What to do when your wisdom teeth hurt


When you contact your dental practice or Health Board for a dental appointment, you MUST tell them if you have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID19) OR you are currently self-isolating OR you have possible symptoms.

Dental practices have to comply with social distancing measures so please do not attend without having made an appointment first.

Wisdom teeth, (also called third molars) grow at the back of the mouth and are the last teeth to come through. Most people have four (two top and two bottom) wisdom teeth, although they are commonly missing.

Wisdom teeth usually emerge during the late teens or early twenties. By this time, the other 28 adult teeth are usually in place, so there isn't always room in the mouth for wisdom teeth to grow properly.

Because of the lack of space, wisdom teeth can sometimes emerge at an angle or get stuck and only partially emerge. Wisdom teeth that grow through like this are known as impacted and are more difficult to keep clean and healthy.

Wisdom tooth pain

Wisdom teeth can cause pain when they are only partially erupted into the mouth. The flap of gum that covers the biting surface of the wisdom tooth in the lower jaw can be difficult to keep clean. This can lead to swelling, inflammation and pain. The swollen flap of gum may get trapped between the teeth and this adds to the pain. Most flare-ups usually settle within 7-10 days and can often be managed at home (see advice below).

Are dental practices open if you need advice or treatment?

Yes, dental practices are open during the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic.

If your symptoms do not improve or you develop a facial swelling, you should call your dental practice. They will carry out remote consultation over the phone/video before seeing you in person at the practice if treatment is required.

If you don’t have a regular dentist, call the appropriate dental helpline number for your Local Health Board area.

What can you do at home?

Keep the area as clean as you can to stop food, plaque and bacteria collecting around the wisdom tooth. This will help to stop an infection developing.

To manage a wisdom tooth problem at home, try the following:

  1. Regularly rinse the affected area with warm, salty water or a mouthwash that contains Chlorhexidine, at a separate time to brushing or after eating.
  2. Keep the area clean with a small toothbrush, interspace brush or single tufted brush. Try half-closing your mouth when brushing the back teeth. Relaxing the muscles of the cheek and jaw can allow you to access the wisdom teeth more easily.
  3. Try a soft diet to reduce trauma to the area on biting.
  4. Painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can help to ease pain (following packet instructions). BE CAREFUL not to overdose. Remember that different brand names can contain the same painkiller.

What are the main reasons for taking wisdom teeth out?

Wisdom teeth are only removed when:

  • they are causing repeated pain and it is clear that they will not be able to come through fully in the mouth OR
  • they have only partly come through and are decayed OR
  • other reasons, which dentists can explain (e.g. a cyst around a wisdom tooth)

Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, there may be a longer wait for removal of wisdom teeth if you require referral to a specialist in another practice or a consultant in hospital.

Are wisdom teeth difficult to take out?

It depends on the position and the shape of the roots. Your dentist will tell you how easy or difficult each tooth will be to remove after seeing you and looking at an x-ray.

What should I expect after a wisdom tooth is taken out?

You can expect some discomfort. The amount of discomfort will depend on how easy it was to remove the wisdom tooth. Removing a wisdom tooth may also cause some swelling for a few days. There may be other risks associated with taking a wisdom tooth out which your dentist/surgeon will explain before taking it out e.g. temporary or permanent numbness of the lip.

The dental team will provide you with advice on mouth care after an extraction.

The information on this page has been adapted by NHS Wales from original content supplied by

What to do when your wisdom teeth hurt
NHS website nhs.uk

Wisdom teeth pain can be constant for some people, while other people only experience pain and discomfort when chewing food or touching the area. Most dental professionals advise that wisdom teeth should be removed before wisdom teeth pain becomes an issue.

If you still have your wisdom teeth, you may be wondering if you are experiencing wisdom teeth pain. As the wisdom teeth come in, they can be very painful. How can you recognize this unique pain?

  • You'll feel wisdom teeth pain at the back of your mouth, behind your molars.
  • If you look into a mirror, you may even notice that your wisdom teeth have begun to poke through your gums.
  • The area might also be red, enflamed and tender to the touch.
  • Some people, however, don’t have any visible symptoms of wisdom teeth pain.

Oral pain can also have a number of other causes. They can include tooth decay, fracture or abscess, a broken or damaged filling, nightly teeth grinding, and gum infection. No matter what the cause though, you should still see your dentist when you experience oral pain.

Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Painful wisdom teeth can occur for a number of reasons. Perhaps your wisdom teeth have come in crooked, can’t fit properly in your mouth, or have led to an infection around your teeth. Regardless of the cause, painful wisdom teeth can really impact your overall oral health and should be treated immediately.

Wisdom tooth pain can sometimes come out of nowhere, suddenly erupting overnight without warning. On the other hand, wisdom tooth pain can also come on slowly and gradually, and can be shrugged off or perhaps mistaken for something else.

An important first step if you think you may be experiencing wisdom tooth pain is to make an appointment to see your dentist. He or she will be able to evaluate the area, take necessary X-rays, and determine whether or not your pain is truly wisdom tooth pain.

Wisdom Tooth Pain Remedies

So, you have made an appointment to have your painful wisdom teeth removed, but the oral surgeon couldn’t fit you in the schedule until next month. Here are some home remedies for wisdom tooth pain until your appointment.

  • Ice Chips: Apply to the painful wisdom teeth to help numb the pain and reduce swelling.
  • Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: They can help temporarily ease the discomfort associated with painful wisdom teeth.
  • Salt Water: Using a mixture of about eight ounces of water with two teaspoons of salt, rinse to clean your mouth and help dislodge food particles and bacteria that could be causing a painful infection.

Wisdom tooth extraction is not an option for some people due to potential risk for complications, bleeding disorders, or some other cause. In these cases, your dentist may recommend the pain management options like those mentioned above. In cases where wisdom tooth extraction is not an option, your dentist may also prescribe a special mouth rinse that will clean your mouth after meals and kill bacteria that could potentially cause infection.

Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief

While these steps can lessen wisdom tooth pain temporarily, the only permanent solution will likely be complete extraction of the wisdom teeth. This procedure has become fairly routine; your dentist or oral surgeon will be able to fully explain the possible risks and potential benefits involved.

Wisdom tooth pain should not be taken lightly. While at-home pain management is an option for some patients, in most cases wisdom tooth extraction is the best way to alleviate wisdom tooth pain and protect your oral and overall health and well-being. As always, your dentist will be able to evaluate your specific health needs and help you decide on the best option.


  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/wisdom-teeth/basics/symptoms/con-20026676
  2. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/wisdom-teeth/basics/definition/con-20026676
  3. https://cincinnatioralsurgery.com/procedure/wisdom-teeth-removal-cincinnati-oh/
  4. https://www.aaomsstore.com/p-18-wisdom-teeth-management.aspx

What to do when your wisdom teeth hurt


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Wisdom Teeth Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies & Relief

How long do wisdom teeth pain last for?

It usually takes around two weeks to a month for the socket to heal. The pain will be worse in the first few days after your procedure but it should improve in the coming days.

What causes your wisdom teeth to hurt?

If your wisdom teeth have enough space, and if they grow in straight, you might not ever feel pain. However, if your wisdom teeth erupt and there isn't enough room for them in your mouth, they typically cause intense pain, inflammation, and irritation.

Will my wisdom tooth stop hurting on its own?

Many times wisdom tooth pain will go away by itself after a period of time, but there are a few things that you can do to help this. The simplest thing that you can do is to take painkillers to help alleviate the pain. Ibuprofen is generally good pain relief medication for wisdom tooth pain.