What do normal lymph nodes feel like in neck

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28 Jan 2020 01:18

What does a lymph node feel like?

28 Jan 2020 01:18

Hi everyone,

I've noticed a few marble sized lumps under my chin in the submental region which my doctors keep saying is normal.  These lumps have been there for over a year.

but now I am very nervous as I noticed a tiny pea sized movable lump/thing at the bottom of my neck above the collarbone in the supraclavicular region.  Having a node swollen in this region shows up in a lot of literature and online as being malignant.  My question is, would a lymph node that's swollen and potentially malignant feel that small and movable?  It's maybe around 2mm at the most.  Thanks

28 Jan 2020 09:47

What does a lymph node feel like?

28 Jan 2020 09:47 in response to mattman1


A soft, tender and moveable lymph node usually indicates that it's fighting infection (not surprising at this time of the year). Nodes containing a spread of cancer are usually hard, painless and don't move. Nodes are found in many different parts of the body & any of them can swell if dealing with an infection.

I hope this helps to calm your fears but if you are still worried & the node doesn't go down after a week or two go see your GP.


28 Jan 2020 15:29

What does a lymph node feel like?

28 Jan 2020 15:29 in response to mattman1

Hi mattman1.

I'm not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.   The thing about Googling your symptoms is that they always take you to cancer!   

The question about lymph nodes occurs quite regularly on this forum, so some time ago I tried to find a general answer.  Lymph nodes pop up quite quickly, stay swollen and painful for as long as they're fighting the infection, and then mostly go back to normal.  However some nodes don't go down at all, and remain harmlessly swollen.  I'm not sure why this is.  

The time to worry about a swollen node is after 4 weeks.  If, after 4 weeks, it's still swollen, then show it to your GP.  Even then, it's still unlikely to be cancer but at least a medical eye can check it and reassure you.  If there's even a trace of doubt, the GP will order an ultrasound just to be sure. 

It's also worth remembering that lymphoma is nearly always accompanied by certain symptoms; some of these are a little vague and can occur with a simple virus, but drenching night sweats are very common.  So drenching that you probably need to change the sheets.  Swollen nodes without any of these symptoms are very unlikely to be cancer, but if you follow the four week rule then you won't go wrong. 

Recent discussions in Pre-Diagnosis, Signs & Symptoms

— -- Question: How do I know if my swollen lymph nodes point to something serious or just a routine infection?

Answer: How to tell whether your lymph node that is swollen is a good lymph node or a bad lymph node -- two major ways to find out. One, is where they are located and how they feel. Where they are located, oftentimes with sore throats, you'll get some lymph node enlargement here in the front, what we call the anterior area of your neck. Occasionally you'll get a few in the back, particularly with mono, but the ones in the back if you get large lymph nodes in the back, they certainly are concerning.

The lymph nodes location most commonly like I said is in the neck, or sometimes in the groin. Now, what about how they feel? A normal lymph node that's reacting to just an infection is small, it's well-defined and a little rubbery, and usually moves.

The lymph nodes that you got to worry about, however ,are going to be the ones that are matted, that are large, more than say maybe a half-inch around and they don't move very well. Also, these lymph nodes will be in areas that you don't traditionally see lymph nodes, such as in the elbow area, the knee area, in the back of the neck as I mentioned before. So those are the ones that you want to be concerned about. Also, you can find lymph nodes in the front of the collar bone area and those too are concerning lymph nodes that you certainly want to have your physician check.

Almost everyone will experience a swollen lymph node at some point. That’s because these structures are designed to filter germs and other impurities from the body.

Lymph nodes become swollen as they trap viruses, harmful bacteria and damaged cells, then attempt to destroy them with lymphocytes, the white blood cells that fight off infection.

But swollen lymph nodes can also be a sign of cancer, including a type of blood cancer called lymphoma. So, when are swollen lymph nodes just a sign of infection, as opposed to a symptom of lymphoma? We checked in with lymphoma and myeloma specialist Felipe Samaniego, M.D.

How often do swollen lymph nodes appear as the first sign of lymphoma in undiagnosed patients?

That’s kind of hard to say. By the time we see most patients here at MD Anderson, they’ve already been diagnosed elsewhere or been told there’s a strong possibility that whatever it is that they have is cancer.

That being said, in the greater community, swollen lymph nodes among undiagnosed patients tend to fall into one of two categories:

  1. Lymph nodes that patients notice or that a doctor sees or feels during a physical exam
  2. Lymph nodes that are found during an MRI or a CT scan because the patient is complaining of something else, such as chest pain or a lump in their breast

What are the most common places in the body where swollen lymph nodes occur as a sign of lymphoma?

Most will be in the neck, because the mouth and throat — or oropharyngeal tract — are the main gateway for things to get inside our bodies. So, we need to have a good defense system there.

But patients can find swollen lymph nodes in other places, too — especially where they lie close to the skin’s surface, like the groin area (where the leg meets the trunk) and the axilla, or armpit.

Lymphoma is actually detected pretty frequently during mammograms, because the field of view also covers the armpit, so it reveals swollen lymph nodes in that area.

Occasionally, patients may develop swollen lymph nodes all over their bodies, but this is relatively rare.

Is there a way to tell the difference between cancerous swollen lymph nodes and non-cancerous ones?

Anyone who’s really concerned about a swollen lymph node should go see their doctor. But here are some general guidelines:

  • Size: Lymph nodes are made to change in size because they’re doing a job. They grow larger as the number of cells caught inside of them increases and shrink back down to normal as that number drops. But the normal size of an average lymph node is under 1.5 centimeters, or about ¾ of an inch or smaller. So, if something is larger than that or growing continuously, it needs to be checked out.
  • Age: Infections are a frequent cause of swollen lymph nodes among young people. So, if you’re a teen or a college student, my first thought would be something like strep throat or mononucleosis. Cancer is more likely in older people, though I’d still want to rule out an infection first. Even among older groups, probably less than half the people who have swollen lymph nodes will have them because of cancer.
  • Consistency: Press the tip of your nose with your finger and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what a typical lymph node should feel like. Tumors tend to be harder and more solid, like what you’ll feel if you push on your chin with your finger.
  • Sensitivity: Some people think cancer always hurts, but that’s not true. Tenderness tends to be a sign of an infectious process, because the immune system has been challenged. But lymph nodes that are swollen due to lymphoma are usually not painful.

What are other common symptoms of lymphoma?

In lymphoma’s earliest stages, patients often report itchy, inflamed skin or unexplained rashes. In more advanced cases, where patients have large tumors, we start seeing weight loss, fevers, night sweats, and fatigue. Some experience painful muscle aches after drinking alcohol, too, though that is fairly unusual.

When should someone see their doctor about a swollen lymph node?

Swollen lymph nodes usually just mean your body is working the way it’s supposed to. But if a swollen lymph node keeps getting bigger or doesn’t resolve on its own within two weeks, get it checked out.

Request an appointment at MD Anderson online or by calling 1-877-632-6789.

Can you feel normal lymph nodes in neck?

Usually lymph nodes are not enlarged and thus not able to be felt, but if you have previously had an infection (such as tonsillitis) you may have noticed and felt lymph node becoming enlarged, painful and tender.

What do cancerous neck lymph nodes feel like?

Although lymphoma lumps often appear in clusters, it is possible to have a single lump. The lumps may be confined to one area of the body, such as the neck, or develop in multiple areas, such as the neck, armpits and groin. Lymphoma lumps have a rubbery feel and are usually painless.

What is normal lymph node size in neck?

It's in the neck just under the angle of the jaw. Normal nodes are usually less than ½ inch (12 mm) across. This is the size of a pea or baked bean. They also feel soft and are easy to move.