularly fabulous change of pace if the two of you have been crushing some extreme outdoor adventures lately.

45. Sing Karaoke!

Give those vocal chords a workout! This is a magical way to spend an afternoon, especially for extroverted couples. Challenge one another to a battle of ballads, or serenade your special someone from the illuminated glow of the ‘stage.’ Go ahead, sing those emotions loud ‘n’ proud!

46. People-Watch from a Romantic Rooftop

Grab wine, cheese and chairs, then watch as night in the city flickers to life. This is a fun thing to do with your boyfriend at home if you have a rooftop or other ‘discrete’ area. Entertain each other with stories from afar of what the lives of those passing by may entail. And be sure to take advantage of that vino!

47. Take a Whiskey Tour

Warm up from the inside-out exploring local distilleries and/or are watering holes who love sharing their good libations! This date idea will be especially refreshing if you’re looking for cool summer things to do with your boyfriend–and your taste buds!

48. Hot Air Balloon Ride

Take your relationship to new heights with this whimsical wander to the air up there! Hands down, there are no fun adventures to do with your boyfriend this summer or fall that will top this one. Marvel at the world below in lush, vibrant bloom in warm months. Or admire the array of colors below if you opt to go as the air turns crisp.

49. Score a Spot as a Film Extra

If you or your other half has dreams of gracing the big screen, it’s time to make them a reality. Find out just what it takes to rub elbows with Hollywood’s hottest stars (even if it is from across the room), and make it happen, Plenty of TV shows and movies that shoot on location are always looking for eager folks to help fill some screen space!

50. Run for Fun!

Whether you’re avid runners or on the way to doing your first ‘couch-to-5K,’ this is something that will allow you to cultivate healthy habits while enjoying quality time together. And the more the merrier–rally your troops because this is one of those fun adventures to do with your friends, too. Pick a local run to register for and let the training begin!

51. Grape-Stomping at a Vineyard

This bucket list item is on here because, quite simply… why not?? Venture over to a vineyard and learn to love your vino even more! Get a behind-the-scenes look at how grapes go from the branch, to the bottle, and in to your belly. And let your feet assist in smashing that fruit into finely fermented goodness worthy of a glass.

52. Learn to Drive a Motorcycle

Go through the steps to become legally legit to hit the road on two wheels. Then rent a Harley and embark on a road trip! (It’s easier than you think, if you don’t own your own bike.) Let the open road lead the way, or take your cues from #40 above on this fun adventure to do with your boyfriend!

Check out more awesome Boyfriend Gifts available in your area!

How can I make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday?

Blow a few heart-shaped balloons and hang them in the room, just so he is blown off when he comes home from work. You can also buy some helium balloons and put love notes on the loose ends of the strings for him to read. Make a cake for him. Nothing spells special like hand-baked items.

What should I do when it my boyfriend birthday?

20 Ideas Of Things To Do For Your Boyfriend's Birthday.
Go on a brewery tour. Yes, it's a gender-stereotypical way to kick off the list, but it's also a great way to celebrate. ... .
Host a games night. ... .
Enjoy a DIY movie night. ... .
Share a bath. ... .
Run a cocktail night. ... .
Cook together. ... .
Bust out the video games. ... .
Go to a sports bar..

How can I make my boyfriend's birthday special without money?

Gift a Birthday Activity or Event.
Hike together..
Go for a bike ride..
Play a sport together..
Invite them over for a board game night..
Take a road trip..
Go fishing or boating..
Surprise them with a bonfire..
Take them on a picnic and pack their favorite foods..

What can I do special for my boyfriend?

15 Super Cute, Easy, and Low-Key Adorable Things You Can Do for Your Boyfriend.
Make their bed the morning after you sleep over. ... .
Venmo him $$ in the morning when you know he has an important work presentation. ... .
Buy him some wine glasses. ... .
Seamless some soup to his apartment when he's feeling ick..


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