Why is my period 6 days early

As women, we go through various experiences in life, and while there’s a lot to share in the sorority circle, periods do not feature in that list. That’s because even though most women have their menstrual cycles every month, it happens differently in the case of every woman. There are some who have shorter periods, while others have much longer ones. There are some who deal with irregular periods, while others have to deal with their periods happening early. 

When we talk about early periods, in most cases, it isn’t a cause for concern if it happens once in a while. Your menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your current period, and ends on the first day of your next period. On average, a typical cycle ranges anywhere between 21 to 39 days, so the number of days you bleed varies from person to person. 

In case your cycle is shorter than 21 days and you bleed early often, then it could be a sign that there’s something wrong with your body. 

These could be some of the possible causes of early periods: 

1. Perimenopause

As the name suggests, this is the period before menopause, and generally begins either in the mid-forties or later years, and goes on for four years, in most cases. During this time, hormone levels witness drastic fluctuations, which might not lead to ovulation every month. This could lead to irregular periods, and you might frequently have early periods.

In some cases, women also experience hot flashes, vaginal dryness or irritability.

2. Intense exercise

You might think doing intense workouts in the gym is helping your body, but guess what? Everything requires balance. Too much vigorous exercise can cause your period to stop. This is a condition that is most commonly seen in athletes. Even if the periods don’t stop, it causes early periods because without proper energy, your body doesn’t produce adequate amounts of hormones to ovulate in a normal manner. 

Vigorous exercise can cause your period to stop. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Regular fluctuations in weight

In most cases, any changes in your period is linked with your weight. Whether it is rapid weight loss or weight gain, anything can have an impact on your hormones, When that happens, your periods get impacted, which could lead you to get your menstrual cycle before time.

4. Stress

Well well well, how can any list be complete without the mention of stress? Having high stress levels can adversely impact your hormones, causing irregular periods. It could be because of traumatic events in your life, or there could be some other reason, whatever be the cause, try and find ways to unwind and de-stress yourself.

5. Hormonal birth control

The hormones that are present in birth control pills have a direct impact on ovulation and in turn, your periods. If you regularly take birth control pills, then the timing of your next period will depend on when during your cycle you started taking pills. Moreover, other birth control options like intrauterine devices can also cause period irregularities, but only in the initial two to three months.


Another common reason for early periods is PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome, which affects 1 in every 10 women. In fact, it goes unchecked in a lot of women, until they try having a baby. Some of the most common symptoms of PCOS include irregular periods, missed periods, acne, weight gain and excessive body hair.

You just can’t afford to ignore PCOS. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
7. Endometriosis

This menstrual disorder occurs when the tissue that lines your uterus starts to grow outside of the uterus. In this condition, women do not just go through irregular periods, but also experience severe menstrual cramps, lower back pain and pain during sex. 

8. Uncontrolled diabetes

When diabetes is not diagnosed on time or is managed poorly, then blood sugar levels are much higher than usual. A study conducted in 2011 found that those with type 2 diabetes had irregular periods.

9. Thyroid disease

It is believed that one in eight women will have a thyroid condition in their lifetime. When the thyroid gland does not function properly, your metabolism and menstrual cycle goes for a toss. In most cases, periods are much lighter than usual and come in early too. There is also unexpected weight gain or loss.

Here again so soon? Early periods can sometimes take you by surprise but the causes can often be easily explained. We’ll have a look at reasons for the early period and share some tips on how to regulate your menstrual cycle.

Why is my period 6 days early


What counts as an early period?

An early period can be bleeding again just days after your last period or two weeks before you expect the next one to arrive. It can be caused by hormonal and/or lifestyle changes which disrupt the balance of your body.

Why is my period early?

Imbalanced hormones are the main cause for an early period. They can become unbalanced by:

  • Taking (or forgetting to take) contraceptive pills, or emergency contraception
  • Stress or anxiety can release stress hormones that can alter your flow or cycle, being an important reason why your period came early.
  • Abrupt weight loss or weight gain
  • Not getting enough sleep. 
  • Puberty or menopause. When your body goes through changes, hormones fluctuate.

Why is my period two weeks early?

Apart from imbalanced hormones, an early period, or what seems to be an early period, can also appear during ovulation. This is usually no reason to be concerned. The ovulatory phase occurs more or less two weeks after you’ve had your last period and you may see some spotting. It will usually have a different color to your regular period. It may have a more brownish or pinkish tinge.

If this is your case, having a menstrual cup may be very handy. Different than tampons, a menstrual cup won’t dry you out, making it a healthier solution to your body. Menstrual cups are also more comfortable to wear than a pads, so if you prefer to not even feel the spotting, I’d recommend you to check Ruby Cup.

When is a period not a period? 

Many women experience some sort of spotting during some menstrual cycles, which can easily be mistaken as the beginning of a new period. It can be due to ovulation as mentioned previously or hormone imbalance or pregnancy. 

If you’ve unprotected sex and the spotting occurs around when you’d expect your next period, it may be a sign that a fertilized egg has implanted in your uterus. This is called implantation bleeding. If you think that you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test bearing in mind you might have to wait a couple of weeks in order for a pregnancy to show up as positive. Each pregnancy test manufacturer is different, so read the instructions. If you are pregnant consult your doctor about your next steps.  

An early period could also indicate the start of an irregular menstrual cycle. This can be caused by a temporary imbalance in your hormones due to lifestyle changes. However, it can also be a sign of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. More on that in our posts about PCOS and irregular periods

3 easy steps to better manage an early period

1) Start tracking your period

A good trick to get to know your flow and cycle is to start tracking it. Keeping track will help you understand the rhythm of your menstrual cycle and easily detect irregularities. This means you will also know when any spotting may be due to ovulation. You can use  an app for this or simply make a note on your paper or online calendar. 

2) Take care of yourself - physically and emotionally

If you’re not getting enough sleep, feeling extremely stressed about something or are not eating a healthy diet, your body will feel it. This may lead to an early or missed period. 

Your menstrual cycle is like a health report card. So, if you normally have a regular menstrual cycle that suddenly becomes irregular, you need to see your doctor. If there is no obvious medical cause, then it could be a sign that you need to slow down and take better care of yourself:

  • Eat healthily and maintain a balanced diet throughout the month. Avoid rapid weight gain or loss, as this can change your hormone levels and make your period early, or delayed.
  • Sleep enough for the lifestyle you lead. If you have problems sleeping think about sleep hygiene. 
  • Relax. Stress can cause early periodsIf you have a busy lifestyle, or stressful job, try to make sure you de-stress at the end of each day. Anxiety and emotions can put extra stress on your body, which will affect your hormonal balance. Put your feet up, it’s good for you!

Related Post: What to Eat Before, During and After Your Period: A Helpful Guide

3) Use a period product that works for you

Using the right menstrual product can make early periods easy to manage. Menstrual cups are extremely portable, so you can be prepared for any inconvenience, and reusable, so you don’t need to worry about running to a pharmacy to get a disposable product. The Ruby Cup is the best for beginners ,is healthy and non-absorbent and can even be worn when you have a very light flow, or in the days before your period arrives. You will be ready for anything!

Why is my period 6 days early


Check our Beginner’s Guide to a Menstrual Cup to find out more. It's also practical when you’re about to enter the ovulatory phase and don’t want to stain your underwear with spotting. Just pop in your menstrual cup when you think you are about to start your period even if you haven’t noted any menstrual flow yet. The medical-grade silicone does not dry you out and you can wear it for up to 8 hours without any worries.

When to see a doctor

Early periods can be caused by lifestyle factors but can sometimes indicate other health problems. If you have been sexually active and could be pregnant, visit your doctor for a consult – early periods can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy or implantation bleeding. There are also non-pregnancy related medical causes which may be nothing to worry about but seeing a health professional will put your mind at rest and, if you do have something, you will receive the right treatment early on. 


Why is my period 6 days early



 Written by Dr Alice Byram Bsc Med & Surg UMA MA Hons MML Cantab

Dr Alice Byram was born in England to a French-British family. Following on from a degree in Spanish from the University of Cambridge, she went to Spain to study medicine. On her return to the UK, she worked in Emergency Medicine for several years before recently returning to Barcelona.

Is it normal to start your period 6 days early?

Menstruation might start early because of a change in your lifestyle, intense physical exercise, illness, or stress. However, sometimes it happens with no reason, and this is still not necessarily abnormal. So, if you get your period a week early, try not to worry.

Why would my period come a week early?

Imbalanced hormones are the main cause for an early period. Taking (or forgetting to take) contraceptive pills, or emergency contraception. Stress or anxiety can release stress hormones that can alter your flow or cycle, being an important reason why your period came early. Abrupt weight loss or weight gain.

Could I be pregnant if my period came early?

The short answer is no. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn't possible to have a period while you're pregnant. Rather, you might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown in color.

Why did I bleed 6 days before my period?

A common cause of spotting before or between periods is changes in hormone levels. Women's cycles are ruled by hormones and any sudden fluctuations in those hormone levels can cause unexpected bleeding or spotting.